A/N: Hey guys! Second fic and I hope you enjoy :)
"Now children, settle down, settle down." A young woman said, standing in the front of the classroom as all twenty four pairs of eyes lay onto the teacher and everyone went quiet.
"Good Morning Class." The young woman said and the rest of the students cheered happily, replying.
"Good Morning Ms. Ashley!" the little fifth graders looked up at their teacher with pride. They looked up to her as a role model because she treated them all equally and with respect, unlike the other teachers in Arendelle Elementary School.
"Now class! Today, we have a new student that came all the way from the east coast. Does anybody know where that is?" Ms. Ashley asked the class as a small hand raised up into the air in the front middle row of the classroom, followed by a little girl's voice of 'Oh! Pick me! Pick me!'
"Yes, Anna?" Ms. Ashley asked the little girl. The little girl who the whole school knew, probably the whole city in fact. She was the Ms. Popular of the school and probably would be when she grows throughout her teenage years. She was just too likeable. She had bright teal eyes and strawberry blonde hair in two short and loose ponytails as well as tanned skin. She wore a light green t-shirt and little blue shorts. The little girl smiled wide and answered.
"That's all the way on the other side of the country! Where New York and Florida is!" Anna replied to the teacher.
"That's right Anna. Now, she's new here and a bit shy, so don't be mean kids because…" Ms. Ashley started and the whole class finished her sentence.
"Mean kids are bullies, and bullies hurt us." The kids said and Ms. Ashley smiled at her class.
"That's right! Now, here's your new classmate, Elsa Parker." Ms. Ashley said. A little girl was shown when Ms. Ashley moved aside. She had platinum blonde hair that was in a short braid down her back, pale skin, but wasn't the bad kind of pale like vampire, but the good kind. Her eyes were a bit dark icy blue eyes. Her attire was a simple blue dress that went down to her knees. She looked at everyone in the class with a frightened face, probably had first day nerves and definitely shy.
Anna looked ahead at the girl with a smile graced onto her lips. A new classmate! That means a new family in this town and another person to get to know! But then, Anna felt a light tap on her shoulder behind her. She swiveled from her seat 180 degrees and saw her friend, Hans, with a devious smile on his face. Hans was a boy, always dressed in a white t-shirt and a white jacket with blue board shorts. He had brown hair that started growing a bit up and out, with his little sideburns.
"I bet you to go and 'accidentally' trip her when she walks towards the empty seat in the back row." Hans snickered. Anna frowned a bit before saying.
"But that wouldn't be nice."
"Come on Anna! You said you weren't a goodie two shoes after all right? Just try doing this at least once and proving me wrong that you can break a rule and be a meanie." Hans stated simply as Anna sat there and debated on whether or not she should. It was just one bad thing right? No big deal!
"Alright class, get out your notebooks and get ready to do some math fun problems! Elsa, you can take a seat available anywhere." Ms. Ashley said, giving Elsa a friendly smile. Elsa looked at the classroom to see an empty seat at the back of the room, on the back row of where the girl named Anna had answered Ms. Ashley's question. And so, Elsa started walking towards that seat.
Anna noticed Elsa start walking towards her direction and started looking anywhere but Elsa. As soon as she saw Elsa a good foot away from her, Anna stuck out her little foot, causing Elsa to trip and fall face first down. There was a deafening silence in the classroom that lasted for three seconds. Suddenly, everyone started laughing at Elsa, pointing at her and calling her clumsy or silly Elsa. Elsa immediately got up and while she was trying to continue her journey to the back of the classroom, Anna's leg moved again, causing Elsa to fall face first… again.
This time, the class got twice as loud, laughing so hard that everyone's face got red. Well, almost everyone. Elsa then got up and frowned, sadness clouding her eyes as she saw the culprit who tripped her, who was laughing so much that her eyes were watering up. Elsa looked down and continued to quickly get back to her seat, not wanting to see anyone's face, nor have anyone see hers.
Ms. Ashley turned around and saw the whole thing happened, from Anna tripping Elsa the first time and the second time to Elsa rushing to her seat, seeing her facial expression sadden. Ms. Ashley looked at Anna with a stern look.
"Anna Arendelle! You are going to be serving detention today afterschool." Ms. Ashley said and there were "Ooo's" around the classroom. Anna frowned a bit and sunk into her seat. Ms. Ashley let out a breath before telling the class.
"So, let's continue on with our lesson shall we?" Ms. Ashley then started to write problems onto the board. Once Elsa arrived at her seat in the back, she sat down and looked around to see the classmates in the front of her laughing quietly, snickering and pointing at her, calling her a klutz. Elsa's face fell and she felt like she wanted to cry. The first day at a new school and she already had a hard time. Elsa was going to put her head down and just try to drown away the sounds when a hand tapped her right shoulder. She looked to the right to see a little boy, hazel brown eyes with a small but you can see a bit of muscle behind his arms and legs. He had long, shaggy blonde hair and a smile that radiated friendly and wore black checkered pants and a blue t-shirt.
