Chapter 1
"The Start of Stopping"
Beck's POV
Every morning is the same old thing. I wake up in my RV, sneak a pop tart from my house and try to sneak out without being noticed. When that is other with, go back into my RV and get ready for school. My whole life is a routine that is in a constant loop. That is one of the reasons why I chose to attend Hollywood Arts. Nothing ever happens twice there. There is always something that will either blow your mind, or make you think how crazy the school is. Hollywood Arts is filled with talented teenagers that can become stars at any moment. But nothing is ever truly a new experience there. I mean what's the fun in a surprise if someone gives a way an obvious hint? Just looking at the halls of the school is basically narrating that the school is not normal and that practically anything can happen.
I'm just waiting, wishing, that someone or something will come and add some flair to my life. I want someone to make me break down the walls and barriers of what I go through. Right now the closest thing I have to that is Jade West. She is a close friend of mine, but we are nothing more and probably never will be. She has built an alter ego that she shows at school as some scissor obsessed bad girl that you don't want to cross when in reality she's a sweet heart. She just doesn't want people to think she is weak and take advantage of her. André Harris is an incredibly awesome musician and an amazing friend of mine. Robbie Shapiro is an awkward teenage boy with his puppet Rex that is more comical than Robbie himself. Then there is Cat Valentine, she is a flighty girl but is one of the sweetest and innocent people you will ever meet. It would seem that she lives in her own imagination.
Apparently, something new is happening today. According to Cat, there was this amazing fill-in for Trina at the showcase this past weekend. I didn't go because again nothing is truly new involving Hollywood Arts. The showcase is where the musical students showcase their talent and have the chance of getting a record label. Anyways Cat says that Trina's fill-in is supposedly Trina's sister. Great, just what this school needs, another annoying obnoxious conceding, Vega. Actually I haven't even met her but that describes Trina. I'm actually kind of excited to meet the new girl. She might make things a little more eventful at school. I might just be desperate for that flair, but you never know what can happen.
I looked at my clock and realized that now was the time I had to leave and get Jade. Jade is like my sister so I give her rides whether it's to school, or to hang out with friends. Jade has told me that André knows the new girl and said that she is the polar opposite of Trina. Apparently she's really talented and her performance was a huge hit on "The Slap" and "Splashface". I have yet to check it out since my laptop isn't in the best condition right now. Jade and I were sitting in my car talking with the radio softly playing in the background.
"So how was your morning?" Jade asked with her hands in her lap staring at the side of my face.
"The same. I snuck into my house, took a poptart and came to get you."
"No incidents?" Jade asked caringly.
"No incidents." I confirmed.
"Good because if something were to happen to you-"
"You'd kill the son of a gun who did it. I know, I know."
"You know you don't have to be living your life like this. You could move in with André or-"
"I like living life the way it is right now."
"You and I both know that is the biggest lie you have ever told Beck Oliver. You hate living your life like this."
"Not enough to hurt myself or anyone else because of it. Trust me, if something terrible takes place you and André would be the first to know. I know you two constantly worry about me, but you don't have to. I can take care of myself. I mean I live in an RV just so I can make my own rules for crying out loud."
"We both know that's not why you live in an RV, Beck"
My grip on the steering wheel tightened and I slightly clenched my jaw feeling anger rise in me. "Even our conversations are becoming a part of the freaking routine," I muttered angrily.
Jade sighed and put her hand on his shoulder to calm him down, "I just want to make sure you're ok. I don't want you to do anything that might make your predicament worse. I just want to know you're okay."
I sighed and loosened my grip on the steering wheel while running my left hand through my hair, "I know. It's just… you know how I feel about talking about the situation and how it's all I think about. I just want something to make me forget about that, only for a minute."
"I know, but again I get nervous especially since I witnessed it once. I don't want anything happening to my close friend." She said while we pulled into the Hollywood Arts student parking lot.
I pulled the keys out of the ignition and pulled her into a hug. She always worries about me and how much I hate living my life as a routine. She tries to break it which happens occasionally, but in the end it only becomes part of the routine. She's trying and that's all that matters.
"Come on. Let's go meet that new girl," I said trying to take her mind off of me.
"I wonder what she's like. As long as she's not another Cat, I'm fine."
"Oh come on, you know you love Cat."
"I never said I didn't. I can barely handle one person with Cat's outbursts. I don't need two."
I chuckled and we walked into the school. I was waiting for Jade to be done with getting her things from her locker. We had arrived at least ten minutes early to school and Jade was having trouble with something.
"Go on. I'll meet you in Sikowitz's class," Jade said.
"You sure? Class doesn't start for another five minutes."
"I know but I'm going to be a while."
"Alright I'll see you soon," I said as I turned around and walked away.
I walked the halls of Hollywood Arts with all of these girls smiling at me, even the ones with boyfriends. Right when I turned the corner for Sikowitz's class room I got a new text from a desperate Northridge girl trying to ask me out for the tenth time this week. I rolled my eyes at the message and started to text her back, not paying attention to my surroundings. I realized when I was walking into Sikowitz's classroom, the door nearly closed on me. I had to move the coffee in my left hand to my right to make sure the door didn't crush me. I continued walking, while texting until I walked into something sturdy. The coffee tilted and spilled, leaving a stain running down my sternum. I looked up and examined my shirt making sure there were no more stains. The person I walked into started to act franctic.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
"It's cool."
"Uhh here!" She said holding onto the end of her sleeve with her index, middle, and ring finger.
"It's fine don't worry," I said trying to make her realize it wasn't that bad as she rubbed my chest with her forearm.
"I think it's coming out," She said hopefully.
"I think you're making it worse," I said politely while finally looking at her face. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. This girl was gorgeous. Her chestnut brown hair fell perfectly around her face and she has matching, breathtaking brown eyes. She finally looked me in the eyes, then back at my stain, and back to me. I hadn't even realized I was smiling until she smiled at me. I was completely mesmerized by her. I put my hand out to her.
"My name's Beck. What's yours?"
"Tori, Tori Vega," she said while putting her hand in mine and giving it a single shake.
"Well nice to meet you Tori."
"Again, I'm really sorry about the coffee on your shirt."
"It's fine I wasn't paying attention."
Tori opened her mouth to say something but then André came in.
"Hey Tori. Glad to see you made it here in one piece," he said while walking over to us. He stood beside Tori and looked at my shirt, "but you didn't." André leaned closer and whispered, "incident?"
I rolled my eyes as I shook my head André stepped away from me and gave me a questioning look, "I was texting and walking and I wasn't paying attention and walked into Tori. My coffee spilled all over me."
"Well that's not a good first impression," André teased.
Even though I had just met her, I feel like she's different. Maybe, maybe she's what I've been waiting for.
A/N Ok please don't hate me for starting another story but I've had this idea for such a long time that I just HAD to publish it. I promise i will update more. I will be more dedicated than ever before. I swear this time i mean it! (Woah song refrence) Anyway leave me a review and i will update as soon as possible. Read and Write on!
- BeckandToriBeriforeverxoxo