Rain of Tears
Chapter 1 Her Love Didn't Last
Hermione awoke opening her eyelids to revel honeysuckle eyes with long black lashes that curled at the top. She sat up in bed and undid the bun that held up her golden wavy hair, which was now a bit past her elbow.
She slipped on a red robe and some old white slippers, and walked toward the bed next to hers to make sure that the young girl that was in it was still asleep. Then she tip toed out of the room closing the oak door behind her, and began making her way up the stairs towards the attic being careful that it wouldn't creek and wake someone up.
When she finally go to the attic she opened the door and slipped in, to find that he was already there. Sitting in an old ragged armchair, barefooted, dressed in a blue and white Pj's with electric blue eyes, red hair, and a smile on his face.
Hermione smiled and began to walk towards him saying, "your mother would kill if she caught us here"
Ron stood up and said, "I don't care" as he grabbed her shoulders and began kissing her. His hand began slipping down her back, which brought chills up her spine. Suddenly he pulled away from her lips. She smiled at him breathing hard; trying to catch her breath from the long kisses he had held her. Finally he said, "Ginny doesn't know you're here, dose she."
Hermione laughed and said, "No She was asleep."
"Oh how great to have you all alone, and not have to worry about anything except when the sun might rise "he said and then quickly placing his lips on hers making her forget the world.
____________________________________________________________________________ __
The sun was beginning to rise and Ron was trying to wake Hermione up, who was now sleeping on his lap in one of the old couches in the attic, as he brushed her hair gently.
Once Hermione was awake Ron gave her another kiss and walked her to her room then turning to go to his.
30 minutes later Mrs. Wesley walked into Hermiones room waking both of them. "Wake up" she said as she pulled the cover off of them and shook them. "Come on get up "and then finally walking out of the room to go wake up the rest.
Hermione and Ginny both got dressed. Hermione left for the kitchen hoping to still catch Ron at breakfast when she saw he wasn't their, she grabbed a piece of toast and began slowly making her way up stairs to get her truck when she met Ron waiting for her inside her room. He was dressed in some old jeans and a Blue and white striped shirt, which wasn't buttoned reviling his white chest. He smiled and pulled her towards him by the waist connecting their lips. She placed her hands on his shoulder and tried to pull away, but he just pulled her closer. Finally she was able to pull her lips away from his. He made to kiss her again but she placed a hand on his lips, "no" she said, "your mother could walk in any minute"
She then went towards her trunk and began to pick it up, immediately after Ron went and helped. Once all the trunks were in the car and everyone was ready to go they made for King Cross Station. Today they had about 20 minutes to get on to the train, so they went threw platform 93/4 and then Mrs. Wesley gave each a kiss on the forehead and some words of advice, which took quite a bit of time since the man at the station called out "All aboard" Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny quickly got on to the train. They waved good-bye to Mrs. Wesley from the compartment window.
Once the train had turned the corner and Ginny was out of sight, Ron went again to give Hermione a kiss. She kissed him but it was a sour meaning less kiss, and then smiled at him and said, "I'll catch up with you all later I have to go to the Head boy and girl meeting. She waved good-bye and went to the front of the compartment leaving Harry and Ron to find a compartment of their own.
When she walked into the Prefects compartment she was not one bit surprised to see Malfoy already dressed in his green and silver Slytherin robes, with a badge on his chest that read "Head Boy".
She took a seat next to two younger girls and listened as Professor McGonagell began introducing the new prefects. Hermione, how didn't care who they were, let herself begin to daydream letting her honeysuckle eyes wonder from Professor McGonagell to Malfoy. She didn't know why, or maybe she had never realized it but Malfoy was quite charming. His hair had been cut a bit shorter and he looks somewhat different. There was defiantly more muscle then last year from the endless Quidditch practice, but that wasn't it.
Suddenly some one called her name "Miss. Granger" said Professor McGonagall, Hermione suddenly snapped out of her daydream to see Professor McGonagall standing in front of her. "I would like to talk to you and Mr. Malfoy in the next compartment if you wouldn't mind" said Professor McGonagall. Hermione got up from her seat and followed Malfoy and McGonagell into the next compartment; she then took a seat next to Malfoy
"Now" said McGonagall sitting in front of them. "As head Boy and Girl you both must set a good example for the younger students. I would like you both to put aside your differences and work together this year. You both will be sharing a Common room you each will get your own Bathroom and Bedroom if you would like you can also use your old common room to sleep in, it's your choice. The password for your common room will be fairy rings. Alright good day to you both" and she left the compartment. Hermione followed right behind her not saying a word to Malfoy.
