Author has written 5 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Lucky Star. I figured it's about time I rewrite this. I'm a 22 year old bisexual college gal (soon to be... not... college... whatever point is I'll be graduating soonish) and all this stuff in my account currently is HOLY CRAP OLD(tm). I mostly watch anime now, though I still love Angel and Buffy, and of course Joss Whedon's other awesome show Firefly. I like plenty of American TV shows too (House, Bones, Heroes, and some others), but I've found that those get plenty of fanfic love. I've decided that should I continue writing fic, odds are it'll be for the lesser loved pairings (at least in terms of 'have good fic written about them') or the lesser loved shows as far as anime goes. And it will pretty much always with very, VERY few exceptions, be femslash. It is also not likely to be an angstfest, since I've gotten sick of all the drama/angst/hurt-comfort fics I've come across or (regrettably) written myself in the past. No one writes good fluff anymore, it's frustrating! So I shall write fluff. Perhaps some humor. Maybe just a few general things without even any romance. WHO KNOWS. Shows I will most likely be writing fic for: - Lucky Star (probably Kagami/Konata, but Minami/Yutaka might be cool, too.) Shows I might write some fic for: - Claymore (because I just love the series so much.) - Doujin Work (because Najimi/Tsuyuri is effing hawt) - Blood+ (because Saya is totally homo) - Read or Die (because the whole cast is homo) - Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (because Haruhi yuri needs to exist at all, ever.) |
Dimglow (1) | Useful Oxymoron (30) |