Author's Blah-Blah: Well, hello there. I updated this fic due to your demands. See? Told you I know how to update fics you just have to *winks* encourage me a bit. You know, review, e-mail me or whatsoever. Ehehehhehehe.

         ANYWAYS, the anicon exhausted me so much and my launch as a cosplayer turned out well, Let's just hope I can shell out more money for the next  con. Now for some replies…

Ashtoreth: Wow! Thanks, I really thought that I m boring everyone out of their minds ^_^ You know that's exactly why I am putting so much humor in my fics! Hey, this is for you! You really made my day with your nice reviews.

PrettyBirdyGirl: Ohohoho! I'll try to insert Alexander here to. I like him to. If he's not here then he's sure to appear in my other fics.

VampireHunter: Aw man! Thanks for the appreciation! Glad to make you laugh, hope this will turn out funny for you too ^0^


TeaRoses: Hey, thanks! This is for you. You inspired me to write soooooo much more. Hopefully I'll squeeze out more creative juices once I got over my flu. And no, it's not SARS.

Rei-chan; Arigatou! This is for you *evil grin* Let's just see who will win the game.

Snowbound: I am so grateful! Really I am! Have you read my other fics? Hehehhehe, they're the same as this.

M.Kasshoku: Maybe Alucard won't win this time. Hehehhe, this is for you.

Seravy: OHOHOHO! Let's just see who will merge as the victor.

Pantherandlovingit: Thankies for the appreciation. This is for you also. Actually the whole fic is dedicated to all of you

Disclaimer: I don't own Hellsing or any anime. I am poor…alone…

         Hace Calor

         Alucard maintained eye contact as he sensuously unbuttoned his shirt while his Master intent on winning sat on the edge of the bed directly in front of the vampire and delicately crossed her legs. Alucard feigned indifference despite the sudden quickening of his pulse as he was awarded with an awesome display of silky smooth upper thighs. His hands trembled as Integra leaned back letting her elbows support her upper body weight. The posture Integra displayed blatantly made her small shirt ride up her stomach once more.

         Red eyes narrowed as the vampire mentally cursed himself for his big and obnoxious mouth for making that awful deal, Damn it! She's getting into me, she's getting me!

         "Hey, Alucard why did you stop strip-teasing?" Integra asked then licking her lips she added, "Why something's distracting you? Or maybe someone"

         Refusing to be taunted, Alucard took reign over his self-control and lied, "No, not really. Maybe you are. You're just ogling at me. You're not doing your part at all." He countered.

         A vein popped out of Integra, "Excuse me, I am not ogling." She defended crisply.

         Finally finished with his buttons, Alucard slid himself out of the garment and seductively struck a pose in front of Integra. He watched triumphantly as he saw those blue eyes darken with emotion. He also smirked when he saw her swallow… hard.

         Damn, I am just too hot even she was affected by my sensuality, Alucard thought smugly.

         True, the Hellsing leader was having a hard time focusing. The moment she saw his naked upper body she could see nothing else. No matter how she tried to divert her gaze, it would always magnetically return back to those wide shoulders, trim stomach, pale skin-

         Integra Windgates Helsing, Stop looking at that idiot's body like you've never seen a naked man before! Her mind berated her.

         She shrunk back shamelessly. She was acting like some dazed teen. Integra had seen half-naked men all throughout her life, her father, Walter, some random deranged freaks, her men during training but then why was she acting like a wanton? They all have the same components to be a man so why be hot and bothered by one of them?

         Of all times, the illogical and aphrodisiac-laden side of Integra intruded. Maybe because Alucard is young, pale and undeniably sexy! All the men you've claimed to see naked were old, wrinkly or sweaty and disgustingly ugly while on training. Look at Alucard, see if there's a flaw.

         Blue eyes cautiously roamed at Alucard's body and her mind only processed two words, Sex God.