"Hey! My name is Kristoff. I thought what Anna pulled over there was pretty un-cool." Kristoff stated and Elsa nodded her head.
"My name is Elsa."
"Hey Elsa! Oh and my buddy since Kindergarten here in front of me is named Olaf." Kristoff said, patting the boy on the shoulder. Olaf turned around and waved high to Elsa, giving her a smile.
"Hi! I'm Olaf! And I like warm hugs!" the boy said with a smile and Elsa giggled herself. Olaf was around Kristoff's height, having a bit of muscle to him as well. He had dark brown hair that was down and a bit messy. He had dark mocha eyes and wore white board shorts and a light blue t-shirt.
"My name's Elsa." Elsa replied to Olaf before he smiled and nodded his head.
"I think you should join Olaf and I to eat lunch today! In fact, let's be friends!" Kristoff smiled.
"We can be the bestest of buddies! We can eat lunch together every day and talk to each other every day! We can exchange phone numbers and hang out at each other's houses too!" Olaf added. Elsa smiled at them, her day getting better. She felt like she can trust these two boys that had a pure heart and always would. Elsa nodded her head, accepting both of their requests and Olaf literally squealed. This caused Ms. Ashley to turn around and tell Olaf to be quiet, getting Olaf to sink in his seat a little and blush.
Elsa looked between Kristoff and Olaf, knowing that a good friendship would bloom between the three of them.
~~~Six Years Later~~~
The bright red digits of the clock showed 6:00 A.M. Elsa lazily flipped over and slammed the clock down to stop the annoying beeping that was coming from it. Did she really have to go to the first day of school? Shit, she's been through two years of this damn high school life and she was sick of it. A part of her said, get your sorry ass up, the first day is just syllabuses and getting to know your teacher. Then, another part of her said to sleep in, no one's going to give a flying fuck about where you are. But, Elsa knew that she had to wake up her two idiots. So, she threw the covers of the bed off her and swung her feet to the right side of her white queen size bed. Damn, the sun was barley even up.
Elsa grew up pretty well. Her hair was now long, smooth and platinum blonde. She grew a bit of curves and grew taller, definitely taller than she expected. Elsa grew out of her sweet girl figure and into a more mature figure. Kristoff and Olaf were a good four inches taller than her though, both of them being the same height. They both grew up well too, having to grown muscular in arms and legs. Not that bad muscular where it was unattractive, but the handsome kind. Kristoff still had his blonde shaggy hair, but his baby cheeks and featurews grew out to be more mature. Olaf would jell his hair up to make small brown spikes, but it would fit him very well. He as well grew out of his kid features and into something more mature.
Elsa got onto her foot and the moment her foot went out to take a step, it hit against something hard. She looked down to see a blonde shaggy mess of hair on the ground, the teenage boy wearing only a pair of his snowflake boxers and a white undershirt. Elsa rolled her eyes at her best friend before walking over him and going towards the bathroom door, only for her foot to hit something again. She looked down to see a now brown mess of hair, a teenage boy wearing Pikachu boxers and a white undershirt.
'You got to be kidding me.' Elsa thought, stepping over her other best friend and heading towards the bathroom to get two buckets of water. She knew them too well already. Once you woke them up, they would go back to sleep. Elsa arrived back with two buckets of water before throwing it onto the blonde mess of hair and throwing the second one onto the brown mess of hair. Both boys shot up, eyes wide awake, looking from left to right before looking up directly at Elsa.
"Seriously Elsa?" Kristoff grunted, shaking water out of his hair.
"Just keeping first day to school traditions." Elsa chimed. Olaf just rolled his eyes before getting up and going to his own drawer that he had in Elsa's room. Elsa had a pretty big house, having two floors, with two master bedrooms and connecting bathrooms as well as three large regular bedrooms and a laundry room. She had two other large bathrooms, not including the ones that were connected to the masters. She had a huge kitchen with ovens and a little island in the middle of the kitchen with three black chairs. The table was able to fit Elsa, Kristoff and Olaf with still a lot of space left. Connected to that was her living room, which had one blue loveseat on the right, one huge black leather couch in the middle and one individual small cushion couch on the left. There was a marble coffee table and a 50 inch LED/HD flat screen T.V. that could also watch things in 3D. Elsa probably lived somewhere close to a mansion or something.
