Chapter 7: Chase

Hope walked down the street, his face hidden and out of sight underneath his dark grey hoodie, hoping to reach the downtown section before the cops came after him. He had the feeling he was being watched, but no one that he could see was observing him in any way, shape or form. He shrugged it off and continued on his way, heading towards the Eidolon Arcade, where there is an entrance to downtown in a side street. During this time, he contemplated about what had happened in the past couple of days.

He was still in shock about killing a man, but that faded slightly, 'slightly' being the key word. He had a suspicion that he may have to kill another man down the track, but he hoped to Etro that he would be wrong. He didn't need to get blood on his new set of clothes, or feel it all over his hands.

It gave him the creeps.

He shook his thoughts off and continued down the street, his strides becoming more forceful and purposeful. However, he had a feeling that he wouldn't make it to the Arcade.

And he soon found out why.

As he approached his destination, a GC Sergeant, a female with pink hair, came from behind and said "You're coming with me, Estheim!" Hope's heart jumped and mile and he bolted towards the Arcade, hoping the detour in there would throw her off. However, a Genome, a Ronso, and a man with ginger hair, all of which bore NORA badges were at the front door, stopping him from entering. He slipped into a side street, the one that led to downtown, but two Oerban women also working for NORA stopped him, and he had to run further down the side street, forgetting that it led to a dead end.

He pelted down the street, hoping for a miracle, but no such miracle came, for he was trapped between a dead end and a man in red and black, his eyes and hair matching his outfit. Hope whipped around to face the man and drew his boomerang in one hand and his Bowie knife in the other. He yelled "GET AWAY FROM ME!" The man was unfazed and drew his gun, levelling it to shoulder height. He replied "No" and Hope ran at him, throwing his boomerang at him as a distraction and readied his knife. The man spun to the right to avoid it and shot Hope in the left shoulder, causing him to collapse.

Before Hope's eyes closed and lost consciousness, a group of six people caught up with the black haired man, led by the pink haired woman, who had blue eyes which looked so familiar to him. His eyes closed as she came close to him, and he thought just one thought before losing everything: 'Serah'.

From the group's point of view, Lightning turned Hope onto his back, seeing his face turning pale from blood loss. She turned to Vincent and said "Good shot, but now we need an ambulance, now. Call Eden's Grand Hospital, will you?" Vincent replied "Alright. Does anyone have a phone?" Fang chucked him hers and he walked away from the group so he could speak to the ambulance without any noise distracting him.

Lightning then stripped Hope of his backpack and hoodie and placed the hoodie on the wound, the unconscious Hope whimpering in pain. She chucked his backpack to the side and kept his head elevated by resting his upper body on her lap. Fang grinned and remarked "Gettin' cosy, aren't we Sunshine?" Lightning glared up at her and snapped "Fuck off, Fang." She smirked and whistled in a mocking fashion and exclaimed "Whoa! The bitch is barkin' back!" Lightning rolled her eyes and ditched her phone at Fang's head, scoring right between the eyes.

"Ow!" Fang cried and Lightning growled "Call your base and tell them we've caught Estheim. Get Snow to tell Mr and Mrs. Estheim that he's been arrested, but is to be put into Eden's Grand Hospital due to a shot wound to the shoulder. Now; move it!" Fang, while rubbing her forehead, replied in exasperation "Alright, alright Sunshine." She left in Vincent's direction and Lightning mumbled "Fuck my life" to the heavens before focusing back on Hope.

Vincent came back and said "They're coming right away. I gave Fang's phone back, and she's calling base right now." He walked towards the wall and while holstering his gun and mumbling something along the lines of "I really need to buy a phone ..." Zidane asked "So, what happens to him now?"

Lightning sighed and answered "The judges will evaluate him after he recovers and gives us answers. Since he's juvenile right now, he could get away with either house arrest or minor jail charges because of him blowing up part of his parents' house. However, depending on whether or not he murdered Kefka or he killed him out of self defence, it could land him in either house arrest, or with either minor or major jail charges."

Zidane whistled and stated "Poor bugger. Hate to be in his position." Lightning grimaced and Fang came back, holding out Lightning's phone to her. "I told the boss ev'rythin'," she stated, "but 'e wants to talk to ya." Lightning sighed before taking the phone with her free hand and held it up to her ear.

"Hello?" she asked and Snow's voice came from the other end of her phone. "Lightning? It's Snow," he said, "I was just wondering, should I tell Serah everything or do you want to do it?" Lightning sighed again and replied "You can tell her after you've told his parents. They have the right to know first." Snow answered "Alright. I'll come around and take him to HQ when he's better. You could do with a break." Lightning said exasperated "Fine, but I'm going back to work in two weeks. Keep me updated, 'kay?" He finally said "Okay. See you around sis" before hanging up before she could contradict him.

She sighed yet again and hung up, pocketing her phone, and was extremely thankful when the ambulance finally arrived. They relieved Lightning of Hope and Lightning handcuffed Hope's right wrist to the rail, making sure he wouldn't escape. She passed Kimhari the keys and said "Stay at the hospital until he wakes up. Let me know as soon as possible when that happens." Kimhari nodded and walked into the ambulance with the paramedics, leaving the five NORA officers and the lone GC officer alone.

Lightning turned to Zidane and ordered "Zidane, take his gear to HQ. His parents will either collect them or forensics might need them." He replied "Alright" and headed off, and Lightning turned to the rest of the group. "Okay," she said, "I'm heading off. Keep me informed if anything happens." Fang nodded and replied "A'right. See ya, Sunshine!" Lightning flipped her off as she walked away and she took to the rooftops so no one would freak out if they saw the blood on her uniform.

When she got home, she saw Serah crying slightly into her hands with the phone beside her and murmured "Oh Serah." Serah spun around and her eyes widened at the sight of the blood. "Lightning!" she whispered in shock and she got up and rushed to her. "Oh Etro Lightning, are you alright?!" she asked rushed and worried. Lightning nodded and replied "Yeah, I'm good. The blood belongs to Hope; not me." Serah's eyes drooped in sadness. "So it was true," she murmured. Lightning nodded and said "He'll be fine; it was just a shot to the shoulder." She rested her hand on Serah's shoulder and finished "Everything will be alright."

Serah nodded and put on a small smile, something her sister returned. Serah then said "Come on, sis. Let's wash those clothes." Lightning nodded and followed her sister, ready for a bath and a clean pair of clothes.