         Aphrodisiac-laden Integra cackled evilly. Oh my, you're attracted to him and he's undoubtedly the same as well why not give it a go?

         "Master, like what you see?" Alucard purred interrupting the on-going battle of Integra's different faces.

         Integra sniffed, "If you're talking about your body Alucard I just have to say that I've seen better. You're not so sexy as you think you are."

         "Really, but why are you blushing and why are you clutching the bed sheets so tight?"

         Integra reddened the more and she lifted her hands away from the poor crumpled sheets as if they were freaks' head. Stupid hands, they were giving her away. Yet being the proud and icy cold princess that she truly was, she blew frost over Alucard's blatant evidence and sneered, "Well, I am just trying to restrain myself from strangling you."


         11:00 PM

Must not give up, Integra thought wildly as she battled Alucard through a staring contest. She gritted her teeth painfully when the sensation of drying eyeballs grew persistent. For a few minutes now, they had wordlessly engaged themselves on a duel of whose eyeballs will last the longest.

         The vampire on the other hand was having a hard time also keeping his eyes focused however it was because of another reason. Alucard was having problems keeping his gaze fixed on Integra. He tried his very best not let his stare trail towards the provocative view that she had unconsciously granted him.

         You see, Integra on the course of glowering at Alucard had instinctively scooted closer and was practically leaning towards him with her palms resting on either side if her thighs as she rested on the bed. She was fully concentrating that she forgot certain things like (1) She was wearing a skirt (2) In connection with no. 1 her legs were erm-slightly open revealing her intimate apparel (3) In connection with nos. 1 and 2 that Alucard was practically salivating right in front of her.

         The sinful skirt got to love Ceras' fashion sense, Alucard thought to himself as Integra scooted closer, pouted a bit and squinted her eyes a little. Later, when everything's well he would have to thank the old man (Walter) for thinking of the brilliant idea of throwing Integra's luggage off the street when she wasn't looking. Of course, the 'accidental' spilling by Ceras should also be credited. He grinned evilly, his Master didn't stand a chance against the three of them combined.

         All of a sudden, his musings were interrupted by Ceras who rudely barged in without knocking at all.

         Ceras was immediately smoldered by the fiery fighting aura discharged by two. She quietly closed the door behind her while clutching the VCDs that Walter forced her to bring to them.

         Really now, seeing the two of them occupied just like that made her really nervous. She didn't really want to interrupt but Walter will starve her and keep all the medical blood if she didn't follow him. "Ano…erm…excuse me?" She timidly interrupted.

         "What?" Integra snarled irritably.

         At this, Ceras, visibly winced. Now, she was really really scared. She took a hesitant step forward and almost jumped off when Integra raised an impatient hand and motioned for her too be quick to execute whatever horrors Walter devised for her for the evening.

         "Don't just stand there, state what you want and be quick about it!" The older blonde spat out startling Ceras the more.

         Alucard hissed his agreement. His fledgling was acting like an idiot just standing there. He was almost ashamed to have made her but who wouldn't be scared in the face of a death match such as this?

         Ceras having no other choice carried out what was expected of her. "Anou, Walter asked me to give this movies for you guys to watch hoping that this would keep you guys entertained and save ourselves from further hotel expenses from the furniture you will destroy in your fighting."

         "Just pop it in the player and leave us be and tell that crinkly old man never to bother us again!" Alucard roared clearly irritated.

         Ceras mutely nodded, quickly did everything that was instructed to her and sped out of the room in a flash.

         One again, they resumed their combat, not minding the movie being played on the entertainment set in front of them. After a few minutes, Integra knew that she was already suffering one of the worst eyestrains that she would experience in her entire life. Alucard meanwhile was now reaching for a tissue for Integra's intimate apparel proved to be too strong for him. He swore that one more minute and he would probably hyperventilate and nose bleed himself to death.

