Author has written 55 stories for Digimon, Evangelion, Master Mosquiton, Harry Potter, Kim Possible, Hellsing, Invader Zim, X-Men: Evolution, Teen Titans, Fillmore, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Wicked. I've been writing various fiction for a little over ten years now. I certainly don't claim to be the best writer of any variety, though I do have a decent amount of pride in my work. Despite the typical subject matter of my work, I feel no need to classify it needlessly. Like any other writer, I would appreciate it if all readers would look past whatever pairing the story may carry or support, and read the story simply for the story. Guaranteeing that you'll enjoy my work is a promise waiting to be broken. All I ask is that you give the writing a chance before passing judgment. Besides, I'm prone to ignoring or laughing at the little sniping reviews that try to hurt my feelings or insist that I do what the reviewer demands. I enjoy feedback, whether it be reviews, adding a story to the favorites list, or private messages. While I don't reply to all reviews (unless possible, and if a question piques my interest), I do try to reply to messages. It is common courtesy, after all. As of August 19th, 2007: Currently, I am very much involved with writing the novels that have been buzzing about my head for years. I've got seven to deal with, all with titles, characters, and basic plots. I am not much enamored with getting requests for stories in fandoms that I haven't touched in years, especially when I'm basically off fan fiction for a while. So, once again, I point toward the journal of my DeviantART profile for more in-depth information about my goings-on. Furthermore, my DA page is more frequently updated than here, with original stories and various side pieces I may do while working on said novels. It's the better place to nose about, if you like my work. |