cLerith raven:
I'd like to thank those who read Meant To Be even though I've left this hanging for two years. I'm just happy that it still has reviews. Please bear with me. I wasn't able to update earlier than I originally planned. And I may be on hiatus soon. I wish I could finish with all the chapters before I do.
Meant To Be
Chapter 7: The Cetra Is Found
The doors to a secret underground laboratory opened wide as a gray-haired man in a lab coat entered. He was muttering words under his breath, words that only he could understand. His eyes were rapidly shifting, speculating theories as if they were written in front of him.
The man stopped when he reached the end of the laboratory, in front of a cylinder tube that was filled with a black liquid-a special black liquid. This was his own special formulation-his masterpiece. This was where he would keep her. Yes, this was where her body will lie, safe from the eyes of outsiders, forever giving them what they need for their plans.
They only needed one thing. She was the missing piece to his puzzle. The Cetra Princess. How he dreamt of taking the pleasure of watching her writhe in agony as she was continuously drained of her energy and powers, only to be given more and taken more over and over again.
For years he had tried to harness the powers of the Cetra. They had used those they had captured over the course of the past war. All those experiments failed however. They did manage to find some sort of success with their last subject. But she had killed herself before they even had the time to confirm their success.
He laughed maniacally as he thought of it. He was a genius, a genius! No one has ever made this much progress. Those fools, calling themselves scientists, professors-what idiots! They were cowards-scared of the numerous possibilities they could have achieved. He would laugh at them, as they had when he proposed his theory.
"Hojo, you've done it," he exclaimed. "You have surpassed everything that has been done before you. Everything!"
His thoughts were disturbed when another figure entered the laboratory. He knew the person all too well-his Master.
"Good evening," he greeted as he bowed. "What brings you here, Master Sephiroth? It's past midnight."
"Hojo," Sephiroth said. His voice was low and menacing, different from what he sounded like earlier. He was elated to be himself now. He was getting tired of pretending to be the good brother Rufus believed him to be.
"Yes, Master?"
"What of the Cetra," Sephiroth asked. "Have you gotten any progress?"
"Ah, the Cetra Princess," Hojo said as he turned around. "I'm sorry, but no further progress has been reported."
Sephiroth let out an exasperated sigh. They had been searching for years for that damned Princess. But nothing ever turned up. Whenever a lead appeared, it would lead them to a dead end. He had no choice. His own search had been failing. He had to ask for his brother's help. His army could continue the search. While his brother's pathetic excuse for SOLDIERs exhaust their selves in their search, his own army could focus on training.
Ah yes, that was what he would do. When Rufus's SOLDIERs are weary of the search, his own private army could defeat them easily enough. Sephiroth will have the Kingdom of Midgar under his rule in no time at all. It was the perfect time. If Rufus does not succeed in his attempts to find the last Cetra, Sephiroth would just have to continue it after he has taken the throne.
"Never mind, Hojo." He waved a dismissing hand at the scientist. "All that matters now is that we prepare our men."
"Ah, yes, of course. I have been preparing a special… energizer, you might call it." The scientist pulled out a test tube from his rack on the desk. It contained a yellow liquid, obviously something that was meant to be drunk. "This enhances any man's abilities a near to a hundredfold."
Sephiroth grinned. He liked the idea. He knew Hojo; the man would not be so confident if he wasn't sure that it would work. Years of servitude has proved him competent. Speculating, he took the test tube from the scientist's hands and examined it.
"Are there any side effects?" He kept turning the test tube side-to-side.
"None," Hojo replied. "There is a minor setback though," he added. When Sephiroth didn't answer, he continued, "It wears off in 24 hours. Our mean would have to take it constantly every day."
"They cannot be allowed to carry vials of this wherever they go, Hojo." Sephiroth put the test tube back in the rack. "Think of an alternative."
"Well, yes, I have thought about it. I've decided to make it a drug-turn it into tablets to take every day. It would be more portable that way, and easier to ingest. Don't you think so, Master?" Hojo had a sly grin on his face. He knew that Sephiroth couldn't disagree.