She found Ron and Harry talking in a compartment at the back of the train. When she walked in Ron looked up and quickly stopped talking to Harry She took a seat next to Ron. Ron quickly attached her lips to his. Harry was a bit irritated since they totally ignored him for about and hour of the train ride. Until when Ginny returned from saying hello to her old friends. After that Ron and Hermione were forced to stop, since Ginny couldn't know about them being together and then they ones that were ignored.
Weeks passed since they had reached Hogwards. Hermione was always busy doing Head stuff with Malfoy and studying for school. Ron saw little of her, since she got up at the crack of dawn and came back late at night. Ron began to feel left out, and even though he didn't know why, a bit jealous of Malfoy since Hermione always had to do things with him. When she did have time for him he always had to do something. This made him wonder if they really should be together.
It was Friday and Professor McGonagell had just posted the first Hogsmade trip of the year. Ron was delighted. Finally, he and Hermione would be able to spent time together.
He went to find Hermione moments after he had read the notice. She was in the library completely surrounded by books. He walked in to the library and took a seat next to Hermione. "Hello Mya" said Ron
"Shh" said Hermione. Ron waited patiently for her to finish. After about 3 minutes she looked up at him. "Hey Ron" she said and she then went back at to her homework.
"Um Hermione theirs going to be a Hogsmade visit tomorrow I thought we could go ...I mean it will be the perfect time for us to spend some time together."
Hermione looked up "oh, Ron I kind have a project to work on. I'm sorry" she said but she didn't look at all sorry.
"Oh!" said Ron looking a bit disappointed "alright we can just go to the next one together." Hermione didn't say anything. Ron got up from the chair in front of her and went to give her a kiss good-bye. Hermione Looked up at him and said in an angry tone
"Ron I'm trying to work." Ron looked a bit shocked and walked out of the Library not looking back to say good-bye to her.
"I mean she just screamed at me. She changed Harry, she's not Hermione anymore she doesn't have time for me anymore." Said Ron complaining to Harry the next day at the Three Broomsticks. "I don't know if I want to be with her anymore. In fact, I know I don't want to be with her. I mean theirs so many good girls around here, why I'm I going to wait for one who doesn't want me, ay." Harry raised an eyebrow as he heard Ron talk. "I can't stay here anymore. I'm going back to the castle, okay" said Ron as he began getting up from the table.
"Wait" said Harry "where's your sister."
"How should I know?" said Ron and he exited the three Broomsticks. Harry watched as he left Hogsmade.
Ron Finally made it to the castle and went to the common room to find Hermione doing her homework. This is the Perfect moment it's now or never. "Um Hermione" said Ron calmly. Hermione didn't say anything or even look up at him. "Hermione, Hermione" said Ron less clam. Hermione then looked up.
"What Ron" said Hermione a bit angry that he had broken her concentration. Ron cleared his throat.
"I need to talk to you" said Ron
Hermione raised her eyebrow, "I'm listening," she said.
Ron cleared his throat again "um I don't know how to tell you this" Hermione began to tap her pencil on the table to show her impatiens. "Um I feel," said Ron "I feel... that I don't know... like you don't like me anymore." Hermione stopped taping her pencil and looked at him like he was telling her some one had died. "I mean" Ron continued, "you never seem to have time for me anymore... and so I kind of want to see other people."
Hermione looked at him a bit shocked at what he had just said. "Remember you asked for it, not me." She then looked down at her work an ignored him.
Ron got up and walked out from the common room, think over what he had just done. He wiped a tear that ran down his cheek and put his hand inside the pocket of his blue jeans. "Ron Ron" Ron spun around on his heals at the call of his name it was his sister. Ron just looked down at his feet as she walked up to him "where's Harry" Ron shrugged. "What wrong" asked Ginny. Ron looked up at her with tears in his eyes, Her love didn't last.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or names of places in the story I only own the plot. This goes for all the other chapters as well.