Elsa's room was a 20x30 size room. She owned a white queen size bed that was the highest quality and five of those high quality pillows that was right in the middle of her room. She had her closet full of clothes that was to the right of the room. The door to Elsa's room was on the same side as the closet was. Elsa also had a little bedside table with a lamp and such. On the other side of the bedside table was a small little mini-fridge, filled with snacks and drinks. In front of Elsa's bed was a forty inch HD Samsung flat screen that had a Wii and X box right under it that they took from the living room. The connecting bathroom door was in the left corner of the bedroom. There was also a large black desk to the opposite left corner of the room. A mesh black rolling chair was there and there were two laptops on the desk as well as things like index cards, papers and games. Next to the table were two large drawers that Olaf and Kristoff decided to place their clothes in.
Elsa seemed rich in the place she lived in, but that was because her parents worked constantly 24/7, traveling all around the world to attend business meetings and providing a roof under Elsa's head. Elsa didn't really ask much from her parents though, but they always insisted on her going out to buy stuff, which was why they gave Elsa her own bank account and credit card, charging a good sum of money into her bank account each month.
When Elsa's parents started to not come home as much as they did before (around the time Elsa was in seventh grade) was when Kristoff and Olaf came over all the time and slept over Elsa's house. Eventually, Elsa's parents agreed that Kristoff and Olaf were allowed to stay as long as they wanted to, not wanting Elsa to be home alone by herself. So, Kristoff and Olaf talked it through with their parents, as they allowed them to do whatever they wanted to, understanding that they wanted to be a good friend and be there for Elsa. But for some reason, Olaf and Kristoff liked sleeping in Elsa's room on the floor. It was pretty strange really when there were three other large guest rooms in the house.
"Olaf, you're not even going to try and go back to sleep?" Kristoff said lazily, watching Olaf grab long jeans and a black t-shirt from his drawer. He just shrugged his shoulders.
"I'd rather be awake now then wake up later, being pissed off and tired. Besides, the person who gets breakfast first can eat all they want to." Olaf joked as he walked towards the connecting bathroom to change.
"Well you better get up and get ready as well. I'm going to go change and make us some breakfast. You're driving us to school." Elsa pointed out, as she grabbed her clothes she set last night, a simple light blue blouse and denim blue shorts. She exited her room and Kristoff just groaned before getting up himself and getting ready for school.
"I still don't understand what your problem is Punzel." Anna stated. Anna now had grown up. She had longer strawberry blonde hair but still attained her bright green eyes. Her body grew more curvious and she didn't have those baby cheeks anymore. Anna wore a summer dress as her first day of school thing. Rapunzel was her best friend, who had short brown hair and green eyes. She was around Anna's height as well, dressed in a simple pink dress. Rapunzel entered Anna's silver latest Mercedes model and rolled her eyes.
"Anna, I'm sorry that I can't get everything I want because my dad owns the famous Arendelle Records and practically this whole town." Rapunzel mumbled, slamming the door shut and Anna let out a sigh. She couldn't get everything.
"All I hear from you is that Flynn told you about how he told you about how school was probably going to be horrible on the first day." Anna said, continuing driving on the road after she had pulled over to pick up her friend.
"Exactly! When I have more than half of my classes with him!" Rapunzel exclaimed.
"Does he even know he has more than half of his classes with you?" Anna questioned, glancing at Rapunzel for a bit, who bit her bottom lip and replied.
"Well… not really."
"Then he thinks it's a bad first day because he doesn't know who he has in his classes. Simple as that." Anna replied, turning into the school, Rapunzel giving out a sigh.
Kristoff's old runned down red pick-up truck finally parked in the student parking lot. Here they were, at Arendelle High School, their third year here. Olaf and Kristoff got out from the front while Elsa got out from the back seat.
"Elsa, you own a damn Audi. I don't understand why we can't drive that beautiful ride to school, or at least derive Olaf's new Camry car." Kristoff mumbled, swinging his dark blue bag over his right shoulder, as he was decked out in blue board shorts and a white t-shirt.
"Because this ole pick-up truck here has so many memories." Elsa smiled.
"I agree with Kristoff here Elsa. Sorry." Olaf said and Elsa frowned at the two.
"So, what time do you want me to meet you guys out here?" Elsa asked, looking at the two who shrugged.
"Coach never really told us what time practice is going to end, so we'll call you?" Kristoff said and Elsa nodded her head. Kristoff and Olaf were best friends since kindergarten. They had the same interest which was basketball. They were on the basketball teams, varsity ever since freshmen year and they were now Co-Captains on the team. They were pretty popular around school unlike Elsa. Though, even with their popularity, they always hung out with Elsa and always chose her over anyone else when people tried to hang out and make plans with them, which Elsa thought of as sweet.