"Very well, do it. Have them ready in 7 days time." Sephiroth didn't look back at Hojo as he walked away and left the laboratory.
Hojo looked back at the cylinder tube. In a few more days, it wouldn't be empty anymore.
I'll soon have what I deserve!
Cloud paced back and forth as he thought of what his Father was up to. He and his brother were called yet again in the War Room. For what purpose, he didn't know.
The most intriguing part was that most of the SOLDIERS were being prepared for another task. It must be connected with the search their Father was planning. The search for the Cetra Princess would start soon.
Cloud didn't know why, but he felt agitated with that knowledge. He had this feeling that he couldn't quite pin down, but he knew one thing-it wasn't a good feeling.
"Cloud, quit pacing already!"
Cloud's head snapped in his brother's direction and gave him a glare. Zack raised his hands up in surrender.
The doors burst open as Vincent and Rufus strode in. Along with them was an old face both of them knew well.
Zack's face instantly lightened up as he saw his old friend and mentor. "Angeal!"
Angeal's features were stern, professional, and ready at any time for any kind of battle. He had been Zack's father figure, as well as Cloud's, back when they were still in training. He had helped them through each mission, and was even their Platoon Leader.
After Cloud and Zack reached SOLDIER 1st Class, Angeal had been promoted to a General. They never saw him or heard from him ever since.
Angeal inclined his head then gave a stiff smile, ever the same. "You still look like you did before your promotion," he turned to Cloud, "He still as cheerful as ever?"
"Nothing changed with him." Cloud looked at Zack and sighed. "He's still cocky too," he added.
Angeal waited for the doors to close before he laughed out loud. "I don't expect him to change that. Zack wouldn't be Zack without it."
Zack shrugged his shoulders. "At least I'm not like someone who could make men piss their pants with just a look. Man, do you know how hard it was for others to clean up after the poor guys?"
Cloud stifled a chuckle as he remembered. It was their last mission before they had been promoted. Angeal had warned them all not to make a single mistake. He looked fierce as he eyed each of the SOLDIERS in his platoon that three of the other SOLDIERS had wet themselves in fear.
"I think they still have shingles whenever they hear your name." Zack stood up and went to Angeal.
"They'd better. They will answer to me once the search begins."
Angeal pulled Zack in a man-hug. He motioned for Cloud to come to him as well. Cloud did so, although reluctantly. Whenever Angeal did that, he would feel like the teenage kid he used to be who would run to Angeal just because he was curious.
"You guys are almost as tall as I am." Angeal messed up both their hairs.
Rufus watched the trio with a smile. He really did make the right decision. It was Angeal who had always been there for his sons, as the reports have said. He was sure Angeal would still be the same for the two now.
Vincent cleared his throat to gain the trio's attention. "We have a serious matter to discuss. Soon, the rest of Great Three would be here."
"The rest?" Zack and Cloud looked at each other, and with a sudden realization, both looked to Angeal.
"You're a General now?"
Angeal shrugged as if the fact was not a big deal, even if it was. The Army only has three Generals as a rule. They were SOLDIER 1st Class who had been able to pass certain tests and requirements. Cloud and Zack had wanted to become Generals, but their roles as Princes prevented them from doing so.
"I replaced one of the late Generals, General Dyne," Angeal informed them. "It was why I had to leave for a long time."
Zack whistled. "Hot damn. Never thought you were cut out for it."
Angeal sneered. "I could say the same to you."
"I gave up on that," Zack said with a laugh. "Seriously, succeeding in a hundred missions with no casualty is impossible for me. I mean, who made such a ridiculous requirement anyway?"
Rufus cleared his throat. "That would be me, Zack."
Cloud stifled another chuckle. Zack shot his brother a glare.
"What happened to General Diggs?" Zack had heard of the name before when Angeal was lecturing them about the Generals. It was at that time that he aspired to be a General when he was stronger.