Chapter 1 Her Love Didn't Last
Hermione awoke opening her eyelids to revel honeysuckle eyes with long black lashes that curled at the top. She sat up in bed and undid the bun that held up her golden wavy hair, which was now a bit past her elbow.
She slipped on a red robe and some old white slippers, and walked toward the bed next to hers to make sure that the young girl that was in it was still asleep. Then she tip toed out of the room closing the oak door behind her, and began making her way up the stairs towards the attic being careful that it wouldn't creek and wake someone up.
When she finally go to the attic she opened the door and slipped in, to find that he was already there. Sitting in an old ragged armchair, barefooted, dressed in a blue and white Pj's with electric blue eyes, red hair, and a smile on his face.
Hermione smiled and began to walk towards him saying, "your mother would kill if she caught us here"
Ron stood up and said, "I don't care" as he grabbed her shoulders and began kissing her. His hand began slipping down her back, which brought chills up her spine. Suddenly he pulled away from her lips. She smiled at him breathing hard; trying to catch her breath from the long kisses he had held her. Finally he said, "Ginny doesn't know you're here, dose she."
Hermione laughed and said, "No She was asleep."
"Oh how great to have you all alone, and not have to worry about anything except when the sun might rise "he said and then quickly placing his lips on hers making her forget the world.
____________________________________________________________________________ __
The sun was beginning to rise and Ron was trying to wake Hermione up, who was now sleeping on his lap in one of the old couches in the attic, as he brushed her hair gently.
Once Hermione was awake Ron gave her another kiss and walked her to her room then turning to go to his.
30 minutes later Mrs. Wesley walked into Hermiones room waking both of them. "Wake up" she said as she pulled the cover off of them and shook them. "Come on get up "and then finally walking out of the room to go wake up the rest.
Hermione and Ginny both got dressed. Hermione left for the kitchen hoping to still catch Ron at breakfast when she saw he wasn't their, she grabbed a piece of toast and began slowly making her way up stairs to get her truck when she met Ron waiting for her inside her room. He was dressed in some old jeans and a Blue and white striped shirt, which wasn't buttoned reviling his white chest. He smiled and pulled her towards him by the waist connecting their lips. She placed her hands on his shoulder and tried to pull away, but he just pulled her closer. Finally she was able to pull her lips away from his. He made to kiss her again but she placed a hand on his lips, "no" she said, "your mother could walk in any minute"
She then went towards her trunk and began to pick it up, immediately after Ron went and helped. Once all the trunks were in the car and everyone was ready to go they made for King Cross Station. Today they had about 20 minutes to get on to the train, so they went threw platform 93/4 and then Mrs. Wesley gave each a kiss on the forehead and some words of advice, which took quite a bit of time since the man at the station called out "All aboard" Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny quickly got on to the train. They waved good-bye to Mrs. Wesley from the compartment window.
Once the train had turned the corner and Ginny was out of sight, Ron went again to give Hermione a kiss. She kissed him but it was a sour meaning less kiss, and then smiled at him and said, "I'll catch up with you all later I have to go to the Head boy and girl meeting. She waved good-bye and went to the front of the compartment leaving Harry and Ron to find a compartment of their own.
When she walked into the Prefects compartment she was not one bit surprised to see Malfoy already dressed in his green and silver Slytherin robes, with a badge on his chest that read "Head Boy".
She took a seat next to two younger girls and listened as Professor McGonagell began introducing the new prefects. Hermione, how didn't care who they were, let herself begin to daydream letting her honeysuckle eyes wonder from Professor McGonagell to Malfoy. She didn't know why, or maybe she had never realized it but Malfoy was quite charming. His hair had been cut a bit shorter and he looks somewhat different. There was defiantly more muscle then last year from the endless Quidditch practice, but that wasn't it.
Suddenly some one called her name "Miss. Granger" said Professor McGonagall, Hermione suddenly snapped out of her daydream to see Professor McGonagall standing in front of her. "I would like to talk to you and Mr. Malfoy in the next compartment if you wouldn't mind" said Professor McGonagall. Hermione got up from her seat and followed Malfoy and McGonagell into the next compartment; she then took a seat next to Malfoy
"Now" said McGonagall sitting in front of them. "As head Boy and Girl you both must set a good example for the younger students. I would like you both to put aside your differences and work together this year. You both will be sharing a Common room you each will get your own Bathroom and Bedroom if you would like you can also use your old common room to sleep in, it's your choice. The password for your common room will be fairy rings. Alright good day to you both" and she left the compartment. Hermione followed right behind her not saying a word to Malfoy.
