This chapter will implant a trigger into going into trance. This is a bit of an experiment, as this chapter's induction can be coupled with something called binaural beats. These beats affect the pulses of the brain to induce states of consciousness and relaxation. Best used with headphones.

WARNING: As always, hypnosis won't work if you don't want it to. Also, some people just can't be hypnotized. Under hypnosis, you will not do things against your morals.

OPTIONAL BINAURAL BEATS (take out spaces): w w w. youtube watch? v=Nt VcJQo rKWk

Here we go! This one may be a bit tedious, but that's necessary for a trigger to work…

"You know," Rose says suddenly, "it would probably be much easier to put you in trance with a trigger."

"Hm? Well, okay…" You nod your consent.

Rose hums a little, "I have a new method you could try." She digs around her small table for a moment before procuring a pair of headphones, which she hands to you, "Put these on." You comply, settling them on your ears. She presses play and a quiet, unobtrusive little pulsing begins to echo between your ears. She then begins to speak, voice lowered and slow.

"Now, just let yourself breathe in… and out, in… and out. Good. You don't have to do anything but listen and breathe. All you need to do is breathe deeply and listen and let yourself relax… Breathe deeply in… and out, deeply breathing, deeply relaxing… The more you breathe deeply, the deeper you relax, and the deeper you breathe…

"Just relaxing and breathing deeply… In and out…"

You just listen and breathe, feeling your muscles begin to relax.

"Listen to the sound of my voice and the sounds coming from the headphones… Relaxing deeper the more you breathe and breathing deeper the more you relax… Good. You're doing so well… Focus on my words… On the steady beats pouring into your ears and straight to your mind… Feeling so good… So relaxed…

"You feel a slight tingling in the very tips of your toes… Just allow it to warm and relax you as it slowly craws up your legs… Feel it slowly crawl up your legs and just keep breathing… breathe in, and out, slowly, freely… Feel your legs anchoring cozily, warm and heavy and going deep…"

You feel something warm lapping against the very tips of your toes, slowly growing to engulf your legs, travelling slowly, drowsily up and resting at your hips.

"That tingling keeps travelling up, feeling ever so relaxed and going deeper and deeper and relaxing more and more… and the tingling is in your abdomen and chest, making you feel drowsy and so relaxed… Remember, the more you relax, the deeper you go and the more you relax… You're doing so well…

"You may find that it's easy to just sit there, listen, and breathe freely… It's so easy to relax, so natural… You're very good at this you know, relaxing more and more and going deeper and deeper… The tingling warmth is spreading up around your neck… It threatens to enclose over your head, threatening to sweep you away… leaving you feeling sleepy and peaceful…"

The warmth engulfs your body completely, covering your heavy, sleepy head and beginning to seep into your mind. It makes you feel sleepy, peaceful…

"And it's so natural, so easy to let your body completely relax… And now I'd like you to focus on trying to count from the number one hundred. With each number, you may find that it's harder and harder to grasp the next… With each number, you may find that you're just relaxing deeper and deeper, more and more…"

Begin counting.


It feels good to say the numbers, soothing. You can feel yourself relax deeper. No need to focus on your breathing anymore; your body is keeping your breathing slow, deep, free. Just focus on saying each number as you count down, feeling so good, so natural to say it.


The numbers are becoming a little fuzzy, but it just feels so good, so natural, to let that warm fuzz cloud your mind.


You're doing so well. You know that the more you count, the deeper you'll go into a lovely trance, and the better it will feel to speak. It feels so natural to part your lips and let out the numbers.


The numbers are becoming foggy, but you'll let that happen. The fog is soothing and keeps you focused on these words, keeps you warm and safe. You may find that with each number, you'll slowly forget. The more you forget, the more blissfully clear your mind will become. You're content because you know it's natural to let that happen.


Now you must be having trouble remembering the numbers. They seem just so far away and you're so warm and relaxed and drowsy. It would take too much effort to reach those numbers. You can try, but you'll find that the next number continues to elude you.

That's okay, though. Just let the numbers fade away, leaving you relaxed and blissfully blank. It's natural, and you know this to be true. You know it's okay to float and be blissfully relaxed. You also know it's natural and so right to focus on these words. These words are all you need now. You know that these words make so much sense, because so far they have brought you into a lovely, quiet state of relaxation and trance. You know this, and you may find yourself agreeing with what these words say.

Let these words flow through you and relax you deeper than before. Just feeling so limp, so heavy. You know you could move if an emergency arises, but there is no emergency, just peace and these words. In fact, I would like you to try and move your right arm. You know you won't be able to move it, because you're clever enough to catch on, but you'll try anyway. Try now.

You can't move that arm. It takes too much effort, and you feel so content and peaceful. You can stop trying now. Just let that arm melt with the rest of your body, going limp and heavy and oh-so drowsy.

Now, I would like you to listen very carefully. You would like to return to this state, wouldn't you? Of course you would. It's so peaceful and relaxing here. It would only make sense you want to come back. Whenever you hear the words, lavender mist, you will sink back into this blissful state of relaxation. Lavender mist makes you feel peaceful, drowsy. Lavender mist will bring you back into this blissful state of trance. In fact, seeing lavender mist is bringing you deeper and deeper, making you feel more and more at ease and relaxed.

Now, I'm going to count from one to five. On five, you will be fully awake and alert.


Remembering this sleepy and content feeling.


