![]() Author has written 30 stories for Junjō Romantica, Vampire Knight, Fruits Basket, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, and Kuroshitsuji. Hello those of the virtual world It’s a pleasure to have you visit my page, but why you have any interest in finding more out about me, I do not know. XD Name: Sonya Age: 19 Country: UK, England Vampire knight Yaoi lovers come and join us in the VAMPIRE KNIGHT YAOI PROMPTS FORUM for some fun and creativity. Come along with some prompt suggestions of your own and who knows, you might even stumble across a prompt that you might want to make a submission for! (I'm a bad advertiser aren't I? XD I'd fail in the industry, haha.) It’s been the first time I updated this since I signed up for FanFiction in 2012, so I figured now would be a good time to do this somewhat properly, haha. I’m not very good when it comes to talking about myself, so if I miss anything don’t be afraid to ask I’m a friendly person, (or so I like to think) that is unless you steal my chocolate; then we have a very big and serious problem. XD I used to write poetry quite a lot before I decided to share it with the world, it’s something I don’t write very often unless its influenced by something that happens to me in my daily life, as is the case with the majority of my stories, especially my emotions. There’s nothing like venting right, and what’s a more perfect way to do it than at the dispense of fictional characters, right? *Huggles Zero tightly* I’m sorry *bows low* Poor guy needs a holiday; maybe I’ll write a fic like that one day XD He deserves it! If you read my stories, you’ll know where I’m coming from, haha. My sincerest apologies to all my readers that follow and enjoy my stories I don't update very frequently anymore, well, this hasn’t really changed in the past couple of years. I have the terrible habit of starting stories and then not finishing them. I’ve never wanted to be one of those authors that gives up on a story, but I really hope I can finish them all someday! The plot bunnies just attack in hordes they do! TRYING TO STEAL MY CHOCOLATE I SAY! If I don’t get rid of them, they’ll steal the secret stash I’m hiding! In all honesty though, college is insanely busy, and I’m balancing that with a part-time job, so updates are next to non-existent and I have practically no time to do anything! But believe me I'm trying my best to get everything up there (Obviously not hard enough XD). If there’s a particular story you’re waiting for an update on feel free to PM me and assault me with some serious nagging, or leave a review on any of my stories :) (or some chocolate, both work just as well) xD Motivation FTW! Another reason it takes me so long to update my stories, or post new ones, is because I’m an insanely slow writer. It bewilders me how people can write thousands of words in mere hours, when it takes me weeks to simply write (lol cat literally just opened my door to say hi and walk out) hundreds. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET DAMN IT?! If you’re not interested in some of the specifics about me and the interests I have, then please click away, because I ramble like a mad-woman... One of my favourite pairings has to be the ZeroxKaname pairing, purely because their love-hate relationship is the most endearing thing since cookies were invented. While the anime wasn’t particularly as good as it could’ve been, (and I’ve heard the Manga is even worse) their relationship helped me through it, as well as fuelling this destructive imagination of mine There are tons of other pairings I love, but to name them all from the top of my head would probably take hours if you’re really that interested, you can see from some of the stories I’ve marked as favourites. I’m one of those people who ships everyone with everyone anyway *shrugs* If it’s sexy, who cares, right? XD *coughs* Zero and everyone in the night class... Yesh please. If you were to ask me who my favourite character of all time is, you’d be asking for an early death, because really, that’s freaking mean to ask me to pick one! XD I mean come on, who does that? XD I have a fetish for anime guys with long hair, (because that’s not at all weird), Why you so hot? *Insert meme here* I love kitties and I’m Italian, so what else do I love? PASTAAAAAAAAAAA! Okay, things are getting slightly random now. What are you even supposed to write in a Bio? God I rambled, didn’t I? I’m sorry! Please don’t let me waste anymore of your time and do something more productive like reading my sad excuse for stories! XD If you would for some reason like to know even more about me, please don’t be afraid to message me, I love friendly chats! So come baring the very finest chocolates and let us dine over a conversation of some Anime or something of the sort! |