I got hooked.
You guys don't understand how hard I tried not to… but I did.
I love Elsanna a lot more than I should. And… I fell in love with this song by Secretly Geek, who gave me permission to publish the story, called "Shore." It's about a mermaid and a human falling in love (kinda sorta not like Little Mermaid) and this amazing artist ASAMESHI drew a cover for the song… which has also become the cover for the story.
Not incest but plenty of Elsanna (forgive me, I've never written about a same-sex relationship like this before so it may suck).
Disclaimer: Disney owns FROZEN, Secretly Geek owns "Shore," and ASAMESHI owns the cover photo.
There it was, a tiny, white paneled, two-story beach house settled near the coast, perched in line with a bunch of similar homes. It was nestled amongst a suburb and it was practically two steps away from the beach. I was sitting in the car, glancing up at what I would call home for who knows how long. I couldn't remember the last time I had stayed in a place for more than two months. For all I knew, I could be living here for a day.
All my life, I've been hopping around the world with my parents, being homeschooled and without friends. My folks are marine biologists and constantly go from place to place in order to study activity of the ocean. I once spent a year on a god-forsaken boat in the middle of the Atlantic. Seriously, I started calling my father Noah and kept asking him if the flood was over. I always earned a strange look from him, which was the best part of my day on the boat. We even holed ourselves up in the Arctic as they studied the mating of killer whales, which was incredibly odd for me because I didn't think two gigantic masses of blubber getting it on was fascinating enough to observe.
Gross, no way.
Now we were in this coastal town somewhere in California, I think. I've lost track of where we go because of how much we bounce around. The only location I yearned to return to was my dust-collecting home in Colorado— which we sold when I turned three so my parents could travel with their colleagues from their place of work. I had enjoyed the moving and I love a good road trip but one that lasts for fifteen years— I'm eighteen now— is too much. I want to settle down and live a life, make friends, and act like a normal human being.
But nope, here I am, being dragged along with my parents until I can make a solid living for myself. That might be impossible because every job I managed to land— if any— would be purely temporary.
Once Dad parked in the driveway, Mom turned to look over the shoulder of the passenger's seat at me. I was still in my seat, my earbuds in and my iPod turned up all the way. I met her eyes and she made a gesture to remove them so she could speak with me. I did so and raised my eyebrows.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Will you help me unpack the car, Anna?" she said.
"Yeah," I repeated, opening the car door.
I met Mom at the trunk of our SUV. I hate the stupid car. It was a gas-guzzling machine and ridiculously ironic for two biologists to drive. But whatever. Together, we lugged our luggage up to the house we were renting. Dad had unlocked the door and was making a few phone calls to some local science facilities we were in contact with. The house was actually very nice, considering. It was a bit of a climb, since the house was on a deck. Our car was in a covered driveway, the cover being a part of the second story.
The living room was wide, connecting with the kitchen and dining room. There was a guest bathroom next to the stairs. The entire house was furnished and I wondered who we had rented this place from. It was all beached themed, super cliché, and very light colors. Like sandy browns, pale yellows, baby blues, and white, lots of white.
After Dad made the calls, he helped with the rest of the luggage. I hauled all three of my bags up the stairs and headed down the hall, where my bedroom was supposed to be according to Mom. I just so happened to get the room with its own private balcony that overlooked the ocean. My parents' bedroom had one, too, but it was separated from mine. Our rooms weren't directly next to one another, the bathroom being in the middle. The room above the driveway was a den/library and would be my folks' work place until we leave.
All in all, it was a simple house.
I loved my bedroom though. It had pale colors, just like the rest of the house, but was beautiful. It was actually one of the first bedrooms I had that I enjoyed. The other ones were either cramped or ugly… Ha, I guess this one would suffice.
I shoved my clothes into the drawers and set up my toiletries in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Then I returned downstairs to meet my parents and see what the game plan was for the rest of the day.
"So," I said, flopping down onto the couch and beaming at them. "What's going on now?"
"We have to get meet up with a group of friends at the local science lab," Dad said. "Maybe you can walk around the town and make some friends."
I frowned. "That's unlikely, Dad…"
"Please, darling, try," Mom encouraged. "I know it's been hard to move around and I really wish we could have given you a normal life but—"
I held up my hand. "I get it… I've heard it." I leaned back in the cushions. "I'll do my best."
