Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club. If I did, Haruhi wouldn't have ended up with Tamaki. It is the proud work of Bisco Hatori.
Authors Note:
A is for Attraction
Mori never thought of joining the host club for the reasons the other hosts had. He'd just followed in his cousin's footsteps. Silent, and ever obedient. While the other hosts would flatter, and impress the girls, he would sit quietly on his couch by the window, and let the guests do all the talking.
He didn't think much of the girls who visited him and his cousin. Sure they were pretty, but most of them were, and he never took any extra notice of any one girl. He never overflowed with emotion, so that he had to take them in his arms and tell them that they were the most beautiful flowers in the garden of life. No, that was Tamaki's job.
Mori thought of himself as more of an observer, than anything. He noticed when teacups were empty, and when his cousin was out of cake. Luckily they kept a large stock of it in the back room, should the occasion arise. He noticed when his cousin needed a nap, or when Kyoya was beginning to get annoyed at their president. He noticed many things that others wouldn't.
For example, when the honor student was frozen in shock at the sight of them, Mori knew something was about to happen, due to Fujioka's pale face, and the way she was edging backwards, towards the very expensive vase. He noticed what Tamaki, and the others had not, because Tamaki was still moving towards the shaking honor student.
Almost five months after they discovered that Haruhi was a girl, did Mori begin to notice other things. Like how angry she would get when the twins called her their toy. The way her eyes would tear up when she was tired, and wanted a rest. He noticed how her eyes would dull when Tamaki called himself her father, and how they flashed with anger as her debt slowly rose, instead of decreasing.
He noticed, on the day they went to Kyoya's family resort, that she preferred to sit in the shade, rather than swim. When his cousin went missing, she was one of the first to start searching for him, and followed him into the trees. He noticed, as he picked her up, how small she really was, and how her hair shined in the light. He said her name softly, and watched her eyes light up, and the blush form on her cheeks, and he found it rather endearing.
As time went by he found other things, small little things that made him happy to see. Mori noticed that even now, as he watched her entertain her customers, flashing them a bright natural smile, her nose crinkling slightly, that he found her to be very attractive. He smiled softly much to his own customers shock and delight.
Haruhi felt eyes on her, and she turned to look. Catching his eyes and his smile, her eyes softened, and she couldn't help but to smile back.
Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review and let me know what you think.