Disclaimers: Nothing's mine.
A/N: I love Katie and Oliver stories, so I thought I'd try my own. R & R!
Chapter One
It was a typical weeknight in the Gryffindor common room. Alicia Spinnet and I were sitting on the floor, engrossed in our Charms notes. Our backs were pressed against the couch George Weasley was lounging on.
Fred Weasley was to the right of us, leaning against an armchair, Angelina Johnson's head in his lap.
It was a cozy little, NORMAL scene. Except for one thing. No Quidditch practice. Not that any of us were complaining. It was just ODD. Normally, Oliver Wood, team captain and lover of all things Quidditch, would be running us ragged night and day. But apparently he was busy studying. Or so he says.
Angelina nudged me with her foot and inclined her head towards the stairs. Oliver was heading down. Not in Quidditch gear. In reguar clothes.
The lot of us simultaneously buried our faces behind our books as if he couldn't figure out who we were.
Under my book I saw him stroll over to us. Well, that idea certainly didn't work.
"Just so you all know, next practice is Saturday morning," he told us quietly.
We all lifted our heads and looked at each other. It was the middle of the week. One day of no practice wasn't a big deal. But three days? During Quidditch season?
"Um, Wood," George began. "You do realise we have a game coming up, right? Against Slytherin?"
Oliver smiled slightly and nodded. "Yeah. We'll do fine."
"Are you feeling all right, Oliver?" Angelina asked from her spot.
"Never better," he answered cheerfully. "I'll be in the library . . . studying, if you need anything."
Alicia regarded him with speculation. "What's her name, Wood?"
We watched in amusement as Oliver squirmed uncomfortably. I felt kind of bag for him, really.
"Oh, Alicia," I said, swallowing a laugh. "Let him go. . . study."
He tossed me a grateful look and hurried out of the common room.
Oliver and I used to be good friends, once upon a time. We were both sorted into Gryffindor on September the first , seven years ago and we quickly became friends. Our love for Quidditch made the bond even stronger. There wasn't a thing we didn't know about each other. And then something changed. At the beginning of fifth year, I started to notice other things in life besides broomsticks and quaffles. I found clothes, make-up, and boys.
And Oliver was one of the very good looking boys. But he didn't seem notice. The only thing he cared about was winning the Quidditch Cup.
Angelina, Alicia, and I each went through our own "Oliver's-so-cute! Tee-hee-hee!" girly stage. But mine never went away. And over the last three years it's turned into something more. Much, much more.
"Wonder who it could be," Angelina pondered out loud.
I wouldn't admit it to anyone. Anyone ALIVE, that is.
"Should I be jealous, Angie?" Fred asked.
Angelina snorted. "Of Oliver? There's only one person who likes him like THAT. And it's not me, is it, Katie?" She and Alicia both looked pointedly at me.
I hid behind my book so no one could see me blush. Okay, maybe I've had a few dreams where I've mentioned his name.
"Yeah, Katie," Fred and George mimicked.
I rolled my eyes. And dating Alicia and Angelina , they knew everything. And probably all of Gryffindor, thanks to the Weasley twins. I swear they're bigger gossips then the girls.
Of course Oliver was completely clueless. Everyone knew, except him. I'm sure even muggles know.
"Oh, shut up," I muttered, standing up. "I can't study around all of you."
"Why don't you go to the library?" Alicia suggested innocently, while Angelina snorted.
George and Fred are rubbing off on them and NOT for the better.
"Funny," I tossed over my shoulder as I walked out of the common room.
I didn't have any other choice besides the library and I sure as hell wasn't walking back in by those asses to my dorm. So off to the library I went.
Do you know what it's like to be in love with your former best friend? To have him look at you like you're still the little girl he grew up with? To barely acknowledge your existence outside of Quidditch? Heart breaking it is.
The library was quiet. The only sounds I heard where pages being turned. I headed towards the back and stopped in my tracks.
Oliver was studying all right. He was sitting at one of the tables, leaning over, instensely immersed in the lip-sucking techniques of some female Ravenclaw.
It was sick making, I thought as I loved to the other side of the library, as far away from them as possible.
Really! The nerve of him! I threw my books loudly on the table, ignoring the looks I received. Canceling practice just so he could snog some stupid girl! Where was his head?