It was Vincent who answered the question.
"Deceased. He went MIA the day that General Dyne had died. His body was found just months ago. DNA scans confirmed his identity."
"The only one left of the original Great Three is a man named Barret then." Cloud looked at Vincent and asked, "Where is he?"
"Retired. Currently, he is fetching his replacement. He came highly recommended by Barret himself. We've also checked his records and he passed all tests and requirements."
"Who is he?"
"Genesis Gainsborough."
Cloud went rigid. Genesis?
Zack noticed that Cloud had stiffened at the news. He must have recognized the name.
"Then who is the last of the Generals? Who is replacing General Diggs?"
"I am."
Zack, Cloud and Angeal turned around to look at the newcomer who was the new General.
Cloud didn't know why, but he had the sinking feeling that it wasn't a good idea for their uncle to be a General. In his head, he saw the image of Sephiroth surrounded by flames.
God, I hope that was not a premonition…
Somehow, it felt like it was.
A loud pounding on the door startled Aerith as she was tying Marlene's hair. The girl had requested that Aerith braid her hair the same way she does it. Nanaki lay at their feet, looking contented as he lay asleep.
"I'll get it," Genesis called out as he lied on the couch beside the girls. He stood up and walked slowly to answer the door as the loud knocking continued.
"Damn, would you wait?"
Genesis's eyes were wide with shock when he realized who was standing before him. It was a black man he knew all too well. He would never be able to forget the man who had sacrificed his arm in order to save his life.
"General Barret," he said breathlessly.
"Daddy?" Marlene lept up from the couch and immediately ran towards her adoptive father.
Barret had been the one who comforted her when she learned about her father's death. He had helped them throughout the year when both she and her mother had been grieving for their loss. And he kindly offered to be her 'second' father.
"Gainsborough," Barret said, "You are being reassigned." He handed Genesis a letter. "Read it."
Barret's mood seemed to lighten when he saw Marlene approach them. Genesis stood to the side as Marlene ran to Barret and hugged him.
"You're home!" Marlene exclaimed. "Everyone's been coming home now. Is the war over? Do we get to keep you now?"
Barret laughed softly. "Yes, I'm back for good baby."
Genesis stopped himself from laughing. He wasn't used to hearing their General sound so endearing, especially after years of battling with him.
Aerith smiled as she watched. She could see that Marlene had missed Barret. She couldn't blame her.
"Welcome home, General," Aerith greeted the man.
Barret nodded his head. "I'm not a General anymore though." He stood up and looked at Genesis. "I'm retiring, and you're my replacement."
Aerith stepped back, her eyes wide with shock. She was thankful Nanaki was there to steady her. She buried her hands in his fur as she thought about the news.
Genesis had a perplexed look on his face. When Barret motioned for him to open the letter, he did so. There, in black ink, was written that he was being promoted to General status as he came highly recommended by Barret himself.
"You told them about me?" Genesis asked, surprised at the knowledge.
"You're a good SOLDIER. You're very skilled. I think you're even better than I was when I was your age."
"Can't it be another?" Aerith asked.
Both men looked at her. Aerith knew there was no other way. Her brother was now a General, and he would be in even more dangerous assignments.
"Aerith," Genesis took his sister's hands. "It's all right. You know I've always wanted this."
Aerith sighed in defeat. "Mom is going to be heartbroken."
"I know, Princess."
"Genesis, you have to report to the King immediately. You'll be getting your new assignment from the King himself." Barret held Marlene's hand as he entered the house.
Genesis nodded. He went to get his overcoat from the couch and wore it before he flashed a smile to Aerith.
"I'm afraid the task of breaking our Mother's heart is left to you, princess."
Aerith glared at Genesis. "I hate you."
Genesis chuckled then took Aerith in his arms. "Good luck, sis," he said as he kissed her forehead. He nodded to Barret before he started on his way.
"Genesis," Barret called out to him. "You forgot this!" Barret threw something shiny in the air towards Genesis.
