.:Author Note:.
Hello to my reviewers,
First off, I want to thank all of your for your support, and yes, I am considering writing a sequel to Eye of the Hurricane, possibly with Blackfire in it. Right now I have another fic that I'm busy with though, so you'd have to wait for me to finish that before this one gets posted. It's Friday the Thirteenth. I don't know if you care to check it out or not, or if you already have. It's mainly featuring Jinx, so if you're a fan of her, maybe you should check it out ^-^ you don't have to though. Remember, it's just a suggestion.
Sorry… was I rambling? Anyways… if you were one of the people who asked for a sequel, or want one tell me if you would want Blackfire intervened in the fic. If she were, there may be some Raven/Blackfire, along with Raven/Starfire. It's just an idea I had, if you don't like it, flame away!
Thanks for reading this.
A. Kiwi