I opened my book and attempted to study. But my mind kept replaying the scene I just witnessed. I glared at the page swimming in front of me.
I know what you're thinking, but really I'm not jealous. Oliver can snog any one he wants. Even if it's some prissy, know-it-all Ravenclaw.
Apparently, he's finally realised he's good looking and thinks he can just go up-
"Are you all right, Katie?"
I don't know how his voice manages to always send shivers down my spine. Maybe it's the Scottish accent.
I didn't answer him, but pretended that my charms homework was suddenly very interesting.
"You look like you want to tear the book apart," he said with a laugh.
No, just you, I explained silently.
"Katie?" he pleaded. He sounded just a little pathetic. Good.
"Wood." My voice was complete ice.
"Can I sit?"
I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. I truly didn't care, but my erratic pulse as he sat in the chair next to mine, told another story. I ignored it, turning the page.
Oliver cleared his throat. "Did I do or say something wrong, Kat?"
I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. I opened my mouth to tell him just WHAT he did wrong, then closed it quickly. He didn't know how I felt about him, so it really wasn't fair to take my jealousy out on him.
I sighed. "It's nothing, Oliver. Just worried about the Charms test tomorrow." It was partly true. Charms isn't my strongest subject.
He looke relieved. "I can help, if you want."
I turned my head slightly and managed a smile. "Thanks. That would be great."
Oliver smiled back. "It's no problem." He pulled his chair and grabbed the book I was holding, brushing my hands in the process.
I felt a tingle go up my arm and my eyes shot up to his. Oliver's eyes were wide as they peered curiousl into mine. The look made me feel warm and fuzzy all over. It was a nice little moment.
"I'll see you later, Ollie!" a shrill voice said loudly, making us both jump. We both looked and saw that stupid Ravenclaw he'd been kissing.
Oliver waved a little and turned back to me, his face slightly flushed. "She's just a. . a . . I mean, she's a . . ."
I raised an eyebrow. "A study partner?" I suggested dryly.
He swallowed noticeably. "Something like that."
"Let's just get started," I said, rolling my eyes at him. I ignored the urge run after the little bimbo and rip her "perfect" blond hair out.
A/N: I love Katie and Oliver stories, so I thought I'd try my own. R & R!
Chapter One
It was a typical weeknight in the Gryffindor common room. Alicia Spinnet and I were sitting on the floor, engrossed in our Charms notes. Our backs were pressed against the couch George Weasley was lounging on.
Fred Weasley was to the right of us, leaning against an armchair, Angelina Johnson's head in his lap.
It was a cozy little, NORMAL scene. Except for one thing. No Quidditch practice. Not that any of us were complaining. It was just ODD. Normally, Oliver Wood, team captain and lover of all things Quidditch, would be running us ragged night and day. But apparently he was busy studying. Or so he says.
Angelina nudged me with her foot and inclined her head towards the stairs. Oliver was heading down. Not in Quidditch gear. In reguar clothes.
The lot of us simultaneously buried our faces behind our books as if he couldn't figure out who we were.
Under my book I saw him stroll over to us. Well, that idea certainly didn't work.
"Just so you all know, next practice is Saturday morning," he told us quietly.
We all lifted our heads and looked at each other. It was the middle of the week. One day of no practice wasn't a big deal. But three days? During Quidditch season?
"Um, Wood," George began. "You do realise we have a game coming up, right? Against Slytherin?"
Oliver smiled slightly and nodded. "Yeah. We'll do fine."
"Are you feeling all right, Oliver?" Angelina asked from her spot.
"Never better," he answered cheerfully. "I'll be in the library . . . studying, if you need anything."
Alicia regarded him with speculation. "What's her name, Wood?"
We watched in amusement as Oliver squirmed uncomfortably. I felt kind of bag for him, really.
"Oh, Alicia," I said, swallowing a laugh. "Let him go. . . study."
He tossed me a grateful look and hurried out of the common room.
Oliver and I used to be good friends, once upon a time. We were both sorted into Gryffindor on September the first , seven years ago and we quickly became friends. Our love for Quidditch made the bond even stronger. There wasn't a thing we didn't know about each other. And then something changed. At the beginning of fifth year, I started to notice other things in life besides broomsticks and quaffles. I found clothes, make-up, and boys.