Genesis caught it in one hand and examined it. It was a General's badge-a black wing. This was one of the General badges. The other two were silver and white. It was a special kind; a badge that enables the bearer to grow a single wing, depending on the badge's, color which shows their status in the Army.
I'm a General now…
Aerith watched with a heavy heart as Genesis revved his bike and sped away. She grasped Nanaki's fur like a lifeline. She felt bad about the task her brother had left to her.
I only hope Mother won't faint.
Cloud was silent as he listened to the men in the room talk. They have been discussing about the search parties they would be forming for the Cetra Princess.
Genesis had joined them an hour ago. Rufus had been surprised that Cloud knew Genesis. When he asked his son why, Cloud refused to answer. Genesis looked relieved, but Rufus thought it was just his imagination.
"Father, have you ever considered that the Princess is not alive?" Cloud asked.
Everyone in the room looked at Cloud in unison. He had been silent ever since their meeting had started.
"I hope not. She is the only chance I've got to atone for my sins, Son." Rufus's voice held that sad note it always has whenever he talked about their Mother.
"Even if we find her, we can't be sure that she would accept our help. How could we be sure that she doesn't hold a grudge against us?"
"If she is anything like her mother, Ifalna, she would be as kind as she was."
That had sounded simple. But Cloud didn't think it was. Years of being orphaned and hunted, and being in hiding can do a lot of damage to a little girl, especially one who has been alone all her life.
Zack gave Cloud the shut-the-hell-up look. They should not be torturing their Father with regret and guilt. He has suffered enough in all the years that have passed. Zack would know, he had witnessed it all.
"Princes, we now ask for your permission to let us conduct tests," Sephiroth said. "A clear image of the Princess herself would let us know what we should look for exactly."
Zack shook his head. He wasn't going to let them see into his past. Never.
Rufus sighed. "Let us continue with the task at hand for the moment. Vincent, the assignments.
Vincent nodded then pulled out three folders. He handed Angeal, Sephiroth and Genesis one folder each.
Vincent spoke clearly as he told them their instructions. "Those files contain everything that you may need in your search. We start with the Midgar Empire. Scour every city there is, especially those nearest Kalm."
Genesis opened his folder and went ramrod still. He couldn't believe his assignment.
"I am to search here in Edge, Midgar's capital itself?"
"Yes, Genesis. Being the last to ascend to General status, we thought best that you start here then go farther. Is there a problem with that?"
Genesis thought it wise that he agree. After all, it would enable him to hide Aerith from the rest. If either Sephiroth or Angeal were assigned to Edge, they might find out about Aerith. This was the best opportunity they could get to protect her. No matter what the King had said, they can never be sure about Aerith's safety.
Cloud could see Genesis's agitation. But it disappeared after the General shook his head. His distress had been replaced with resolution. The meeting went on as the Great Three split into divisions. They had divided the Empire in Sectors as well to better delegate their search spots.
Cloud just listened to them in silence. He saw that Zack had fallen silent as well. Cloud shifted in his seat, noticing that his brother was paying attention to his expression.
This is gonna be a long meeting…
Once the meeting had been adjourned, Genesis immediately stepped out of the War Room. He was headed towards the Palace Doors when someone grabbed him from behind and pulled him into a dark corner.
His senses alert, he immediately drew his sword. His blade came contact with other one, a broadsword by the force it had.
"Who are you?"
"I have to know something."
Genesis froze. He knew that voice.
"Prince Cloud, what the hell are you doing?" He shoved at him, his anger mounting.
"Aerith is the Cetra Princess, isn't she?" Cloud finally managed to voice out his concern. Ever since he had read of the Princess's description, he couldn't get Aerith's image out of his mind.
Genesis stiffened. He wasn't expecting Cloud to even have an idea. This was what he was afraid of. Aerith's identity would be revealed in no time at all since the Prince was concerned.
"Answer me, dammit!"
Genesis turned to leave, but the blonde leveled the sword at his throat.
The SOLDIER in Genesis lashed out. But he had to keep himself from wounding the Prince.