"That's my girl," Dad praised, kissing my forehead before walking Mom out. "We'll be home in time for dinner. There's a spare key on the counter so lock up when you leave."
"Take a sweater! It's cold out!" Mom said as they shut the door.
I waited until I heard the hum of our car leave the area. Jumping to my feet, bolting up the stairs, I grabbed my sweatshirt from my room and slid down the railing back downstairs. Then I took the key with me outside, locking the door behind me.
It was a cool day, the summer season settling over the country so it was still overcast. I smiled to myself and marveled at the sight of being in such a pretty town. In spite of going to many places and my cynical views, I really did like to visit certain areas. The beach village was cute and I was excited to see the sights.
I skipped down the steps and turned sharply, walking through the driveway and reaching the beach. I removed my sneakers and socks, holding them in my hands as I walked along the shore, the cool water tickling my ankles. I sighed with content, liking this new location more and more as I went. I saw the local village come up from the distance. The place was about as big as two New York City blocks, not counting the residential areas and the work places a few miles from the town. The whole county consisted of the town, the rest was miles and miles of farming areas and fields of grass.
My perfect kind of place. Simple and quiet. Much better than our last location in Australia where my parents were studying the Great Barrier Reef for the ten-millionth time. Too much noise in Sydney…
I made my way to the town, my stomach growling a bit. I felt my pockets to make sure I had my wallet with me— I did— and headed over to the street, shoving my socks and shoes back on. I stuck my hands in my sweatshirt pockets, gazing up at the pearly grey sky.
My feet hit the concrete sidewalk and I entered the little town, where I found myself surrounded by the cutest little stores. Every single place was a mom-and-pop shop and there was only, like, two Starbucks. That was rare nowadays.
Because I wanted some lunch, I entered a sandwich store. The entire place was crowded with small tables and chairs in one corner. The counter was shoved near the back where an open archway led into the kitchens. A couple of people were sitting down and talking loudly. The whole place smelled of melting cheese and toasted bread.
I was seriously starving. I hadn't eaten since yesterday but it hadn't been a feast. Taco Bell wasn't exactly my idea of dinner. I mean, yeah, I love it on occasion and when I'm feeling like indulging in some fast food but…
Whatever, that's not the point.
I approached the counter and rang the bell for service. A blond boy poked his head out from the doorway and held up a finger, telling my to wait a second. I smiled with understanding and did just so.
After a quick moment, he came out with a sandwich wrapped in brown paper. He called out a name and some girl bounded up to him, taking the food and leaving.
"How can I help you?" he asked.
"Oh… yeah," I said, gazing up at the menu. "What's good?"
He blinked. "What's… are you new here?"
"Yeah, I am," I replied. "Why?"
"'Cause everyone in town has been in here," he said, sizing me up. "And I've never seen you here before."
"Well, I just moved… for a while," I said with a wry smile.
"A while?" he repeated.
"Long story," I said, meeting his brown eyes. "Point is, I'm a sandwich snob. What's the best thing you got?"
He grinned at me. "I think the grilled ham and cheese is the greatest— it's a classic."
"Then that's what I'll have!" I agreed.
"Coming right up," he said, writing down the order.
I paid him the four bucks and he sent the order into the kitchens, standing by the register to keep me company.
"So, what's your name?" he said conversationally.
"Anna," I said. "What's yours?"
"Kristoff," he introduced.
"Nice to meet you," I said.
"Likewise." He shifted from foot to foot. "Well, let me be the first to welcome you to our little town," he said, spreading his arms. "Arendelle Cove is the finest beach village within a fifty mile radius!"
I laughed. "Thank you very much."
It was so nice to talk to another human that wasn't my Mom or Dad.
"What brought you here, though?" he said, raising his eyebrows.
"My parents and I travel a lot," I shrugged. "So all my life, I've been on a constant vacation."
"Sounds fun."
"It would for some people… but when you've gone almost everywhere twice, come and talk to me about how fun it can get. It's tiring."
He mulled that over and then nodded slowly. "Yeah… yeah, now that I think about it."
"So, Kristoff, what's there to do for fun around here?" I asked.
"Depends on what you're into," he countered.