         When the two was on the verge of giving up they heard something awfully sickening from the movie being played…

         "Ahhh…touch me…yes…ohhhh…"


         Two pairs of stunned eyes locked their gaze on the TV screen and were awarded with a close-up view of the juiciest parts of a R-18 movie.

         Alucard nosebleed.

         Integra paled.

         A few more excruciating seconds of realization before…

         "Turn it off! Turn that god damn thing off!" Integra panicked as she rummaged through the bed sheets for the remote control.

         "How?!" Alucard retorted back. He wasn't normally the unnerved type but given the growing arousal and the situation, he was no better than Integra.

         Integra made useless movements with her hands as she stood on top of the bed, "Just push the goddamn power button on the T.V."

         Alucard not wasting any time dove toward the television  and switched it off,

         Integra was about to let out a huge sigh of relief when another wave of erotic sounds hit them…

         "I am coming…coming…."


         The orgasmic scream that followed coming from the VCD player stunned Integra and Alucard. They forgot to turn off the blasted VCD player in panic.

         1:28 AM

         "Ok, we learned our lesson. No multimedia. No entertainment system to erm- entertain us. For now, let us enjoy the peace and quiet." Integra said calmly but inside she was still trembling of the after shock  of that brief encounter with a porn movie. When morning comes, she'll have Walter and Ceras hide for putting her in such a delicate situation. She was afraid that Alucard might loose control and pounce on her upon seeing that movie. Truth was, she was so afraid that the movie might give Alucard some ideas and she knew fully well not to deal with horny vampires.

         She remembered once when Alucard was having that need and she being the object of his desire was being taunted and chased nonstop all through out the mansion and even half way across the world. For one whole week, she wore way too clothes for her own good  and insisted that Walter and Ceras be on her side even when she was bathing,eating and doing her biological needs. Hell, even after ALucard resumed back to his normal self she had to be drugged for her to finally sleep. That week was hell for her, there was nothing that could stop him even her bullets, her screams and mental/verbal assaults.

         She shuddered at what might have been.

         Alucard sighed and firmly set a chair in front of Integra yet kept her distance from her. He casually leaned on the wall and just stared at her willing for his heart to beat normally but the sight of her quickened it the more. But then he can't really stay his eyes away from his sun-kissed goddess, he can't stop adoring her, not now nor tomorrow or the coming centuries.

         Integra uncomfortably lifted the bed sheet and slid in between the safety of sheets and mattress. She wouldn't be risking having another inch of her skin exposed and she doesn't care at all if she's sweating like a pig. It's much more better than having a hot and bothered Alucard breathing and panting near her. With her steely blue eyes on him, she fished out a book from her bag and covered her face with it and pretended to read,

         "Master, your book is upside down."

         Integra blushed and turned the book.

         For quite a while it continued, the excruciating silence and the two's pretentious act of being busy until…


         "Heard that?" Alucard asked his Master.

         Integra nodded and crawled to the wall nearest her. She knew that the sound was coming from there.

         Alucard followed suit and pressed his ear close. He heard a muffled scream followed by more thuds like a body being slammed repeatedly against the wall.

         "Could it be a freak?" Integra asked letting her sentence trail off.

         "No, let's listen first. We can't just barge in their room like that."

         They listened then they wished they hadn't.

         What followed the supposedly assaulting sounds of someone being tortured were actually noises of someone being tormented erotically. ALucard and Integra reddened when they heard the all too familiar slamming of the headboard against the wall and the similar moans and groans they heard on the porn movie earlier.

         "Oh heavens!" Integra backed away, climbing back to bed and wrapping around herself more blankets.

         Alucard was laughing manically. His control was waiting and WANTING to snap and he knew that he was close to pouncing on Integra. He almost swayed his way towards the balcony right in front of Integra's bed and pushed the two doors open. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! The walls sure are thin but never mind let us enjoy the moonlight."

         Then once again they wished they hadn't for a room of the building directly in front of them was currently exhibiting a passionate silhouette dance of lovemaking.

