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![]() Author has written 8 stories for Doctor Who, Torchwood, Harry Potter, Glee, and All My Children. This profile is currently undergoing a serious reconstruction, since I hadn't updated it since January 2013 :-) Hello everyone! After a long while away from writing due to various real-life occurrences (though I have still been doing plenty of reading!), I'm determined to get back into something resembling a regular updating schedule. To do that, however, I've had to be quite ruthless with what I've already written; as a result, I've decided to shelve The End of the Road, Love Life Death and Disaster, It Takes Two and Guarded. I apologise to anyone who was waiting on an update for these, though since they haven't been updated in years, I doubt there are many people following them! :-P I'm not necessarily abandoning them for good, but right now I have to prioritise. I really want to get further than a couple of chapters. I was introduced to fanfiction through the Harry Potter fanfiction site, where I was, for a while, a prolific reviewer. There I posted my first story War is Over (a continuation from the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), which is still a WIP all these years later aha (btw, if anyone's interested, I'm in Hufflepuff). :-P A Brittana fanfiction called Run Santana Run hooked me to Glee before I'd even seen the show, leading me on to my OTP (Faberry) and to the wider world of fanfiction in general. I'm a fan of many wildly varying shows and films, though sci-fi, fantasy, music and drama tend to be what draw me in. Some of my favourite fandoms are listed in the poll above. Fanfic-wise, I'm not generally a fan of smutty stuff, though that's not to say that when written well, it can't be good; stories I love best to read are character-driven, well-paced and a healthy mix of angst and fluff. There are many, many pairings which have come to mean a lot to me; below I will attempt to list just some of them... - Quinn/Rachel (Glee) Faberry are, when it comes down to it, my ultimate OTP. Quinn Fabray, despite some crazed writing on the show, is one of my most cherished fictional characters (with Tara; see below) and it's a mark of the depth of these characters, and how well they were played, that Faberry remains one of the most ferociously shipped pairings despite resistance from those who craft the Glee canon (RIB). - Willow/Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Quite possibly one of the sweetest, most precious couples of all time, who had a bright future snatched away from them. I'm not quite sure I can ever forgive Joss Whedon, since Tara was an angel, but I continue to hold out hope comics-wise for a blissful reunion. - Bianca/Marissa (All My Children) The echoes of Willow/Tara in the Prospect Park revival are just too painful, so I comfort myself with the relative bliss (JR-notwithstanding) these two enjoyed for the last few months of this show's run. - Betty/Kate (Bomb Girls) Another pairing from another wonderful show that left us too soon, though thankfully not before these two got their house and a sweet moment of hope (albeit for a future we'll never see). - Castle/Beckett (Castle) Yes, I do ship straight couples too :-P Though, with the millions of hollow TV/movie romances out there, they really have to be something special to stand out - which, for me, these two are. The build-up to their relationship was well written, acted and was all the more satisfying after seasons of waiting when they finally did get together. - Brittany/Santana (Glee) A relationship served, as with most of the pairings on Glee, much better by fanfiction than by the show itself - although very few couples can be said to have come about because of fan demand. But thank goodness they did, because the way that Santana is such a different person with/for Brittany is (in the early seasons) her saving grace. - Lucy/Mina (Dracula) I'm still new to this show, but Katie McGrath pulls on those feels strings expertly. So gutted that it got cancelled; I would have LOVED to see where the show had planned to go with Vampire!Lucy. - Karma/Amy (Faking It) This show is a lot better than its premise first suggested, and no matter how adorable Amy and Reagan are, all it takes is a Karmy moment like the end of season 2a for all my feels for them to come flooding back. - Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter) My first ever ship, and while I don't follow them quite as closely as I once did, the feels that I get from certain stories regarding these two still glow fondly. - Kitty/Marley (Glee) These two were branded "Faberry 2.0" by many fans, and I had hoped that the show would develop their relationship right from the start. Unfortunately, they just seemed to forget it after 10 episodes, and (contrary to popular opinion) I was gutted when the newbies (minus Kitty; thank goodness for small graces) were dropped. Nonetheless, fanfic had already fully drawn me in! - Sophie/Sian (Coronation Street) I'm not a big fan of UK soaps, but I shipped these two hard until the inevitably ever-changing nature of soaps split them up so harshly. YouTube clips from their early relationship keeps their flame alive. - Debbie/Jasmine (Emmerdale) Another UK soap pairing, I know, but when looking up Jenna Coleman's back catalogue when she was cast as the latest companion in Doctor Who, I came across this surprisingly sweet pairing. Jasmine's jailing still stings of injustice. - Naomi/Emily (Skins) Skins Fire did not happen, OK? It just didn't. Please. *sobs* - Jack/Rose (Titanic) How can I not? Just because Titanic is one of the biggest-grossing movies of all time, people seem to sniff at it, but it hits me right in the feels. Obviously because of the very real nature of the tragedy, but also because these two have one of the greatest love stories ever told on the big screen. - Vastra/Jenny (Doctor Who) 100% spin-off material - and I mean in a Victorian/steampunk/Torchwood-style show, not as the comic relief that Moffat seems to think they are. - Elphaba/Glinda (Wicked) I didn't used to ship this - I always saw this as just a genuine friendship - but after that moment in the show where Glinda dances with Elphie during Dancing Through Life, coupled with the fact that the author of the book said that Glinda was meant to be in love with Elphie... I gave in to the feels. - Justin/Juliet (Wizards of Waverly Place) This is a rather out-of-place one. But Taylor Swift's Love Story fits them perfectly (I love that song), and not just because the character's name is Juliet. - Phineas/Isabella (Phineas & Ferb) They're quite simply very sweet together. - Jaime/Brienne (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones) I shipped these two after reading the books, and the show only fuelled that. - Tegan/Nyssa (Doctor Who) Not enough people are aware of the classic series, which has so many wonderful characters. I loved Davison's TARDIS team - they felt like a family - and the wonders of fanfiction have built on that so well with regards to these two. - Jackson/Sienna (Hannah Montana) I grew up with Disney Channel, OK? Don't judge me :-P - Sue/Maud (Fingersmith) I have a lot of love for this mini-series, which has recently been revived as a play (albeit in America). They have quite a crazy, twisted love story, but are all the better for it! - Jack/Ianto (Torchwood) *Sobs endlessly* - Doyle/Cordelia (Angel) We never got the chance to see this relationship unfold, but what we did see was sweet and well-played. Trust me, these couples are just the tip of the iceberg for me - there are many more, and LOTS more shows - but those are probably all of those that I cherish the most. Note: With regards to my online presence elsewhere, drwhofan71 is my Tumblr, but the YouTube channel sharing the same name has nothing to do with me. On HPFF, I am Dalek194. I am also DrWhoFan71 on Archive of Our Own and Twitter. |