I smiled coyly. "What are you talking about?"
He shrugged. "I'm just wondering what you like to do… Everyone has their likes and dislikes. If you like the beach, then you're in luck."
"I haven't noticed," I quipped.
I glanced around the shop and noticed a group of cute girls sitting by the window. His gaze followed mine and he raised his brows.
"Am I also in luck when it comes to dating?" I said, more to myself than to him.
I have the worst luck with asking people out. And up until recently, I had come out of the closet to my parents. I had found that I preferred girls over boys when we spent a school semester in New York, where I actually attend school until we left in February. I had dated a boy but I… I just didn't like it.
Then I dated a girl. That I liked.
"Oh, I see," he said. "Well, rest assured, girls go for girls here in this town, too." He sent me a kind smile. "I'm all for it." He eyed me. "But to be perfectly honest, I would've never guessed you were…"
I laughed and faced him. "You wouldn't be the first."
He seemed a tad disappointed and I realized that he had been interested in me. I freaked out and shook my head.
"Oh, no, Kristoff, I don't mean to make you sad that I—!"
He burst out laughing, causing some of the costumers to look over in our direction. I gave him a crooked grin as he met my eyes.
"Hey, no trouble. That's my bad." He was handed my sandwich wrapped in brown paper, which he gave to me. "But I'd like to hang out with you sometime, just as friends, if that's okay?"
I smiled back at him. "Yeah, that sounds nice. I'd really like a friend for once."
Wait, what?
Great going, Anna, you just shoved all this pressure on—
"I'd be honored to fill that spot," he said kindly, chuckling at my screw up.
"Thanks," I said, leaving him a five dollar tip and my cell number. "Whenever's good for me. I've got nothing going on this summer."
"I'll give you call," he promised.
I smiled at him once again before leaving the shop. I let out a long breath and thanked goodness he didn't totally leave my ass just because I preferred girls over guys. Kristoff was a decent person, truly, and I was happy he was interested in just being friends.
Mom'll be happy to know that I met someone, at least.
I decided to take my lunch to the beach and eat there. I found a small tide pool and followed it until I reached a dock. I strolled beneath it and hiked around a pile of rocks. There was a path neat the top that was covered up by a few bushes. I looked around the area. Was anyone watching?
Not seeing anyone, I pushed through the bushes and took the path. After a good five minutes of walking I entered a hidden cove complete with a sandy shore and a cave carved into the mountain side. The water was a beautiful cerulean color and a few palm trees were sprouting out of the sand.
Was this the cove the town was named after? Perhaps… but it looked unused. I almost felt like I was trespassing on sacred grounds.
But I felt a pull towards the sand. So I plopped myself down onto the ground, feeling the sand beneath my palm. It was soft, like flour… and nearly white, too. The only footsteps in the area were mine and the only sounds I could hear were the call of the seagulls and the rush of the tide.
I unwrapped my sandwich, still warm, and bit into it. Kristoff was right: this was excellent. I hummed pleasantly and gazed out into the water. The cove was a crescent shape and very private. There was no chance I would be caught and I had a feeling nobody would come and seek me out.
When I finished my lunch, I stuffed the brown paper in my sweatshirt pocket. I had no intention in tarnishing the beauty of the safe haven. I removed my sweatshirt, the sun getting higher and forcing the clouds to dissipate, and rested it behind me so I could rest my head on it. I smiled up at the sky and watched the clouds go by, mumbling out shapes I saw and wondering if my parents were worried about me.
No, they would call me first.
I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful nap for an hour. Thankfully, I had lathered myself with sunscreen before I left so I was avoiding a bad burn. My freckled skin could burn so easily, I needed it a lot. But I ended up tanning nicely…
When I woke up, it was to the sound of splashing.
Wait, splashing?
I sat bolt upright and looked into the water. I could have sworn I saw something flicking away and sinking into the ocean before I could make it out. It was almost like a tail…
"I'm going crazy," I said with a grin and getting to my feet. I brushed the sand off my body. "Loneliness can get to you, huh…. aaand I'm talking to myself. Again."
I picked my sweatshirt off the ground and snuck a peek over my shoulder, just in case I wasn't going insane. Not seeing anything, and convincing myself it was just a trick of the light, I made the trek back home.