She found Ron and Harry talking in a compartment at the back of the train. When she walked in Ron looked up and quickly stopped talking to Harry She took a seat next to Ron. Ron quickly attached her lips to his. Harry was a bit irritated since they totally ignored him for about and hour of the train ride. Until when Ginny returned from saying hello to her old friends. After that Ron and Hermione were forced to stop, since Ginny couldn't know about them being together and then they ones that were ignored.
Weeks passed since they had reached Hogwards. Hermione was always busy doing Head stuff with Malfoy and studying for school. Ron saw little of her, since she got up at the crack of dawn and came back late at night. Ron began to feel left out, and even though he didn't know why, a bit jealous of Malfoy since Hermione always had to do things with him. When she did have time for him he always had to do something. This made him wonder if they really should be together.
It was Friday and Professor McGonagell had just posted the first Hogsmade trip of the year. Ron was delighted. Finally, he and Hermione would be able to spent time together.
He went to find Hermione moments after he had read the notice. She was in the library completely surrounded by books. He walked in to the library and took a seat next to Hermione. "Hello Mya" said Ron
"Shh" said Hermione. Ron waited patiently for her to finish. After about 3 minutes she looked up at him. "Hey Ron" she said and she then went back at to her homework.
"Um Hermione theirs going to be a Hogsmade visit tomorrow I thought we could go ...I mean it will be the perfect time for us to spend some time together."
Hermione looked up "oh, Ron I kind have a project to work on. I'm sorry" she said but she didn't look at all sorry.
"Oh!" said Ron looking a bit disappointed "alright we can just go to the next one together." Hermione didn't say anything. Ron got up from the chair in front of her and went to give her a kiss good-bye. Hermione Looked up at him and said in an angry tone
"Ron I'm trying to work." Ron looked a bit shocked and walked out of the Library not looking back to say good-bye to her.
"I mean she just screamed at me. She changed Harry, she's not Hermione anymore she doesn't have time for me anymore." Said Ron complaining to Harry the next day at the Three Broomsticks. "I don't know if I want to be with her anymore. In fact, I know I don't want to be with her. I mean theirs so many good girls around here, why I'm I going to wait for one who doesn't want me, ay." Harry raised an eyebrow as he heard Ron talk. "I can't stay here anymore. I'm going back to the castle, okay" said Ron as he began getting up from the table.
"Wait" said Harry "where's your sister."
"How should I know?" said Ron and he exited the three Broomsticks. Harry watched as he left Hogsmade.
Ron Finally made it to the castle and went to the common room to find Hermione doing her homework. This is the Perfect moment it's now or never. "Um Hermione" said Ron calmly. Hermione didn't say anything or even look up at him. "Hermione, Hermione" said Ron less clam. Hermione then looked up.
"What Ron" said Hermione a bit angry that he had broken her concentration. Ron cleared his throat.
"I need to talk to you" said Ron
Hermione raised her eyebrow, "I'm listening," she said.
Ron cleared his throat again "um I don't know how to tell you this" Hermione began to tap her pencil on the table to show her impatiens. "Um I feel," said Ron "I feel... that I don't know... like you don't like me anymore." Hermione stopped taping her pencil and looked at him like he was telling her some one had died. "I mean" Ron continued, "you never seem to have time for me anymore... and so I kind of want to see other people."
Hermione looked at him a bit shocked at what he had just said. "Remember you asked for it, not me." She then looked down at her work an ignored him.
Ron got up and walked out from the common room, think over what he had just done. He wiped a tear that ran down his cheek and put his hand inside the pocket of his blue jeans. "Ron Ron" Ron spun around on his heals at the call of his name it was his sister. Ron just looked down at his feet as she walked up to him "where's Harry" Ron shrugged. "What wrong" asked Ginny. Ron looked up at her with tears in his eyes, Her love didn't last.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or names of places in the story I only own the plot. This goes for all the other chapters as well.