![]() Author has written 10 stories for Ouran High School Host Club, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, NCIS: Los Angeles, Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Korra, and Doctor Who. Hello, world of Fanfiction! I'm talewind (formerly ryu.Hikari), writer and Grammar Nazi extraordinaire...or, at least, I like to think so. :P Find me on Tumblr at http://, or on deviantArt at http://! March 25, 2011 -- Whee, a bandwagon to jump on! Hooray for journal updates! ...So...WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON WITH STORY UPDATING? I finished a drabble to add to Turnabout Mishaps, but the stupid site won't let me! D: I have another drabble in the works, too; it should be finished within the next couple of weeks. When it'll be posted, I can't say. Maybe if they FIXED WHATEVER'S WRONG WITH THE SITE *cough cough*... I don't have any other one-shots or full-out multi-chap fics that are remotely ready for posting, though, so things are gonna be a bit slow around here for the forseeable future. Stupid crappy work ethic. :c -x- March 26, 2011 -- decided to let me update Turnabout Mishaps. I am content. March 26, 2011 (again) -- I Will Always Love the Gaga published! Enjoy -x- March 27, 2011 -- I put a poll up regarding what multi-chap fic you guys want me to write! Please vote -x- April 22, 2011 -- ...Okay, seriously, peoples. Vote on the poll. I can't do much, if any writing if I don't know WHAT I'll be writing. ; -x- May 6, 2011 -- ohai dere! I just wanted to update that I do have a new potential project in the works, involving a certain pre-existing community here on . What community, you ask? Well, I suppose you'll just have to wait and see XP In the meantime, I'll be working on a sequel chapter to I Will Always Love the Gaga, by popular (?) demand, as well as helping marimo161 out with the newest chapter of one of her stories. Haven't read her fics yet? If you like AkuRoku, I suggest that you do; she's really quite good. :3 -x- May 31, 2011 -- Happy (late) Memorial Day, fellow Americans! New personal mission: Review every story on my Favorite and Alert lists. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED -x- June 14, 2011 -- ...Yeah. "Gaga" sequel chapter still in the works, BUT! I DID start a new KH drabble series! I may or may not post it today; it depends how I feel. Maybe I'll update Turnabout Mishaps first... Also: I'm glad that I had one more person vote on my poll...but now the poll is TIED! I NEED MORE VOTERS! POLL NOW OFFICIALLY ENDS JUNE 21! And if there aren't enough votes for a decision, I'll postpone it to...later. I don't know. -x- June 17, 2011 -- Drabble 5 for Turnabout Mishaps is complete! Now for my computer to stop being weird and let me add it... ; -x- June 18, 2011 -- New drabble series Camera One uploaded, as well as Turnabout Mishaps drabble 5! Enjoy -x- June 20, 2011 -- NEW POLL PUT UP! VOTE VOTE VOTE! -x- June 29, 2011 -- Drabble 2 for Camera One is up, with the sixth drabble for Turnabout Mishaps due by the end of the week! Stay tuned! EDIT: ...Or by the end of the night. HUZZAH! \o/ Also: VOTING ENDS END OF THE DAY TOMORROW! VOTEVOTEVOTEVOTEVOTE! -x- June 30, 2011 -- Okay, here's the deal: Tomorrow is the start of July and is, thusly, the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo--in other words, NaNoWriMo in July. So, fanfic updates from me will be a little slow in coming. In my off time, though (assuming I get any), I'll work on whatever fanfiction has the most votes in my POLL, which ends in about FIVE HOURS *cough cough*. Just throwing that out there -x- July 16, 2011 -- Okay, I just got back from a WONDERFUL two-week vacation, so I'm in a good mood! Unfortunately for you, all the writing time I had was completely devoted to journaling or Camp NaNoWriMo. But anyway, I thought I should let you know that, as the poll deadline has far passed, my first full-length fanfic on this site will be Backflip, an Adventure/Humor Pokémon fanfiction that takes place in the world of the web doujinshi, Reversed! {Incidentally, you can find it at http://} When I get around to seriously working on it, I don't know 100%. I'm hoping, though, that I can get it started at the very least by the end of the month. Just thought I'd let you know! ...Oh, and don't you DARE spoil the new Harry Potter movie for me. I haven't seen it yet. 3 -x- July 20, 2011 -- Second (and final) chapter added to I Will Always Love the Gaga, plus a new drabble for Camera One, because I love you. Enjoy Oh! And I've now surpassed 6,000 words of published material, so I am officially available for beta reading! -x- July 25, 2011 -- SURPRISE! Legend of Korra speculative ficlet (using all the spiffy new info from Comic-Con), Walls, published! And if I'm not mistaken, it's the FIRST Korrin (BolinxKorra) fic on the site! A full-fledged Korra speculative fic is also in the works (don't worry, I'll be working on Backflip, too), so keep watch. -x- July 27, 2011 -- Drabble 7 added to Turnabout Mishaps! I must be on, like, a writing spree or something! ...Now, if