"I ask this, Genesis, because I want to protect her." Cloud's voice was full of conviction.
Genesis turned to look at the Prince. He wanted to see the sincerity of his words. His eyes were searching, yet pleading as well. Those blue orbs didn't hold a single note of hesitation. At that moment, Genesis knew that Cloud would indeed protect Aerith as he had done.
Maybe even more…
Decided, Genesis nodded. "Yes, she is the last of the Cetra, their Princess."
Cloud staggered. He couldn't believe it. Genesis's confirmation of his suspicion had taken him aback.
You asked for this.
"How did she survive all these years?" Cloud silently prayed that Aerith's childhood had been a good one, that fate had been kind to her.
"This is not the place to discuss these things, Prince Cloud."
"Agreed. My room would suffice."
Cloud led the way to his room with Genesis following behind. Their steps were slow and soft, not wanting anyone else to take notice in them. Cloud was thankful that his brother had decided to go out for a ride. Though he wondered why he had sent for Tifa as well. Would he ask the woman to ride with him?
That's not what you should be worrying about. Aerith's safety comes first.
And he would protect her with everything he had.
Aerith looked bright as she entered the late Queen Scarlet's Garden. It was a beautiful place, even more beautiful than what she had imagined. The garden was settled near the stables, at the back of Palace.
A gazebo was nestled at the middle of the garden, surrounded by different kinds of flowers. And beneath it, a small river flowed to a pond underneath a lush tree. It was the most breathtaking place she had ever been in.
It was almost sunset, and the scenery was even more beautiful with the orange glow from the sun.
Aerith rushed towards the flowers as Nanaki stayed behind, guarding the door. She couldn't help herself. He inner child wanted to get out and dance around the place.
"Such lovely flowers," Aerith commented as she smelled them. They fragrance were sweet, almost addicting.
Aerith began to sing her lullaby as she tended to the flowers surrounding her. She kept laughing to herself, giggling at the way the flowers seemed to cherish her touch. The wind blew around her, almost like a soft caress. She was enjoying herself so much that she was oblivious to the person who was watching her.
Rufus jaw dropped as he saw the one person he thought he would never see again in his life.
He shook his head, unbelieving. Ifalna was dead, she couldn't be here. His mind must be playing tricks on him.
It's her…
Rufus unconsciously stepped towards his wife's garden. He wanted to get a closer look. Surely it wasn't Ifalna. But she looked so much like his old friend. So much that the woman could be her daughter.
It can't be… All this time…
They had been searching for the Princess for years and years. Could fate be that kind to just hand her to him, especially now that he was desperate?
When Rufus was a few feet away from the woman, he noticed how she resembled Ifalna. What struck him most were her eyes. They were the same shade of green that Ifalna had. It reminded him of the lifeless green orbs he had seen that tragic night which haunted his every dream.
This was not Ifalna. This was her daughter. Finally, he could make amends. But, why was she here? Did she come knowing about his sorrow and guilt?
Wanting to get an answer, he reached out to touch the lady in front of him.
To Rufus's horror, the woman screamed out loud.
Genesis sighed as he finished telling Cloud about how Elmyra had found Aerith and raised her as her daughter. He told the Prince how Aerith had lived her life, despite knowing everything about her past.
Cloud was amazed at how Aerith had lived her life that way. She knew that she was only adopted, an orphan, and the last of her people. It awed him that she was strong enough to withstand those years of knowing that everything was taken away from her. It made him admire her more that she had a stoic and cheerful disposition, when he expected her to be bitter and angry.
"That girl has such a good heart."
Cloud saw the love in Genesis's eyes as he said that. And he couldn't agree more. Then, he realized something.
"Genesis, I must tell my Father."
Genesis scowled. "Are you out of your goddamn mind?"
"This would free them both, Genesis. They've both suffered enough from the mistakes of the past. It's time that they both let go."