         Alucard's mouth dropped open and his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. The fiery orange glow sheltered by a thick curtain from inside the room added more intensity to the wildly moving figures in throes of pleasure. He backed away farther and farther until the back of his knees hit the bed. He stumbled and fell right into the of a dazed Integra who was also watching the carnal shadow dance from the room next building.

         Integra stared.

         Alucard stared.

         Without warning, pillows thumped his face nonstop as Integra tried to push him away off her.

         "Get off me," She cried as she pounded him over and over again.

         "I can't unless you stop hitting me. I can't move!" Alucard tried to reason.

         Integra stopped and like a new spring he jumped off her. Panting he felt his face aching, he never thought that pillows could hurt you but then it was Integra who was beating him.

         3:02 AM

         For hours now, nothing disastrous happened. They were enjoying the stillness that hovered over them, From the experiences, they decided not to have any contact at all too afraid that one thing might lead to another.

         Alucard was deep in contemplation. He made sure he kept his eyes closed afraid that if he opened them he might see something that would make him loose control. The only sound he heard was the persistent ticking of the clock and Integra's movements and voice  on the phone as she requested for delivery some variety of food into the room. But then just those two (the sounds aforementioned) were enough to send him off the edge. Even without visual presentation, just the noisess of Integra moving about in an empty room made him feel unnecessary things such as that disturbing stirring within his body.

         Just when Alucard thought this was truly hard as hell, he heard a loud noise.


         No, I will not open my eyes and be contaminated by lust. Master won't win! He vowed to himself. He gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut and resumed his concentration of erm-concentrating.


         Not being able to take it anymore, Alucard opened one eye and saw one of the most highly erotic scenes he has ever seen in his entire life.


         Integra the icy princess was having the grandest time of her life sucking the sweetness and flavor out of a strawberry Popsicle and a lollipop. She was alternately ravishing the two and from the flavor and food coloring Integra's mouth turned into a slight blood red color.

         Oh god,  Alucard breathed out. He noted to himself that lollipops and Popsicles were phallic symbols and kids shouldn't eat them lest they want to be molested.


         Integra was too busy enjoying her treats that she didn't notice that Alucard was gawking at her. For her, she tasted the sweets that her Father deprived from her.  Being raised in such  a strict family, she wasn't allowed such things and now she knew she missed lots. She was having the time of her life sucking the strawberry flavored sweets she ordered.

         The frozen Popsicle combined with the lolly relieved her of the poor air-conditioning and the extreme heat. She sighed contentedly and fell back on the pillows.

         Alucard was on the verge of insanity, if he won't touch her not even a strand of her hair then he'd die.


     3:05 AM

         Alucard having no more self-control did what he should do… he ran. One more second and he'll lose the game and do more than touch her. He'd rather suffer now than have 10 years of solitude with her.

         He sped out of the room leaving an overly curious Integra staring after him.

         It took a minute or two for the truth to dawn and when it did  Integra let out a whoop of joy. Alucard can't bear it and just walked out while she on the other hand was as cool as ice.

         She stepped out of the bed and drew herself a bath.

     6:02 AM

Integra had just gotten out of the bath. She felt cold and wrinkly all over but that was alright considering the heat outside that she was about to face. She peeked into outside and saw the sun rising then she remembered that she and Alucard hadn't touched each other and so who would merge as the winner?

Then she recalled the mirror, she quickly went to the dresser and was surprised at what she saw.

Alucard's mirror reflected her face.

Her  mirror reflected Alucard's face.

She screamed.

Nobody won.


Author's blah:  This Chapter is sucky. I thought it would turn out good but then it still lacks humor. Damn it, I am losing my touch. I don't even know how to write *weeps*. Muraki, help me!

Muraki: erm, I can relieve you of the pain that you're feeling. How about a kiss?

Me: Ah, mi amor!