And Oliver was one of the very good looking boys. But he didn't seem notice. The only thing he cared about was winning the Quidditch Cup.
Angelina, Alicia, and I each went through our own "Oliver's-so-cute! Tee-hee-hee!" girly stage. But mine never went away. And over the last three years it's turned into something more. Much, much more.
"Wonder who it could be," Angelina pondered out loud.
I wouldn't admit it to anyone. Anyone ALIVE, that is.
"Should I be jealous, Angie?" Fred asked.
Angelina snorted. "Of Oliver? There's only one person who likes him like THAT. And it's not me, is it, Katie?" She and Alicia both looked pointedly at me.
I hid behind my book so no one could see me blush. Okay, maybe I've had a few dreams where I've mentioned his name.
"Yeah, Katie," Fred and George mimicked.
I rolled my eyes. And dating Alicia and Angelina , they knew everything. And probably all of Gryffindor, thanks to the Weasley twins. I swear they're bigger gossips then the girls.
Of course Oliver was completely clueless. Everyone knew, except him. I'm sure even muggles know.
"Oh, shut up," I muttered, standing up. "I can't study around all of you."
"Why don't you go to the library?" Alicia suggested innocently, while Angelina snorted.
George and Fred are rubbing off on them and NOT for the better.
"Funny," I tossed over my shoulder as I walked out of the common room.
I didn't have any other choice besides the library and I sure as hell wasn't walking back in by those asses to my dorm. So off to the library I went.
Do you know what it's like to be in love with your former best friend? To have him look at you like you're still the little girl he grew up with? To barely acknowledge your existence outside of Quidditch? Heart breaking it is.
The library was quiet. The only sounds I heard where pages being turned. I headed towards the back and stopped in my tracks.
Oliver was studying all right. He was sitting at one of the tables, leaning over, instensely immersed in the lip-sucking techniques of some female Ravenclaw.
It was sick making, I thought as I loved to the other side of the library, as far away from them as possible.
Really! The nerve of him! I threw my books loudly on the table, ignoring the looks I received. Canceling practice just so he could snog some stupid girl! Where was his head?
I opened my book and attempted to study. But my mind kept replaying the scene I just witnessed. I glared at the page swimming in front of me.
I know what you're thinking, but really I'm not jealous. Oliver can snog any one he wants. Even if it's some prissy, know-it-all Ravenclaw.
Apparently, he's finally realised he's good looking and thinks he can just go up-
"Are you all right, Katie?"
I don't know how his voice manages to always send shivers down my spine. Maybe it's the Scottish accent.
I didn't answer him, but pretended that my charms homework was suddenly very interesting.
"You look like you want to tear the book apart," he said with a laugh.
No, just you, I explained silently.
"Katie?" he pleaded. He sounded just a little pathetic. Good.
"Wood." My voice was complete ice.
"Can I sit?"
I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. I truly didn't care, but my erratic pulse as he sat in the chair next to mine, told another story. I ignored it, turning the page.
Oliver cleared his throat. "Did I do or say something wrong, Kat?"
I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. I opened my mouth to tell him just WHAT he did wrong, then closed it quickly. He didn't know how I felt about him, so it really wasn't fair to take my jealousy out on him.
I sighed. "It's nothing, Oliver. Just worried about the Charms test tomorrow." It was partly true. Charms isn't my strongest subject.
He looke relieved. "I can help, if you want."
I turned my head slightly and managed a smile. "Thanks. That would be great."
Oliver smiled back. "It's no problem." He pulled his chair and grabbed the book I was holding, brushing my hands in the process.
I felt a tingle go up my arm and my eyes shot up to his. Oliver's eyes were wide as they peered curiousl into mine. The look made me feel warm and fuzzy all over. It was a nice little moment.
"I'll see you later, Ollie!" a shrill voice said loudly, making us both jump. We both looked and saw that stupid Ravenclaw he'd been kissing.
Oliver waved a little and turned back to me, his face slightly flushed. "She's just a. . a . . I mean, she's a . . ."
I raised an eyebrow. "A study partner?" I suggested dryly.
He swallowed noticeably. "Something like that."
"Let's just get started," I said, rolling my eyes at him. I ignored the urge run after the little bimbo and rip her "perfect" blond hair out.