"You've seen how Aerith is now, but you think she's suffering?" Genesis couldn't believe what the Prince was saying. He couldn't fathom thinking of Aerith being unhappy or at worse, miserable.
"Think about it Genesis. For a little girl to experience all of that, I'm surprised she could even laugh right now but she does. She has grown into a strong woman, but even the strong have to cry sometimes. And I know for a fact that she hasn't cried ever since from your story. Who knows how much sorrow she has bottled up inside of her? Sooner or later, she'd breakdown and I want to be there for her if she ever does. Don't you?"
Cloud put all the conviction he had into his words. He seemed to have reach Genesis, as the man was now deep in thought. He only hoped Genesis would understand what he was saying. And he hoped Genesis would agree with what he was about to ask of him.
"Genesis, please show Aerith to my Father," he pleaded.
"I don't think I can do that Cloud. If what you said was true, then wouldn't it hurt Aerith more?" Genesis swallowed the lump in his throat.
"I promise you no harm would come to Aerith. I know my Father, and he is nothing like my Grandfather." Cloud balled his hand into fists at the memory of the old King.
Images of Aerith as a child, running away and always hiding played in his mind. She must have been so scared and sad, especially with her being hunted by the Empire. How could their Grandfather have been so cruel?
"Prince Cloud, you do know that is too much to ask of me. Aerith is my sister."
"I know."
Genesis sighed. He knew Cloud was right. His sister has suffered too much. This was Aerith's chance to finally be able to be free from hiding ever again.
"All right," he agreed, "But should anything be done to hurt my sister, I swear to you, Prince Cloud-"
"I swear to you, Genesis. Aerith is not be harmed."
Cloud held out his hand. Genesis took it, and out his hand on the Prince's shoulder.
A scream sounded on the hall that seemed to have come from the garden. Both of them knew that voice, and they didn't waste any time.
Cloud bolted for the door, rushing towards the garden. His heart was racing. He wasn't expecting Aerith to be anywhere near the Palace, let alone in it. He had just promised that he wouldn't let anything harm her. How could he have failed?
Please don't be hurt.
Cloud couldn't bear the thought of Aerith wounded or bruised. This would be his fault.
When they neared the garden, Cloud instantly saw a woman's figure standing near the gazebo. He was sure that it was Aerith. And a few feet away from him stood his Father.
What is Father doing?
Cloud ran to them both, but was greeted by a fierce snarl from a furry creature. From its stance, it was ready to pounce on Rufus, obviously there to protect Aerith. It must be her pet, Nanaki.
"Prince Cloud," Aerith said, "Genesis!"
"Father, what's happening here?" Cloud went to his Father's side. "Aerith, are you all right?"
Genesis stood beside Aerith and put his arms over her shoulder. Aerith nodded to Cloud as she lay her head on her brother's chest.
"Your Father startled me, that's all," she said calmly. She let out a sigh of relief.
For a moment, Aerith thought that she would be chained and locked up in a dungeon. She had recognized the King. It was the face that she last saw before her Mother had taken her away that awful night.
In truth, she had expected the man to strike her where she had stood. But when she saw his eyes, her fear had vanished. They were not the eyes of a cruel man, but were of a sad one. She could see other kinds of emotions through his eyes, but they were not as powerful as what she sensed in his aura.
Rufus was a man filled with sorrow, guilt and regret. She could feel it emanate from him with great intensity. He must have been holding those emotions for a long time. But Aerith also noted the hatred she detected. But, it wasn't directed at her. He hated himself. For what, Aerith didn't know.
"You look so much like Ifalna," Rufus whispered. His voice was full of hurt. "Aerith is it?" He recalled the name Cloud had called her earlier. "Aerith, I've finally found you."
Aerith stepped back, surprised. She couldn't deny her resemblance to her Mother. It was what she was always thankful for. It was what her Father had always told her to be proud of. She could still remember how much her Father had said that she looked so much like her Mother that he was blessed to have her as a daughter. She couldn't deny that and stain the memory.
