Reviews for Beer Very Bad
Guest chapter 40 . 5/26
I just read this whole story and it’s so great! I hope that you continue!
CleverUsernameofLies chapter 40 . 4/26
When I saw that this had updated after like four years I was like "OMG, dreams DO come true" (maybe slightly hyperbolic, but I was thrilled).

I know you mentioned porting this to AO3 once it's done, but I gotta tell you there's a serious Willow/Tara shortage over there. I resorted to writing two fics myself (under a different name) because sometimes you gotta be the femslash you want to see in the world. Your contribution(s) would be excellent though :P

Hope you're doing well!
Paul Weaver chapter 7 . 10/5/2019
This meeting of Tara and Willow is amazing!
Paul Weaver chapter 6 . 10/5/2019
This chapter of confession is priceless. Very well written. You can practically see Willow and Buffy squirming their way through this one.
spike'smate chapter 40 . 9/25/2019
LOVED the update but OZ came by and confuses things. i want tara and willow
Missocki chapter 40 . 9/25/2019
You may not be 100% happy with the Chapter, but I am. :)

I LOVE Tara getting Defensive here. Even if a little, and honestly, I loved Buffy’s reaction.

Glad to see an update and I can’t wait for more. Woot!
spike'smate chapter 39 . 9/24/2019
its a crying shame this was never finished
Guest chapter 39 . 9/9/2019
holy crap! I decided to check in on this fic and I'm so glad you've come back to it! Awesome updates!
Burned Cookie chapter 39 . 7/20/2019
This is a pretty great story.

And thats huge praise coming from me, since I usually get bored by romancy-type storys pretty quickly.
counterpunch chapter 39 . 4/30/2019
Finally caught up in my reread. Just as good as I remember. And new chapters! This last one was so tender and sweet. Bittersweet, certainly with added mystery than canon since Willow is still a little more in the dark this time. But despite her itching so desperately to know more about Tara's background, Willow still can't help herself from cutting in when it seems too much for Tara to bear. Some things will be true no matter what, and their desire to protect each other against all manner of darkness, whether supernatural or otherwise, surpasses all
Cat chapter 39 . 4/3/2019
Omg was so excited to see this was back I squealed. This is one of my absolute favorite stories and I love what I call butterfly effect stories of changing something and seeing it play out and this is an absolute brilliant example of such a story. Really hope to see it continue
Missocki chapter 39 . 4/1/2019
Yay, Fluff! Not an issue for me lol. I am interested in seeing this giant plot with a p and what it means for our girls
Boris Yeltsin chapter 39 . 3/30/2019
Awww, very cute one here.
Chris Widger chapter 6 . 3/16/2019 a chapter with Willow rambling mentqlly in Latin...amazing
FineyMcFine chapter 38 . 3/6/2019
Our dear unknowingly sweet Willow. She comes to the door with a single red rose for a spell and has zero clue of the effect it will have on her girl or the implications. I really love how, even this late in the story, you continue to show how clueless Willow can be sometimes, especially when it comes to relationships. She always seems to be about one step behind but I have a feeling she's about to catch up pretty fast!

ps. Glad to see you back writing again!
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