only I had this kind of industry during NaNoWriMo... *smashes face against keyboard* -x- August 8, 2011 -- And suddenly, new Camera One drabble! ...Guh. School starts in a month... -x- September 1, 2011 -- If you're curious, my final wordcount for Camp NaNoWriMo was 10,112--not as great as I could have done, but not bad. *nods* ...Oh, and I have new chapters of Turnabout Mishaps and Camera One for you! Gumshoe fans, be prepared to cry; Axel fans, rejoice -x- September 22, 2011 -- Alas, I have no new stories/drabbles to post at present. Sadface. But, I do have announcements for those who are curious: 1.) Backflip is now officially on hold. Why? I don't have a solid outline at present. Once I have a better idea of what will happen, we'll see what we do from there. 2.) The Korra speculative fic I speculated about making is nothing more than that: speculation and wishful thinking. Not gonna be written. Sorry. :/ 3.) It may be a while before Turnabout Mishaps is updated. This is what I get for asking MONOPODS of all people for prompts... 4.) I have discovered the amazingness that is DOCTOR WHO. So, yeah. It might be some time before any actual work gets done around here. Stay tuned, though! The best is yet to come -x- October 31, 2011 -- Turnabout Mishaps updated with Drabble 9! Enjoy it, because it took a month to finally come up with an idea for what to write, and it'll likely be another before I update ANY fanfics, due to NaNoWriMo. ...Toodles! -x- December 12, 2011 -- Drabble 5 in Camera One has been slightly edited, to accomodate future chapters. Also, drabble 6 is about ready to be posted, if you'll just be a little patient with me! -u-; -x- December 30, 2011 -- I know, I know, I haven't posted anything in ages! Here's why: ...Okay, I don't have a valid reason. BUT BEAR WITH ME. Stuff will be up before the end of January, I promise. I'm SOOO close to being ready for the next drabble in Camera One to be put up, and I'll be getting around to typing up the first part of a Christmas fic for my favorite OTP soon, so there is stuff! It's just not coming very quickly. Stay tuned! ...Please? :'D -x- January 16, 2012 -- Part one of All I Want for Christmas, a (LATE) MoriHaru holiday!fic, has been published! Camera One is giving me trouble, though...but! It will probably be updated before the month is out! So keep watching! And enjoy the MoriHaru fluff -x- April 7, 2012 -- *dodges rocks and pointy objects inevitably thrown at him* Okay, guys, please calm down--guys, don't hurt me--GUYS! I realize you all have EVERY RIGHT to be angry with me. I haven't updated my stories in MONTHS (three for Turnabout Mishaps and All I Want for Christmas, and SEVEN for Camera One), or even updated you guys on their progress, and I am truly sorry; I don't want to be the kind of author who leaves stories hanging that long. But writing for these stories hasn't come easily at all for me lately, and new things keep coming along--Script Frenzy, Tumblr, and plot bunny swarms--but, please, give me time! I really want these to work out! D: -x- May 10, 2012 -- RELAX, RELAX! I'll likely have stuff ready before the month is over! @_@ Also, I changed my pen name. I decided that I really didn't like ryu.Hikari as much, and it's one less username to remember. :p -x- May 22, 2012 -- It's not really what any of you is probably waiting for, but I had this need to write a cheesy Borra fic, which you can now see in Look At Us. Enjoy! -x- May 24, 2012 — Aaaand here's Drabble 11 for Turnabout Mishaps! Next on my list of fanfic stuff to finish is an Asami-centric post-107 Legend of Korra oneshot, the next drabble for Camera One, and then the conclusion to All I Want for Christmas! EDIT: And here's Drabble 6 for Camera One! I apologize for the ABSURDLY long absence on this one; check the author's note for details. -x- May 29, 2012 -- Published an Asami-centric one-shot, Understanding! Speaking of understanding, I realize how long I've taken with All I Want for Christmas, and I am sorry. BUT! For those who have been patiently waiting so long, the story has had progress, and, if all goes well, should be finished no later than the middle of June! It doesn't sound like a lot, I know, but that's the best I can do for now. EDIT: Because I love you, part two of All I Want for Christmas is up. -x- August 24, 2012 -- All I Want For Christmas is FINALLY DONE! WOOOOO! *confetti rockets* In the near future, keep your eyes peeled for further updates to Camera One and Turnabout Mishaps, as well as a Howrra drabble, an Avengers superfamily fic, and perhaps a Kingdom Hearts/Doctor Who crossover! -x- October 8, 2012 -- Because I am a life-ruiner, I have written Again?, a Doctor Who fanfic detailing the tragic love story between Rory Williams and the guy who got his foot stuck in a toilet in The Power of Three. No, really, it's awful. I kind of hate myself for coming up with it. ._. See this post before reading: http:///post/33176441417/griffinpuffslytherclaw-tehwhovianhufflepuff Expect to see the Kingdom Hearts/Doctor Who crossover soon-ish! -x- December 