Title: I Herpes You!

Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam, Gabriel,

Pairings: Dean/Cas, Sam/Gabriel

Warnings: Crude langue and behavior

Summary: Dean and Sam get new Iphones. Let the wonder that is Autocorrect begin!

AN: Lots of coffee and getting off early from work equals way too much boredom time for me to handle responsibly. Okay I'm going to list these out because I confused myself just writing these and I don't want to confuse other people lol. First the sent are all from Sam's phone and the received are Dean's phone. First convo: Sam and Dean. Second Convo: Sam and Cas. Third Convo: Sam and Gabriel. Fourth Convo: Dean and Cas! There I hope I didn't confuse you too much lol.

Sent: Walrus wetting?

Received: Sam? Are you drunk?

Sent: Not Semen.

Received: Well that's good to know.

Sent: Not Semen.

Received: Yeah got that already.

Sent: Cast Iron!

Received: Cas?

Sent: Yellow!

Received: Why do you have Salmonella's phone?

Received: Salmonella*

Received: Salmonella*

Received: Frank this site! Get your astral over head! I wanna fickle yuck!

Sent: Bee there in a supper Dinner!

Sent: I herpes these phones.

Received: Yeah I herpes them too!

AN2: I really need to stop drinking coffee it only leads to strange strange things! This is mostly spurred by the fact that I tried my friends new IPhone and all that I was able to text was a horribly deformed garbled messed of unintelligent words and phrases. Obviously I am not meant to use so called sophisticated electronic devices. And apparently neither are Dean and Cas.