Title: Raindrop

Chapter: Scenario 2

Author: Neoluchs

Rating: PG (?)

Warning: EXTREME OOC, TWT, Slight spoilers for episode 17. Shoujo-Ai.

Notes: Flames are tolerated but not appreciated. All I ask is you take heed of the warnings before flaming. Con crit greatly encouraged. This is bad. I know.

Summary: Two different scenarios that could have taken place on one unexpected rainy day. A/R. Squint: K/S.


Rain. So much rain that anywhere you turned, your nose would be subject to a splash of fat, watery droplets that were falling from the sky and onto the urban structures and people. The entire city was drenched from the sudden and very unexpected storm. It was almost absurd. The sky had been bright and sunny and not a cloud present just moments before. There was no doubt in Asuka's mind that the weathermen would be swamped with angry phone calls and e-mails from the lied-to civilians tomorrow. Three civilians… well, okay, maybe two…oh! Who are we kidding, one. One civilian in particular.

And that one civilian was currently walking down the wet streets and sidewalks of Tokyo-3, seething, her two silent companions in town. Who could blame her? She was soaked to the bone, tired, annoyed, dripping, and cold. Her schoolgirl shoes slopped with every step she took, her long, auburn hair was practically plastered to her head, obscuring her blue eyes, and worst of all, her white school shirt was way past starting to become transparent, favored and new red bra bright and obvious.

She noticed her brunette male companion wasn't staring or taking advantage of this. This was only more proof that he was gay. The streets were desolate; everybody had rushed inside for cover. There was no reason why he shouldn't have had his way with her yet –not like she wanted him to. So he must be gay. Well, either that or it was because Rei was here. Asuka had never been so glad to be in the girl's presence. Whatever reason, Shinji just kept on listening to his stupid mp3 player, apparently more interesting than she was.

Goddamn Japan and its unreliable weathermen. And goddamn its public transportation system!

There had been a school fieldtrip today. The school provided the transportation to the location, but you were responsible for your own ride home. For some reason, the only child who got that memo was Touji. They were stuck walking clear across town home.

A sharp pinch hit right between her eyes, forcing her out of her reminiscing. Was it just her, or was the raining starting to pick up?

An irritated growl emitted its way through her clenched teeth. Why was this taking so long! The distance must be growing.

Just as the sharp pinch had hit her nose, one just like it hit her lip, and then her neck, and legs and arms. They were like staples piercing into her skin. Pain always hurts so much more in the freezing cold. This was becoming unbearable. Thoughts of being home with nice warm blankets, her hot chocolate and a TV were much too enticing. The sooner she got home, the better. Unconsciously, she picked up her pace, stomping closer to the end of the curb.

Oh, what a mistake. Out of nowhere! A truck came barreling down the street and right for the rather large puddle right in front of the curb. The splash went everywhere, especially on the German girl. Great. Now she was all muddy!

Today couldn't possibly get any worse. Her body jerked to a stand still… and then she sneezed. A powerful sneeze. Perfect. Now she was getting sick.

By then, Shinji and Rei had caught up with her, just a few feet behind. "Let's go stand under there." Shinji pointed across the street to a sheltered bus stop.

Good idea, but she wouldn't tell him that. Another big sneeze came over her. She had to stop momentarily to regain her balance. Something took hold of her hand and pulled her across the street. What the…

She was about to tell Shinji off when she looked up, stopping at the sight of the familiar pale hand and blue hair. Well, then she was about to tell Rei off, but of course, another sneeze stopped her. The hand around hers tightened and pulled harder. Ugh, fine. Drag me if you want. Besides, Rei's hand was surprisingly warm…

They finally reached the curb of the opposite sidewalk and all three stepped under the plastic roof covering the long metal seat. The rain pounded the top, echoing in the enclosed space. Asuka plopped down on the middle of the bench with a tired air. Rei smoothed her skirt down before sitting to the right of the redhead.