12, 2012 -- Okay, yes, I have not published anything in QUITE some time. BUT. There is a reason! There's this project me and my friends are working on—it's called When Worlds Collide. It's this massive, sprawling fanfiction we've been putting together for several months (and it's still not done). We've been planning and writing and thinking nonstop, and we only JUST got a finished version of the Prologue done! I haven't found it yet, but if it's not here on , it will be soon! Believe me, you have NO IDEA how massive this project is. Chances are, it'll take YEARS to finish. But we're making progress. When I know where it is, I'll link you to the Prologue itself and to the fic's official account. Also, I've been helping write the screenplay to KHV: The Musical, which is exactly what it says on the tin: a musical about the Kingdom Hearts fansite, KH-Vids. And I'm a senior in high school. Between homework, college apps, and laziness, updates may be sparse. As far as upcoming fics, though, the next one up will likely be a one-shot I made for a KH writing contest (it centers around the other Island trio, particularly Wakka), then still-untitled Kingdom Hearts/Doctor Who crossover, and from there I don't know. But that's it for this update. Hopefully, I'll have something up for you soon! EDIT: Okay, here's the account: http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/4111074/ The Prologue is not up yet, but it should be soon. -x- December 16, 2012 -- Here's the link to When Worlds Collide! http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/8801562/1/ -x- December 17, 2012 -- Published Bruddas and Sisters, a brief KH one-shot about the other Island trio during KH1. -x- CURRENT TOP OTPs (in order): 1. Kirito/Asuna (Sword Art Online) 2. Bolin/Korra (The Legend of Korra) 3. Mori/Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club) 4. Terra/Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) 5. Amy/Rory (Doctor Who) -x- FAVORITE AUTHORS and WHY YOU SHOULD CHECK THEM OUT: Bara Youkai: One of my RL friends. She has a few Vampire Knight fics, which is a fandom I don't really know, but eh. Dragonfree: AMAAAAAZING Pokémon fanfictions! They aren't for the faint of heart, though. E.M. Zeray: An amazing PJO author! She got me hooked on Percabeth Fear the Pika: Fear has some very interesting Pokémon oneshots. They're well-written and quick reads. Forced Simile: You see my favorite FE ships up there? Yep, she's got all of them (I think). Hakurei Ryuu: Heard of the Anti-Cliché and Mary-Sue Elimination Society before? No? Pity. Not only is she a member, but she has GREAT Yu-Gi-Oh! fics--the original variety, none of that GX, 5Ds or Zexal stuff. have-a-cookie: Had I ever wanted to know how to operate OHSHC host units, this would be where I would first look. HILARIOUS Jamimlia: Not only is Jami another Mormon/LDS author, but also has some great fics for a smattering of different fandoms! Marimo161: Another RL friend! She mostly writes KH slash of the AkuRoku and Zemyx varieties, along with some Klaine for any Gleeks. I've also been helping her out with one of her stories, Failure to Object. We'd be very happy if you would read it. :D Master of the Library: Another ACMSES member. He also has a bunch of Yu-Gi-Oh stuff that I have yet to read, but I do not doubt that he writes it with what is his special brand of awesome. Mei1105: One of the founders of the ACMSES, also having some excellent Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfiction. Noticing a pattern with these Society authors? I am... monopods89: Another RL friend! She has no stories on the site, but she frequently provides prompts for Turnabout Mishaps. PEANUT v1.2: PEANUT writes incredible fics for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy (VII and XIII). Riku seems to be a favorite character. PocketSevens: Pocket has some very amusing Wicked fics, one being a crossover with Burn Notice, of all things. Pocket makes it work. R Amethyst: Excellent Fire Emblem fics, plus some Yu-Gi-Oh! ones and, apparently, Yu Yu Hakusho. Scribbler: ...If you don't even know who Scribbler is, go to her profile IMMEDIATELY, you poor, depraved person. silentmusic16: AMAZING Kingdom Hearts one-shots! Even better, it's all Namixas ...Oh, and there's some Final Fantasy XIII stuff. Whatever. TeaForRevenge: How do you take an awesome OHSHC author and make them even better? Make them write MORIHARU FLUFF tragicomedy: Great fanfiction for a variety of anime, plus Harry Potter. They make me smile. wickedRENThead1783: The one story of theirs I liked did get taken down, but I've received word that it could be put back up again. Plus, she's just a cool person. -x- One last thing: Marimo141, Monopods89, Bara Youkai, and Shadows-in-a-faded-light? They're some of my bestest buddies. Hurt them in any way, shape, or form and I will obliterate you with my immense legion of Pokémon--I've caught 'em all, you know--among other unspeakable horrors So, that's a little bit of me in a nutshell. I hope to get to know you a little better soon! :D |