
Summary: Harry is sent to live with the Dursleys. The neighbor works for the American Magical Government…oh and Petunia is granted her biggest desire…to become a witch. How would becoming a witch change Petunia's feelings and actions towards Harry? What about Vernon and Dudley?

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Evanescence.

Chapter 1: I linger in the doorway

The streetlights on Privet Drive flickered as a trio appeared in the backyard of Number 4 Privet Drive. Auburn locks of hair pulled up into a ponytail and green eyes saw into the darkness of the surrounding area. "Lil can I light my wand? It's dark back here." Lily Potter shook her head at her husband's question and knocked on the door in front of her.

"Who's there?" A woman's voice asked. A small child with mess black hair that stuck up in every direction knew what was happening. His parents were doing what his younger brother had told him they were going to do…getting rid of him. Then again the green eyed child knew what his parents thought about him, they didn't like him because he wasn't famous.

He didn't care they were abandoning him to some unknown relation.

He knew it would happen from the way he was treated. Only his grandparents cared about him and kept him from going down the wrong path. Now their portrait wasn't there to talk with him…

Lily talked to her sister before handing the woman the money she would need to care of Harry while he was there. "I don't know how long Dumbledore will take training Evan, but I will keep you up-to-date for when I'm coming to get Harry."

James Potter was considered a family man. He did everything for his two children especially Evan, yet the feeling that something was wrong didn't leave him. James watched Harry read a muggle novel he swore that he had seen Lily read it before. The elder Potter didn't have the heart to take the book from his oldest son while they were leaving him with muggles. James would rather leave him with Sirius but he wasn't stable enough in Lily's words to take care of a child, even if it was his Godson. Besides it was Lily's sister surely the woman had gotten over the jealousy she felt towards Lily.

Lily gave Harry a hug and kiss good-bye telling him to be good while he was there. James patted Harry's shoulder and told him the same thing only he winked.

Harry watched his parents leave without a tear. His grandparents had told him how surprised they were that Harry was the quieter of the two boys living in Godric's Hollow. His grandmother would tell him how she wished James had been that quiet as a baby and his grandfather would chuckle agreeing.

Petunia Dursley was hiding her disgust at her sister's total disregard of her son. The boy didn't even look sad to see them leaving, her Dudley would have been sad. No wait he would've cried for them to come back and buy him something else he didn't need.

"Listen boy, you will earn your keep around here. Dudley's second room is yours for now. Tomorrow I'm going to wake you up to started breakfast and do your chores. None of that freakish-ness of yours will be used around here understand?" Harry looked at the woman in front of him.

The piercing green eyes that showed little warmth, the green eyes that seemed to stare into her soul. Petunia shivered, but said nothing as she pointed up the stairs and allowed Harry to drag his suitcase up the stairs. The suitcase was actually charmed lightweight by his personal house elf.

Petunia knew Vernon and Dudley would have problems with Harry, but would deal with it later for now he would stay in that room.


Harry stared out the window of his small bedroom and couldn't help the feeling of dread racing through him. Slowly the tears he had been careful to hide from his parents and aunt trailed down his face. He wanted to go home even if he wasn't wanted there it was nice talking to his grandparents, even his great aunts and uncles. Why was he the unwanted one?

The moonlight fell on the crying child and he decided right there he would waste no more tears on his old family. He'd get them to acknowledge him one way or the other.

Silver: I couldn't stand to do the typical Harry gets abandoned at the Dursleys and tossed into the cupboard. This isn't the typical twin is the 'chosen one' type story. So I hope you guys review! :-)