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Author has written 28 stories for Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Tales of the Abyss, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Trauma Center, Discworld, Homestuck, Team Fortress 2, Undertale, Batman, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Portal, and Bible. Oh gross I'm an adult. Alternate alignments: Some people fall just outside of the Lawful/ChaoticGood/Evil spectrum, but not enough to classify as Blue/Orange. Here's one. The "Stupid" alignment addition: Lawful Stupid: "I obey the LAW and only the LAW. If it is not covered in the rulebook, I have NO IDEA what to do." Chaotic Stupid: "I call myself Chaotic because I think it's cool, and I barely even know what chaotic means other than 'doing random stuff' And random stuff is all I do." Stupid Evil: "I think Chaotic Evil means being evil just for being evil! So I am just going to kill random people and kick everyone's puppies." Stupid Good: "I think everything can be solved through diplomacy, and all the bad guys are totally trustworthy once they have a Heel-Face Turn. Because everyone's good on the inside!" I like writing humorous stories and parodies. You don't need to write seriously to be a serious writer. Hey look I have trollfics. Planned projects: Numerous |
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