Once I arrived, I found the car in the driveway. I tossed my empty sandwich bag into the trashcan on my way up the steps of our house. I unlocked the door and found my Dad watching a baseball game and Mom cooking dinner.
I smiled at the rare sight. We actually looked like a normal family.
"Hiya," I said, kicking the door shut behind me.
"Hello, Anna!" Dad grinned, waving. "How was your day?"
"Really good, actually," I said, sitting beside him and watching the game. Tied up at the top of the sixth, Dodgers on the outfield. "I got some lunch at this cute sandwich place, met this really nice local named Kristoff— super sweet guy, too— and I took a nap on the beach." I stretched out on the couch and rested my feet on the coffee table. "So yeah, it was a pretty good day."
"Feet off the table, Anna," Mom chastised.
I rolled my eyes but obliged. Dad took a swig of his beer.
"Any girls you like?" he asked.
"David!" Mom scolded playfully.
"Mom, chill," I laughed.
My parents are so cool with me digging the girls— ha— and it's kind of become a joke amongst us. I mean, it wasn't like they weren't shocked when I came out to them. But they learned to accept it and I was glad it didn't turn out to be a big drama.
"No. No girls," I said with a little shrug. "Sure some were cute but… why do we have to point it out every place we go?"
"Trying to relate," Dad said lamely.
"Dad, you're such a liar!" I grinned. "Besides, I dunno how long we'll be here so there's no point in me looking for anyone, girl or friend or whatever."
Then my folks fell silent. I chewed on my lip and continued to view the game. Both teams were doing a terrible job so I tuned out.
"Hey, Anna, can you do me a favor?" Mom asked.
"Run down to the grocery store and pick up a few cucumbers," Mom said, scanning her list. "I thought I had gotten them but I guess I missed them…"
"Sure thing!" I chimed.
She handed me ten bucks for the groceries and I walked out of the house, my jacket in hand. I held it in my hand, the sun just barely touching the ocean's horizon. I took the same route I did on my way to the sandwich place, walking along the coast.
I gazed wistfully at the sea and caught sight of something familiar. Another splash and the tiniest flicker of what looked like a tail. I froze and stared at the spot, waiting to see it again.
"God, what I'm doing?" I mumbled, continuing my stroll. "Seriously, what the hell?"
But I kept glancing out of the corner of my eye to see if I could catch it. Whatever it was, it never resurfaced. I made it to the store, got the cucumbers, and the walked back via streets, not wanting to lose my sanity on my way home.
I returned to the house and handed my Mom the grocery bag and cash before running up to my room. Something hit me on my way home… something that might actually answer my worries:
The Internet.
I sat down at a desk that was in my room and I opened up my laptop. I found the Wifi server and, by some great miracle, it was without a password. I opened Google and typed in the name of my new town.
Ads popped up about a hotel in the area and rooms available, the houses for sale on my block, and the fun attractions. Apparently, Arendelle Cove was a nice tourist attraction but only during the late summer. One of those places where you can get away from everyone you hate— or love but can't stand— for a week. No wonder the beaches were so empty. I had started to think that I was doing something illegal by stepping on the sand because of the lack of beach-goers.
I found a brief history on Arendelle Cove and read about it. Founded in 1945, yadda, yadda, cute beach village, blah, blah, blah…
"Ooh," I let out, finding a picture of a mermaid at the bottom of the page. There was a small article about it and I read it out loud, trying to grasp it fully. "'But the most popular thing that all tourists and locals look for is the legendary clan of Mermaids that supposedly live out in the sea. For years, there have been sightings from sailors and beach goers who say that they've seen flickers of tail and shimmering reflections of presumed scales in the water. This myth has long since been pushed aside but some fanatics still cling to the belief that the Mermaids still exist out in the big blue…'"
It continued on to an interview of some scientist but I stopped reading. I leaned forward and typed in Arendelle Cove Mermaid.
I must be going crazy.
But I kept my search going. I clicked images and skimmed through blurry photos and art of the legendary icon. There was a flag that belonged to the town with a mermaid's silhouette in the middle of a blue, yellow, and green striped banner. Otherwise, there was nothing useful.
"Anna— Dinner!" Mom called form downstairs.
"Coming!" I shouted back.