Beginning to become aware of your surroundings


Remembering how the trigger words will pull you back into that magical, blissful state of hypnosis.


Able to move your body, feeling refreshed and


You blink open your eyes and look at Rose. "Is that it? Is that the full trigger?"

"Not quite. We'll have to cement it in place." Rose says and begins speaking in that slow, hypnotic murmur.

"Now, just let yourself breathe in… and out, in… and out. Good. You don't have to do anything but listen and breathe. All you need to do is breathe deeply and listen and let yourself relax… Breathe deeply in… and out, deeply breathing, deeply relaxing… The more you breathe deeply, the deeper you relax, and the deeper you breathe…

"Just relaxing and breathing deeply… In and out…"

You just listen and breathe, feeling your muscles begin to relax and

Lavender mist.

Feel yourself drop down into that lovely state of trance, feeling so peaceful and sleepy. Just relaxing more and more. Lavender mist is sweet, and engulfs you fully, letting you relax. Lavender mist, you will sink back into this blissful state of relaxation. Lavender mist makes you feel peaceful, drowsy. Lavender mist will bring you back into this blissful state of trance. In fact, seeing lavender mist is bringing you deeper and deeper, making you feel more and more at ease and relaxed.

Lavender mist

Lavender mist

Lavender mist

Now, I'm going to count from one to five. On five, you will be fully awake and alert.


Remembering this sleepy and content feeling.


Beginning to become aware of your surroundings


Remembering how the trigger words will pull you back into that magical, blissful state of hypnosis.


Able to move your body, feeling refreshed and


"Now, just let yourself breathe in… and out, in… and out. Good. You don't have to do anything but listen and breathe. All you need to do is breathe deeply and listen and let yourself relax… Breathe deeply in… and out, deeply breathing, deeply relaxing… The more you breathe deeply, the deeper you relax, and the deeper you breathe…

"Just relaxing and breathing deeply… In and out…"

You just listen and breathe, feeling your muscles begin to relax and

Lavender mist.

Feel yourself drop down into that lovely state of trance, feeling so peaceful and sleepy. Just relaxing more and more. Lavender mist is sweet, and engulfs you fully, letting you relax. Lavender mist, you will sink back into this blissful state of relaxation. Lavender mist makes you feel peaceful, drowsy. Lavender mist will bring you back into this blissful state of trance. In fact, seeing lavender mist is bringing you deeper and deeper, making you feel more and more at ease and relaxed.

Lavender mist

Lavender mist

Lavender mist

Now, I'm going to count from one to five. On five, you will be fully awake and alert.


Remembering this sleepy and content feeling.


Beginning to become aware of your surroundings


Remembering how the trigger words will pull you back into that magical, blissful state of hypnosis.


Able to move your body, feeling refreshed and


"Now, just let yourself breathe in… and out, in… and out. Good. You don't have to do anything but listen and breathe. All you need to do is breathe deeply and listen and let yourself relax… Breathe deeply in… and out, deeply breathing, deeply relaxing… The more you breathe deeply, the deeper you relax, and the deeper you breathe…

"Just relaxing and breathing deeply… In and out…"

You just listen and breathe, feeling your muscles begin to relax and

Lavender mist.

Feel yourself drop down into that lovely state of trance, feeling so peaceful and sleepy. Just relaxing more and more. Lavender mist is sweet, and engulfs you fully, letting you relax. Lavender mist, you will sink back into this blissful state of relaxation. Lavender mist makes you feel peaceful, drowsy. Lavender mist will bring you back into this blissful state of trance. In fact, seeing lavender mist is bringing you deeper and deeper, making you feel more and more at ease and relaxed.

Lavender mist

Lavender mist

Lavender mist

Now, I'm going to count from one to five. On five, you will be fully awake and alert.


Remembering this sleepy and content feeling.


Beginning to become aware of your surroundings


Remembering how the trigger words will pull you back into that magical, blissful state of hypnosis.


Able to move your body, feeling refreshed and

"Five!" "Now, just let yourself breathe in… and out, in… and out. Good. You don't have to do anything but listen and breathe. All you need to do is breathe deeply and listen and let yourself relax… Breathe deeply in… and out, deeply breathing, deeply relaxing… The more you breathe deeply, the deeper you relax, and the deeper you breathe…

"Just relaxing and breathing deeply… In and out…"

You just listen and breathe, feeling your muscles begin to relax and

Lavender mist.

Feel yourself drop down into that lovely state of trance, feeling so peaceful and sleepy. Just relaxing more and more. Lavender mist is sweet, and engulfs you fully, letting you relax. Lavender mist, you will sink back into this blissful state of relaxation. Lavender mist makes you feel peaceful, drowsy. Lavender mist will bring you back into this blissful state of trance. In fact, seeing lavender mist is bringing you deeper and deeper, making you feel more and more at ease and relaxed.

Lavender mist

Lavender mist

Lavender mist

Now, I'm going to count from one to five. On five, you will be fully awake and alert.


Remembering this sleepy and content feeling.


Beginning to become aware of your surroundings


Remembering how the trigger words will pull you back into that magical, blissful state of hypnosis.


Able to move your body, feeling refreshed and


"There, you should be good now. The trigger should be fully in place."

Good thing for the trigger, too! Now I'll be able to try other fun things (hopefully; I'm no good at this). Vampires and puppets and being frozen in time, oh my!

Leave a review as to whether this chapter (or any others) worked and if you have any ideas for something you want me to do! Well, have a nice day, and bye!