![]() Author has written 74 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Stargate: SG-1, Final Fantasy XIII, Frozen, Life is Strange, K-ON!/けいおん!, and Avengers. Hey, nice to meet ya all! I'm Electronic-Star (or Star for short) and I really love fanfics, that's why i signed in. I'd be glad if you guys could comment my fanfics and help me to become a better writer. Every review's welcome! So please tell me what you all think! Check out the original oncensored version of my very first lemon fic Dominance : http:///authors.php?no=1296938800 My fav Manga/Anime, Disney, Dreamworks and Game pairings: Marvel NatashaxBruce OTP NatashaxSteve NatashaxTony Frozen AnnaxElsa AnnaxKristoff IdunaxAgnarr Tangled RapunzelxEugene Mahou Sensei Negima!?: Negi/Nodoka Stargate SG-1: Samantha Carter/Jack O'Neill Kokoni Iru Yo! Hikage/Hinata Nanjo/Hiyori Cheeky/Chibi Vampire: Kenta/Karin Final Fantasy: Cloud/Aerith Hope/Lightning Vincent/Yuffie Zack/Aerith Zack/Tifa Denzel/Marlene Squall/Rinoa Snow/Serah Serah/Noel Zidane/Garnet Tidus/Yuna Cloud/Terra Squall/Lightning Cloud/Lightning Cloud/Yuna Tifa/Noel Kingdom Hearts: Aqua/Ventus Sora/Kairi Roxas/Xion Axel/Larxene Leon/Aerith Digimon Adventures: Taichi(Tai)/Sora Takeru(T.K.)/Hikari(Kari) Digimon Tamers: Takato/Juri(Jeri/Jen) Pokémon X/Y: Calem/Serena Couples i hate: ElsaxHans AnnaxHans ElsaxKristoff Cloud/Tifa Hope/Vanille Snow/Lightning Sora/Naminé Roxas/Naminé other stuff 'bout me: age: 25 gender: female hobbies: reading, drawing and watching manga/anime and Disney and Dreamworks movies, playing games (NDS, 3DS, (PSone), PSP, PS2, PS3), writing fanfics Fave Manga/Anime: XXMe!, Your Name, Miyako, Chi's Sweet Home, Kilala Princess, Cheeky/Chibi Vampire, XXX-Holic, Tsubasa R.C., Fullmoon wo sagashite, Mama Colle, Shugo Chara, Negima Neo!?, Mahou Sensei Negima!?, Kilala Princess, Kingdom Hearts (Series), Red-haired Snow White Princess, Kokoni Iru Yo!, Vampire Kisses, Life Trees Guardian, Magic Knight Rayearth, Anima, and moore Fave Games: Final Fantasy (of course!!) FVII (and Compilation), VIII, (X, X-2), XIII, XIII-2, Lightning Returns: FFXIII, Dissidia, Dissidia 012 doudecim, (Tactics A2), Kingdom Hearts Series, Drakengard II, Digimon Rumble Arena 2, The 3rd Birthday, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Pokemon Series,Marvel VS Capcom Infinite, GTA V, Skyrim, Life is Strange series,... Favourite Game: 1st: Caius (Final Fantasy XIII-2) 2nd: Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) 2nd: The Savior (Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII) Story progress: Beauty and the Beast — Paused. Sorry, but can't write it right now. I have bad writers block on this one (but I still know what happens next) and I also can't write Clerith fics anymore. But I defiantly complete this one Faded Memories — Paused. I...have really baaad writers block here...I still need some inspiration, but I'll defiantly finish this someday. Even though I can't continue this right now, I had some time to rewrite the first 2 chappies the 3rd will be done soon too, but it depends on my free time' Guardians of the Planet — Well, guess it's not really important and since I didn't get any reviews on this one it's paused too. And I have writers block here too... High School Love — uh...I'm not really sure if I should continue on with this...This story's kinda embarrassing right now...Guess I stop this one completely. (And maybe delet it) My Special Someone — Uh paused, 'cause of writers block. The New World — In progress. But I have to get some more inspiration for the story, and motivation to write it. The Last 13 Days — In progress. Have to put in the new infos 'bout LR and think the story over. Time Traveler — Complete. Thanks for reading guys I'm so proud of this one! (being my first fic that I've wrote in german first and translated into english) And I'm soooo so glad that you all liked it. It's my most popular story ever The Princess and the Farmer boy — Stopped. There are some times where I get the chance to write this, but most of the time I write the stories which are more important to me but I'll try to update it as soon as I can. Salvation — Complete. Now that I look at it, it reminds me of my 'Time Traveler' story. You'll see what I mean. I really hope you guys like it. I don't really wanna abandon this ('cause I wrote a whole sequel for this q.q) so please write reviews, like it, follow it, whatever, I just wanna know if you like it It would mean the world to me. Éclair Returns — In progress. NEW EDIT: I'm back to FF and I decided to slightly rewrite this fic to make it better! Same goes for 'Salvation'!! Stay tuned for better writing quality!! Fire and Ice — Stopped. NOT a Legend of Korra crossover!! This is my very first Frozen fic. I couldn't get this idea out of my head that there are other people like Elsa. (People who could control a particular element) At first I had the idea to just insert my favorite OC Makoto, give him fire powers and that's it. But then I had the idea that there are MORE guys out there with such powers. Of course I needed a reason why they had these powers. That's when I had the idea of this legend where spirits bless one child in one country and give them various powers. Also another OC of mine is mentioned. She's the child of water and I'm thinking about to insert her and all the others in the next chapters. A Unique Love — In Progress. Lilian and her mother Linea move from Corona to Arendelle to start a new life. On the day they arrived something unbelievable happens to Lilian. She got to meet the Prince and Princess of Arendelle. After the prince hit her with his horse and hurt her...A story about the king and queen of Arendelle. About how they met, fell in love with each other and their lifes as the rulers of Arendelle and as parents. Until their deaths. To do list: 1. rewrite 'Éclair Returns' and 'Salvation' 2. finish the last chappy of 'Èclair Returns' goddammit!!!! 3. finish at least 1 Avengers fic Youtube, Deviantart, Animexx and Accounts Youtube: Deviantart: Animexx: : Tumblr: http:// Queen of Arendelle (Frozen) RP/ask Blog http:// (moved to multimxsings) Chloe Price (Life is Strange) ask/rp blog http:// (moved to multimxsings) http:// |