Author has written 5 stories for Teen Titans, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Kingdom Hearts, Lucky Star, and Avatar: Last Airbender. I guess it's about time I fill this out; it's not like I really have anything else to do at the moment. Hello hello hello my darlings, my name is Mr. Apocalypse. I've been on for... Umm... I dunno, five-ish years maybe? Heck if I actually remember. I've posted five stories, all of which tend to go in and out of production when the mood strikes me. I tend to write in small spurts here and there. College and a job tends to suck the life right outta me making the creative process much more laborious than I tend to like it. During my random slumps of writing I'm still quite active in reading fan-fics, most likely trying to get a good ending for the day with a good story. About My Writing: If anyone has read all of my stuff, they'd probably notice that all five of them are romance. Yeah, it's true, I like writing romance. Why? Dunno really, though it certainly puts me in a better mood when I write and read it, especially if it's fluffy and/or funny. Most of my material is lesbian/yuri goodiness simply because I can. My Excuse Me While I Kiss This Ed fic is actually my first excursion into gay/yaoi writing. It's an interesting experience to say the least, especially when I myself am not. The whole thing started as a way to try and get myself out of a creativity drought, that whole 'what have I never read though know about (Ed, Edd, Eddy), never written (yoai and Ed, Edd, Eddy)' thing. Funny enough, it has turned out to be one of my favorite stories so far. Oh yeah, I tend to listen to music at near defining levels when I write 'cause... I dunno. Rectangle? About My Reading Expectations: I'm a very very very picky reader. If it hasn't been shown by my own reading, I am a stickler for good grammar, relatively correct punctuation, and all around solid language structure. Internet shorthand, little to no punctuation, no paragraph separation when switching between characters speaking and sinle paragraph stories are the bane of my existence. Why do I want you to know this? I dunno, but it sure does feel nice to write out my dislikes. Reading Preferences: As I mentioned before, I like stories that will put me in a better mood. Drama and angst simply aren't my cup-o-tea. I tend to stick around the cartoon, anime, and games sections of with an occasional excursion into other categories when I feel like it. Various Other Likes/Interest - Beer/Alcohol (sometimes) - Animals - Sleep - Cooking - Language - Science - Philosophies and Religious concepts |
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