This was the reason why she never went anywhere near the King. She had hoped that she wouldn't be able to meet him, but she knew that it was also foolish.
Genesis immediately put Aerith behind him. Obviously, he was ready to attack if need be.
Rufus took the warning and inclined his head. "Genesis, I mean her no harm."
Cloud put a hand on his Father's shoulder. "Father, maybe we should let them be."
"No, it's quite all right," Aerith said. "My brother and I should be leaving now anyways."
Aerith tugged at the sleeves of Genesis's coat. Genesis turned his head to her and nodded.
"Aerith, may I speak with you?"
Aerith wanted to say no, but deep inside her, she had wanted this. She had wanted to speak to the King. She nodded.
"It's all right, Genesis," Aerith whispered to her brother.
Genesis wanted to argue, but Cloud's words echoed in his mind. His heart heavy, he let go of Aerith and started to walk away with Nanaki following behind. He would not be far; he would stay near enough to come to her if the need arises.
Cloud walked to Aerith. He wanted to make sure that she would be all right.
"You don't have to if you don't really want to."
Aerith shook her head. "It's all right." She touched Cloud's arm. "We'll just talk." She smiled.
Cloud's heart lurched as he saw Aerith smile. He would have felt relieved by it, but he saw the sadness in her eyes. How could he have been so blind? He should have noticed her sadness before.
"I'll be near."
Cloud faced his Father and nodded before he left the two alone. They had a lot to talk about. This was their chance.
Aerith was about to say something when Rufus did the most unimaginable thing-he kneeled before her.
"I have a lot to atone for, Aerith. If I had only been stronger, braver, I could have prevented that tragedy that befell your people," Rufus said. "Let me make things right. Allow me to make it up to you. I can't bear the thought of failing Ifalna once more."
Aerith wanted to cry, but she kept her tears at bay. She would weep for her people and her family, but this was not the time for it.
The man who was kneeling in front of her was suffering, same as she was, and maybe a lot more. All those years of being the last of her people had been kind to her. She had been blessed with another family, the Gainsboroughs. They had protected her and made sure she was never in harm's way. She would always have the comfort of knowing that she had a family to keep her safe. And they would always lift her spirits up with their kindness and laughter that she didn't have a moment of sadness.
Even if Ifalna and Gast were not with her anymore, she was thankful that she had lived. She was the most important thing to her parents, and her survival was everything her parents would have wanted. So she did her best to stay alive.
But this man had been suffering without pause. She suspected that he had been continuously searching for her as she was the last of her kind. He must have been carrying the sorrow he had all those years. But to have so much pent up sadness, he must have carried it alone. No one saw it, no one sensed it.
"I never hated you," Aerith said.
Rufus looked up at her, amazed by what she had said. How could she not hate him? It was his Father that had purged her entire race, drove her into hiding, and most of all, left her to live as the only survivor.
Aerith smiled warmly at the man. She didn't want anyone to suffer.
"It wasn't your fault. It's not your sin to atone for. You are not your Father, King Rufus." She had said it in a gentle tone, hoping to ease some of his suffering.
"But I failed your Mother. I had promised her that I would be able to keep you all safe."
Aerith sighed. "It's all in the past now. I'm sure Mother would not be happy to see you like this. You were a very dear friend."
Aerith helped the man up. "Please, for my Mother's memory, don't blame yourself."
Rufus nodded. She was every bit as kind as Ifalna had been. He made a light heh sound.
"Ifalna would have scowled at me if she ever saw me like this, wouldn't she?"
Aerith giggled. "Yes, she would have."
Rufus took both of Aerith's hands in his own. "I want to make it up to you Aerith. Please, accept my offer to live here in the Palace. I want you to live the life that you so deserve. A life as a Princess."
"I would have to ask my mother, Elmyra, about it. She was the one who raised me. I know that it would break her heart if I left."
"Then take your family with you. I want to thank them as well for keeping you safe." Rufus let go of Aerith's hands.
"I will think about it, Your Majesty."