Mermaids? Ha! I really must be going crazy to believe such a ridiculous myth. I almost convinced myself…
Maybe I could ask Kristoff.
For a week, I would grab some lunch from some random shop and then go to my special cove. I explored the cave and played my ukelele that I picked up from my last trip to Hawaii. I would sing and listen to the echo of my voice. The thought of the mermaid had been pushed to the back of my mind and I was simply enjoying my time here for as long as I could.
The Monday of the second week, I decided to visit Kristoff and ask him the question that was still gnawing at my curiosity. I entered the shop for lunch again. Kristoff was at the counter and was talking to some auburn haired guy. He spotted me and waved me over.
"Hey, Anna!" he said. "This is my friend, Hans. Hans, this is Anna."
"Nice to meet you," Hans said with a charming smile.
"Same here," I said. "You're a local, too?"
He nodded.
"Great, okay, 'cause I need to ask you guys something… crazy," I said, glancing over my shoulder.
"I love crazy," Hans assured with a laugh.
"It must be interesting because nothing crazy happens around here," Kristoff added.
"Okay…" I beckoned them to come closer. They leaned forward and I hissed out, "What's this about a mermaid?"
They groaned.
"Oh, you heard about that?" Hans said with a shake of his head. "Old news, old news."
"I figured but it's new to me," I said defensively.
"It's a myth, Anna," Kristoff told me. "Believe me. I spent days on end looking out into the ocean, hoping to see a pretty mermaid. But it was a stupid dream."
"That's kinda romantic," I supplied cheekily.
"Yeah, when you're nine," Hans teased, poking Kristoff in the arm.
"Regardless, it's a silly story," Kristoff insisted. "You could look if you want. I won't judge 'cause I've done it. Who knows, though… maybe it is true."
"Don't get the girl's hopes up," Hans said. "Drop it, Anna."
I didn't know who to believe now. Kristoff said it was a myth but worth trying to figure out. Hans simply told me to stop acting like a moron. I sighed and shook my head.
"Whatever," I said. "Can I just get a grilled ham and cheese again?"
"Sure thing," Kristoff said.
Once I got it, paid, and all that fun stuff, I returned to the cove I had visited yesterday. I sat back in the soft sand and ate my lunch peacefully, smiling out into the water. It was such a beautiful day and I was loving the silence surrounding me. No one could bother me here, nobody could pollute the natural cove, and nobody could see me. It was just me and the sea.
I stood up and walked over to the water, my bare feet scrunching up the sand between my toes. I stopped at the line where the tide met the shore, the cool water lapping at my ankles.
Holding my arms to my chest, I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds to the ocean. I smelled the salt air and heard the cry of the seagulls as they flew overhead.
Then I heard it again.
The splashing.
I opened my eyes and looked around me, hoping to catch the source. I didn't think it was a mermaid. All I wanted was to assure myself that I wasn't going crazy!
I stepped away from the tide and strained my ears as I walked to a small collection of rocks. I climbed around them and over them, the splashing getting louder. Somehow, I clambered over a couple of stones, cutting my knees in the process but I didn't care, and ended up landing on a bunch of wet sand covered by a thin layer of water. It splashed from my leap and dampened the hem of my shorts. I found myself in a crevice barely big enough for three people.
Then I saw it.
A flicker of a tail and some skin gliding along the bottom of the clear water. My breath hitched as the figure paused. Then a head bobbed out of the water. I clamped my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from screaming and backed into the rocky surface behind me. My eyes were wide and I had no idea what I was witnessing. The blue eyes of the head met mine and they widened, too.
I swallowed and lowered my hand, falling to my knees into the sand. The water soaked through my denim but I hardly noticed. I leaned forward and observed the head.
It belonged to a girl… a pretty girl. She had platinum blonde hair and pale skin, lightly freckled across her nose. Her hair was braided and tossed over one shoulder, which became more apparent as she rose out of the water just until her shoulders were seen.
"Hello?" I choked out.
What's to happen next? You'll have to see the next chapter! And be sure to check out the song "Shore" to get a good idea of what might come. Be sure to check out Secretly Geek's Tumblr: Frozest, too!
Please do review. But flames and saying stuff like 'ew gross girls liking girls' or 'no you suck they're sisters' will NOT be tolerated.
See you next time!