39: Inimical


Phoenix ignored the ruckus down the hall in favor of nursing a bottle of grape juice. They were out of cream, and he wasn't inclined to down a cup the color of a moonless night this morning, thanks.

Bangs, shouts, and the occasional terrified yelp could be heard. Absently, Phoenix fanned the incoming smoke away with the nearest paper.

"Mr. Wright, will you please call off your daughter!?"

Phoenix shrugged, continuing to eat breakfast. The red attorney of their troupe should have waited until sometime after ten in the morning, really. "It's your fault for coming in this early. Trucy's not very much of a morning person."

He thought he heard Mr. Hat, though, followed by a loud "thwack!" and a pained squeak.

... Mm, toast.

Staggering steps stomped unsteadily in his direction. "Mr. Wright," the poor young man whimpered, clutching desperately below his belt, "she's never this inimical. Why!?"

Phoenix calmly reached for the butter knife, eliciting a temporary flinch from the other attorney in the vicinity. He was sorely tempted to wave it around a little more, just to see how he reacted...

"Mr. Wright!"

"You know, I'm impressed that you can even still remember the word 'inimical' in that state..."

"You're not even going to ask if I'm alright!?"

"Well, you're still squeaking... Uh, speaking."

Whatever Apollo had meant to respond with was lost as another stray — Phoenix purposely closed his eyes to whatever it was; what he didn't see wouldn't hurt him —prop flew in the younger man's direction and caused him to lose his balance. Trucy came in shortly after, partly stepping on the disgruntled lawyer as she walked by and went straight for the slice with jam on it. The out-of-costume magician chomped violently on her toast, aiming a death glare at nothing in particular. Phoenix nodded silently at her, knowing better than to get in her way for the next hour or so.

Inimical, indeed.


i·nim·i·cal [ih-nim-i-kuh l] adj. 1. adverse in tendency or effect; unfavorable; harmful:

2. unfriendly; hostile:

A/N(CRyogenic-maelStr01m): *waves around butter knife*

A/N(6GS): Yikes! (probably because it took me so long to upload this...) This chapter was brought to you by one of my favorite people on this site! I hope we see more of you around the AA Fandom! Check out her profile! (or else! There are knives and possibly jam involved)

Challenge: Use inimical in your next story!


Yes, I am still taking entries if you'd like to try your hand at this! You can use any character from the AA and Investigations games, please NO OCs. I have a list of words up in the forum or you can PM me. I am open to you picking the word you want, just let me know before hand, because I have a few chapters already written and I don't want people doing multiple chapters of a single word. These are vignettes, so 300-800 words is all I'd need. I won't turn away a longer story, but I may ask to trim it. These are actually pretty fun, so let me know if you'd like to try!