I can't believe I got so many responses so quickly. I recognize a bunch of you and it makes me absolutely giddy to see you guys again. It's my HopuRai family! It's an incredible feeling, really. And to see some new names is awesome, just awesome. I'm jazzed to get this going again and FINISHED and I am not going to waste time here when I can be editing and writing. Just thank you for sticking with this and replying with your input!

The majority have said that they would like this fic left alone and for me to make a new revised version, so that is what I will do. And, hey, at least if any of you end up not liking the new chapters then you can just bop back over here and pretend like the revisions don't exist. I won't mind. Much.

I have already posted the first revised chapter, so if you don't follow me then you can go to my profile and find it under A Sealed Fate Revisited. I expect to update once a weekish. I hope. I wrote some terribly long chapters… We'll see how this goes. Thanks again!
