...Welp, I guess that's it for the Million Points List. Funny, I didn't remember ending it on such a weak note. I mean, come on. There's no way I'd ever waste time whining like that. You all know that ain't me. Pfft, scruples indeed. I'll have you know I have never had scruples in my life. You got that? NEVER.

And even if I did, I got over them pretty darn quickly. I mean, sure, it was a little weird at first; I had to tell everyone else that Nasch and Merag kicked the bucket. If I didn't, they'd be wondering why I was a sniveling mess and that would just make me look suspicious.

Anyway, the others took it real hard (as I was kinda hoping they would). I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy seeing their stupid faces scrunch up and twist with grief when they finally realized that Nasch and Merag weren't coming back. The tears I gave them came a little easier than maybe they should have, but they were believable, at least.

Durbe flat-out short-circuited when we told him; he refused to believe that they were really dead. Still says he's gonna spend his whole life searching for them if that's what it takes. He's a damn fool. Dead is dead - no use deluding yourself into thinking anybody gets a second try.

Anyway, if the others barely tolerated me before, they can't even stand to be in the same room with me now. No joke, one time I walked into the dining room to get some lunch, and they all got up from the table at the same time and just walked out, not even bothering to take their food with them. I gotta admit, it was pretty hilarious. At least I got to make my grilled-cheese in peace.

Hector's been acting a little stiff with me, too. The others might have suspicions, but I think he knows what I did. After all, he IS my clone. I'm not really sure if he's mad at me or not, though. Seems like he's avoiding me because he's not sure, either.

So I'm pretty much on my own now, which is just the way I like it. I have not had to do a single piece of paperwork in almost ten years. It's f***ing awesome.

Though, of course, now that I'm stuck on Earth pretending to be Yuma Tsukumo's friend, I'm a little restricted in what I can and cannot do. For instance, I recently discovered that it is not socially acceptable in Japanese culture to hide cherry bombs in the trash and laugh your head off when the litter-bot that picked it up explodes. Humans are no fun.

On that note, I might just start up a new Points list, this time for someone who's more retarded than antagonistic. I know that I probably won't hit one million before it comes time to carry out Phase Death of my master plan, but I get the feeling that Rei Shingetsu (that's my alias, by the way - clever, huh?) is going to suffer through a lot of stupid until then.

That, and there's this other kid that I just can't stop hating. I don't know why; he hasn't really done anything to me yet. I only saw him for the first time yesterday. But every time I think about him, I'm just filled with this inexplicable loathing.

Maybe it's his tentacle-shaped hair. Maybe it's the "I don't give a damn" look in his eyes. Maybe it's his fabulous rhinestone-studded shoes. Who knows.

What I do know is that his name is Shark.

And I hate him. With all of my hate.

Anyway, that's just how it goes. You think you've finally got what you want in life, but it turns out that's not the way the world works, and next thing you know it's moved on without you and you need to throw yourself into some crazy scenario just to catch up. Let's face it, having everything you want is kinda boring. True, I'm probably going to get really pissed off with this planet really soon, but I've come to realize that I wouldn't have it any other way. I need conflict like a grilled-cheese sandwich needs bacon, which is to say I can't exist without it.

So while it was fun to get all nostalgic and look back, truth be told, I've got a lot of annoyance to look forward to.

In the immortal words of John Mellencamp, life goes on. Or something like that.

...You know what, that was a pretty lame closer. Let's try that again.

Goodbye, suckers! JYAN JYAN JYAAAANN ~ !

- The End. -

(Oh, and don't let the door hit ya on the way out. It's covered in spikes.)

Author's Note: And thus ends the most random fanfiction I have ever written… yet it's grown on me quite a bit since we started. To everybody who's read this story and/or given suggestions, thank you so much! This fandom is an absolute joy.

I'm getting all sentimental because I've never actually finished a fic that went past ten chapters before… (although I'm almost definitely going to write a sequel, so be on the lookout for that. Heh heh heh.)

Again, thanks for stopping by! So long and thanks for all the trading cards! XD