Author has written 14 stories for Evangelion, Invader Zim, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Final Fantasy VII, Aliens/Predator, Dragon Ball Z, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Assassin's Creed, Gargoyles, Metal Gear, and Parasite Eve. Wow. I have been here for a while now. I look now and see that I haven't updated this profile in years. For posterity, I have chosen to leave the following as it was since the beginning. Mainly because I think it's important to not forget where you came from. It was written back in middle school, I believe, or maybe as a freshmen in high school. Can't recall. But things haven't changed much. I still love writing, even if I don't get to it often, and I still enjoy writing fanfiction. To those who have followed my stories, waiting patiently for updates, I thank you. I can make no guarantees, but know this: I care about these stories, and I want to finish them. And now, for a trip to the past: Hi! I'm Aneirin! Random facts about me: My hobbies include reading, writing, playing video games, and watching cartoons. Sometimes I'm a really deep thinker. Of course, Some say otherwise. LOTR=favorite movie series, besides the Batman movies My favorite superhero is Batman. I'm typing random stuff. The lines are getting, shorter. I like crossovers, so expect a lot of that from me, and I mix action/adventure with romance all the time. my favorite couples! Vincent and Tifa: I just think they go together, like cucumbers and potatochips, er, i mean cookies and milk. They have both loved someone who couldn't or didn't love them in return, so there's some common ground. They will at least know how the other feels. Naruto and Hinata: Hinata deserves to be with the person she loves, and Naruto deserves to be with someone who loves him for who he is. And I'm sure that Naruto will figure it out eventually. Sakura and Rock Lee: Can't really explain it, just a feeling I have. If Sasuke doesn't stop with the evil and all.. Shinji and Rei: YES. No two ways about it. I calls 'em like I sees 'em Aang and Katara: Obvious isn't it? They both have a crush on each other, so theres a good start. And Aang is absolutely in love with her anyway. Toph and Zuko: I just think it's a good pairing. They seem similar. I think Zuko would benefit from having Toph beat him u- I mean... They would probably get along pretty well. After Zuko gets used to her being all defiant and whatnot. Zuko and Mai: because it's actually canonical. Shadow and Rouge: another YES. I just think they belong together. Inuyasha and Kagome: Well certainly aint gonna be Kikyo. And without Kagome, Inuyasha wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd be like a lost puppy. Well that's my opinion. Spyro and Elora: The third YES. I just think they go together. Zim and Gaz: The fourth YES. UBER YES! if you see me writing for couples that contradict those, then it's one of two things: 1. an AU fic in which the circumstances make the couples listed impossible. 2. a request someone made. doubt anyone will make me a request though. Current fic news! 1.Shinji Saga-currently on hiatus. i'll get back to it eventually 2.Fool-Proof- had writers block. new chapter coming up soon, hopefully. 3. Apprentice- sixth chapter up, working on the seventh. having a bit of a block, but hopefully it'll pass. 4.Shinji, Weapon X chapter 1 is up, chapter two is a long time in coming. 5. Exile's Tale - chapter 2 up, chapter 3 coming soon. 6. Unrequited- same as Exile's Tale A look at coming attractions! 1.My End to Evangelion- Like the title says, it's my ending. It's drastically different (from a plot stand-point) than the actual endings (episodes 25 and 26 and End of Evangelion are alternate endings, for those who don't know). Don't have the summary worked out just yet. Note: this one will come out... eventually. Most likely after Apprentice and Weapon X are done. 2.Final Fantasy VII, Batman Begins- Vincent Valentine is Batman. I'm keeping all of the details to myself on this one! 3.Spider-Ed- that's right! an Ed, Edd, n' Eddy Spider-Man crossover! several things derived from the movie. coming very soon. oh, and here's something interesting. if you can read/understand this next thing, put it in your profile: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! |