"Well my two sweetest of friends, off to school?" Olaf said, offering an arm. Elsa smiled and linked her left arm with Olaf while Kristoff offered his arm and Elsa linked her other arm with his. Oh, first day traditions. They then walked up to school, getting ready for their first day again.
Anna and Rapunzel arrived in the main hallway of the school and the front entrance. Everyone waved 'hi' to Anna and acknowledged her as well. Anna, being her friendly self, replied hi back. Anna literally was Ms. Popular of the school. Everyone knew her and everyone wanted to become friends with her, for her optimistic nature, for her friendly attitude and her bubbly personality. It wasn't just about Anna's father being the owner of Arendelle Records, but just having Anna being so nice to everyone. People saw Anna's life as the perfect life. She had the perfect family who loved and cared for her, she was wealthy and could get anything she wanted, she had good grades and was now the captain of the cheerleading squad and she had the perfect boyfriend, the captain of the football team, Hans. Yep that's right. Who knew that Hans and Anna would actually be in a relationship? Anna knew that people thought she had the perfect life, getting everything she wanted and it was true. Anna could get a lot of things that she wanted. Rapunzel walked with Anna to her locker, who had Hans waiting for her right there with a bouquet of red roses.
"Daww, isn't your boyfriend so sweet?" Rapunzel squealed as Anna rolled her eyes and smiled. She approached her locker and Hans smiled at her, greeted her, and handed her the bouquet of roses.
"Hey there babe." Hans said, pulling Anna in for a kiss on the lips, which Anna responded for a second before pulling away.
"Morning." She smiled. Rapunzel stood on the side and watched all the other students walk past, waving hi at her as well. Rapunzel smiled and waved back. She was also on the cheerleading team, but instead of being Co-Captains with Anna, she was Anna's right hand partner.
"So, I have football practice today afterschool and I know you have cheerleading to-" Hans was cut off.
"Na, cheerleading practice doesn't start until early next month. We need to first recruit girls and all. We aren't like basketball and football where we already did our recruitment in the summer." Anna smiled and Hans nodded his head before continuing.
"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go and hang out later after my practice? Maybe go out to the movies?" Hans asked
"I would love to." Anna smiled and Hans gave her a cheeky smile before kissing her on the cheek.
"I'll see you later than!" Hans said before turning on his heel and walking away. Right when he did so, three people walked through the main doors, arms linked and everyone just watched them. The girls were squealing about the guys on the right and left side.
"Oh my gosh! It's the captains of the basketball team!" girl one squealed
"I know right! Ugh, they get hotter every year." The second girl squealed
"Oh lookie here Anna. It's basketball and girl coming down from six o'clock." Rapunzel said and Anna watched Elsa and Olaf laugh at a joke Kristoff told. 'That laugh though' Anna thought.
The football boys and the basketball boys had this feud going on ever since sixth grade, or well, between Hans and Kristoff. It all started when Hans pushed Elsa into the mud and dirt in sixth grade in front of everyone, in front of Anna and laughed at her. Let's just say, Hans adopted a black eye and a broken arm and earned himself a new enemy who was Kristoff. Anna watched the three of them walk down the halls. Elsa had really grown up, grown more mature and grown more… beautiful when she progressed through high school. Now here she was, having Kristoff and Olaf at her arms, two of the hottest guys in the school.
"Gosh, sometimes I wonder if that Elsa girl is dating Kristoff or Olaf." Rapunzel growled and Anna looked at her with a questiongly look.
"What makes you think that she's dating either of them?"
"Don't you see? They're always by her side, one or the other, or usually just both. They're always so protective over her as well. Why else would you think no boy would ask Elsa out beside the fact that there are way more prettier girls than her?" Rapunzel stated simply and Anna frowned and turned back to watch Kristoff slung his arm around Elsa's left shoulder, playing with her loose braid she had done.
Going back to how everyone thought that Anna had a perfect life. Perfect boyfriend, perfect family, perfect future. Anna thought she would have gotten everything in her life, and if she was ever missing something, all she had to do was ask for it. But, there was that one thing that she couldn't get at all. The one and only thing she really desperately wanted, was the thing that she couldn't get.
The bell rang, signaling first period and Anna closed her locker before looking at Rapunzel.
"Time to head off to math?" Anna asked and Rapunzel nodded her head before linking arms with Anna. She kept walking with Rapunzel by her side, suddenly remembering what Punzel had said earlier in the car.
'You can get anything you want Anna.'
"But I can't get her." Anna mumbled and Rapunzel looked at her.
"What was that?"
"Oh nothing… nothing." Anna quickly replied. Punzel looked at her with a confused look, before shrugging it off and continued walking towards their first class.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Reviews would help make me feel as happy as a Panda! :D