"Then I bid you farewell. I hope that your response would be positive." Rufus bowed before he turned around and walked away.
Aerith let out a sigh as she looked up. She wondered if her Mother would hear her now.
"Mom, I did the right thing, didn't I?"
As if answering her question, the wind caressed her face. She thought she heard voices calling to her with the wind. She smiled as she closed her eyes.
Aerith opened her eyes and saw Cloud standing in front of her, his eyes seemed sad. She smiled at him.
"How long have you known about me?"
"Just yesterday when we had our meeting. Father wanted Zack and I to cooperate for the search." Cloud went on to relay what they have spoken about during their meeting. "I didn't know it was you at first, but Genesis confirmed it for me."
"I'm sorry I had to keep it from you."
"You had every right to. You were protecting yourself."
Aerith turned around and gazed around her. "It's beautiful here. Your Mother's flowers are lovely."
"They're the only thing we have left of our Mother. My Father said that her flowers were her guilty pleasures."
"You must miss her." Aerith looked at Cloud. She bent her head as she saw him looking up.
"All the time." Cloud's lip twitched. He looked at her. "Do you miss your Mother?"
Cloud saw sadness flicker in Aerith's expression, but she quickly replaced it with a slow smile.
"All the time."
Cloud kicked himself mentally.
Damn. You shouldn't have asked that.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"About my question," he replied. He sighed before saying what he's wanted to say.
"Aerith, if you want to cry, go ahead." Cloud turned away. "I hate it when you sad. I don't know why. I just do."
Aerith was touched by Cloud's words and his actions. She felt her eyes water. She had buried a strong emotion long ago that she had forgotten about it. But now, that emotion threatened to choke her.
She had always been strong for her family. She didn't want them to worry over her, especially because she was adopted. She didn't want to be a burden to her, like how she had been a burden to her nurse-maid. Slowly, the doors she had kept locked for years opened up to reveal the memories she had ignored.
Aerith could still remember how much her nurse-maid had attended to her ever since they had run away from their Kingdom. She remembered how sweet her voice was as she sung her to sleep. How loud her laughter was when they played. And how tender her embrace had been when she held her.
She remembered the year that they had shared in Kalm. Her nurse-maid had stayed the same, but she had always been guarded. She never wanted Aerith to play outside without her. And at night, she would bolt down every door and window that they had.
Aerith had gotten used to the silence in their home every night that it had surprised her when she heard noises outside. She had gone to the window to check it, but her nurse-maid grabbed her and started running.
She was a foolish kid who cried over a doll that was given to her by her Mother. The SOLDIERs had heard her and started shooting at them as they ran. Aerith had never been that scared in her life.
She could still see how much pain the woman had been in as she strived to move even as she bled. Thankfully, Elmyra took them in. But what haunted Aerith most was how scared the woman had been.
She remembered the fear the woman had in her eyes as she held her that night she died. Now, she understood why. The woman was afraid of leaving Aerith. The love her nurse-maid had for her even though she wasn't her own blood was overwhelming.
With a gasp, Aerith finally let go of the tears she had been trying hard not to shed. Feeling weak, she knelt as her emotions became too much to bear.
Cloud felt like his heart was being torn apart as he heard Aerith's cries. He had wanted to let Aerith have some privacy when she cried, but concern for her overrode his desire to provide her that privacy.
Cloud was holding Aerith in an instant. He had his arms wrapped around Aerith who was still crying. He tried rubbing Aerith's back, imitating what his Mother had done for him when he was a kid.
Aerith's cries soften as she felt Cloud's embrace. She hadn't realized how much grief she had been holding inside her heart until now.
"Ssh." Cloud tried his best to soothe Aerith. "Your family will always be there for you. I'm here for you."
Aerith was grateful for Cloud's presence. He had been the one to finally help her let go of all of the sadness she ever had.
Thank you, Cloud.
cLerith raven:
I'm finally done with this chapter!
I'm so sorry it took this long. I've been busy with so many things. I hope I do manage to update more often.
Thank you for reading!