Author has written 12 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Troy, and Star Wars. What you need to know about me...mmm. Firstly, I'm a teenager living in a tropical (sorta) country, with sun all year round. Pretty nice, except for the absence of snow. I'ma HUGE Star Wars fan. I watched Episode III for 4 times, but it still isn't enough! It was awesome and really tragic. I cried. Love Hayden and Natalie as well. They're great together, really like the Padme/Anakin pairing. No offense, but the Obidala pairing is just, ...wrong. There is just no way in the galaxy! Totally wrong.I understand others might have other opinions, but this is mine, as I'm sure other P/A fans share it, so respect that. I'm a huge movie buff. Watching a show at home with the popcorn just isn't the same whatever you say, compared to watching it in the cinema. Can you even imagine watching Star Wars at home like that! Though I guess when it stops showing I'll have no other choice. Sad really. Troy is another great movie. I mean what more can you ask with Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom and Brad Pitt? Saffron Burrows was brilliant as well. Pirates of the Carribean as well. Johnny Depp was terrific. He's a brilliant actor. Harry Potter: D/HM and K/O pairings only. Hermione and Ron? I don't quite buy that. I love writing, and its great they have sites like these to post pretty much whatever your imagination spits out at you...especially for movies, since I always leave wishing there was a whole lot more to it. If you can't tell from my stories, I'm a big romance fan, but none of the sappy, unnatural lines, mushiness. It really ruins any naturality to a great on-screen relationship, but again this is just my personal opinion. Thanks to everyone and anyone who read any of my stories and reviewed. I think I've grown somewhat in my writing and I really appreciate all your comments. They're a great encouragement! Thanks! Right now, my Star Wars fic and D/HM fic, which I am really terribly sorry to all the reviewers who keep pushing me to update! I have the outline in my head, just haven't put it down yet and a busy schedule. But I'm trying my best. I'm really sorry! |