A/N: I originally wanted to do this in a certain order but screw it, it's not like I was getting anything done that way.

"When I told them I was going to be a field surgeon," says Medic in a thick but crisp German accent. She leans over an operating table and adjusts an light above her to direct it to her patient's bare abdomen as she makes an incision into the unconscious Scout, "They told me that was ridiculous. It's not the sort of thing for a woman to do." She reaches into the cut she made and pulls out a segment of intestine, holding it near her face and inspecting it. She is not wearing gloves. Her hands are bloody.

"Well, I say I'm a man where it matters." She makes a cut in the intestine, then partially unravels it, holding an end to a nearby dove, which watches the process with a great deal of interest.

"I have the heart of a man and the spine of a man." She cuts off a length of the intestine and places it somewhere out of view.

"As well as the liver, left ulna, posterior lumbar nerve, tibialis anterior and posterior of both legs, and spare adrenal cortices of multiple men." She cuts off several more sections of intestine with increased speed a she lists off various bits of anatomy, tossing them to the same place she tossed the first section as she goes along.

"And really, if the only parts one is concerned about are Geschlechtsteile, you can rest assured that I am twice the man than most." Having removed significant portions of the Scout's intestines, the Medic knelt briefly to retrieve a large, cylindrical metal object from below the operating table, and began attaching what remained of her patient's innards to it.

"Now," she said as she was working, "can you pass me the tongs? They're to your left."

The view shifts slightly, then a pair of tongs rise to left. The Medic looks over to them, then grabs them, and continues the operation.

"There," she says, after a moment, "Just one more thing and we're done." She steps to the side, the view following her, revealing what looks like the end of a fire hose attached to some mechanical apparatus. She aims the contraption at Scout and pulls the lever. The device showers Scout's in a beam of red mist, and the incision closes.

A moment after, Scout sits up with a groan, blinks, and stretches.

"Hey! My arm's good as new! Thanks, Doc!"