It just occurred to Asuka that they were still holding hands. Even though the blue-haired girl's head was bent down, Asuka could make out her face easily. A pink tinge stretched across the albino's nose and cheeks. She was blushing! Well, they were partaking in what could be considered a very intimate gesture, but only to those who… Wait. Did Rei like her? Mein Gott... A girl has a crush on me.

Resisting the urge to cackle and smirk and this newfound piece of knowledge, she just decided to exploi– test it. She decided to test it.

She squeezed the other hand in their interlocked grip. The pink tinge deepened. Oh! Oh, this was too rich.

The albino's crimson gaze averted from the cement flooring and to the left, just where Asuka's chest happened to be. Once again, Rei blushed harder, this time looking up at a smirking Asuka. Her eyes seemed to betray her as they conveyed specks of emotion: heartbreak and humiliation; a forlorn frown accenting her curved lips (far from her trademark blank expression).

Asuka was stunned, to say the least. Did she really have such an effect on the other girl? To get her to actually show what she was feeling rather than hiding it all behind a cold mask? She knew she had this effect on everybody, but the Doll…

The albino turned her face back towards her shoes, her warm (and strangely pleasant) hand gently slipped out of the redhead's grasp. No.

Not letting Rei release any further than past her fingertips, Asuka forced the pale hand back down and into her own, this time entwining their fingers. That was better. Even though she didn't want to admit it (but having already done it), she actually liked the feel of Rei's soft and warm hands in her own.

In response, Rei whipped her head around to look at Asuka's firm hold on her, the (almost adorable and new) blush returning. Asuka let a shaky grin spread across her face. She didn't know whether to be repulsed by herself or what. Her rational side kept screaming to pull away and make some biting comment at the girl. A sever connection must have been cut between her body and brain. It just wouldn't listen to her. She let the thought fade away more and more with every increased millimeter of Rei's bright smile. She could get used to that.

Rain continued to pound overhead. Asuka looked over to the silent boy. Shinji hadn't sit down at all. Instead he was standing with his hands in his pockets, staring out at the rain rippling on the streets. What was with him! He'd been even more depressed and mopey lately than usual. It was really starting to get on her nerves.

"Shinji." He jumped at her voice, but turned around to face her.

"What, Asuka?" His was a monotone.

"Why are you so quite? You're starting to annoy me."

Once last flickered glance out at the streets, Shinji turned and sat on the bench with them. "I'm sorry."

Asuka rolled her eyes. "Why are you sorry?"

Shinji just looked down to the LCD screen.

Ugh. Well, since she was being completely unlike herself today… "What's wrong, Shinji?"

The softness of her voice shocked everyone. Shinji visibly flinched and the unexpected change.

He probably though she was trying to trick him.

"Nothing. I'm sorry." He eventually said. Asuka saw his eyes glance to her and Rei's adjoined hands. "Wha…?" He looked up to Asuka for an answer.

She glared at him, daring him to say something about it.

He just shook his head, not really expecting an answer anyways.

A blue Renault turned the corner and screeched to a halt right in front of the bus stop.

"Where the hell have you three been!" Misato all but exploded as the window rolled down. "It's raining cats and dogs and you're off wandering around the city."

"Ms. Misato–"

"I don't wanna hear it, Shinji. Just get in the carI wouldn't be surprised if you all had pneumonia." It was a well-timed sneeze on Asuka's part.

"Bad day at work?" Asuka asked politely, slipping into the middle seat.

"I don't know why Kaji insists on making these passes at me…" The Major grumbled, readjusting the mirror.

When there was no response from Asuka at the mentioning of the rugged man, Misato discreetly reached up to readjust to mirror. It hit a perfect reflection of the redhead and blue-haired girl. She arched an eyebrow at their hand positions.

"I mean it's not like I'm going to go out with him ever again. He's just too… ugh."

No response.

Well, this was an unlikely turn of events. Cracking open a beer and rolling up the window, Misato slammed the pedal and turned the car around with a sharp jerk, riding off towards the apartments.

Asuka sneezed again. She practically drooled at the thought of the blankets, steamy hot chocolate, and TV.