AN: If you prefer to read these in chronological order, here's the list. The title is given, along with the posted chapter number beside it. Or if you'd rather just read them in the scattered order they were written, skip onto the next chapter and enjoy!
1. Handsel (87)
2. Abject (80)
3. Mana (48)
4. Distrain (3)
5. Kenspeckle (18)
6. Zetetic (16)
7. Kith (9)
8. Roborant (50)
9. Lupine (4)
10. Bilocation (13)
11. Cosher (57)
12. Degage (15)
13. Anacoluthia (12)
14. Elegaic (107)
15. Mussitate (43)
16. Mantic (88)
17. Diaphonous (34)
18. Galore (5)
19. Gumption (77)
20. Teem (46)
21. Wend (29)
22. Aphorism (67)
23. Futilitarian (72)
24. Nepenthe (52)
25. Lucifugous (41)
26. Détente (85)
27. Chaptalise (98)
28. Echolocation (32)
29. Shenanigan (10)
30. Mundify (103)
31. Patois (73)
32. Amaranthine (99)
33. Schlep (7)
34. Lucubrate (55)
35. Rue (22)
36. Bricolage(51)
37. Billet (102)
38. Dilatory (108)
39. Aporia (70)
40. Deadpan (90)
41. Hobbledehoy (36)
42. Hacienda (94)
43. Burlesque (28)
44. Confiscable (40)
45. Aeon (37)
46. Couchant (8)
47. Efface (39)
48. Jubilee (20)
49. Zugzwang (83)
50. Orison (58)
51. Acta (47)
52. Umbra (56)
53. Deciduous (69)
54. Satori (42)
55. Crotchet (59)
56. Sublimate (74)
57. Assay (76)
58. Torque (81)
59. Foudroyant (1)
60. Apocopate (54)
61. Feign (86)
62. Brindled (60)
63. Nympholepsy (45)
64. Purloin (104)
65. Arch (26)
66. Rigmarole (38)
67. Retrograde (53)
68. Frabjous (35)
69. Abut (61)
70. Tittle (24)
71. Trig (75)
72. Quaggy (27)
73. Subaudition (23)
74. Melismatic (92)
75. Soupcon (2!)
76. Gormandise (2)
77. Aplomb (105)
78. Orthoepy (6)
79. Usufruct (78)
80. Dearth (84)
81. Apodictic (79)
82. Cacchinate (14)
83. Beek (11)
84. Fossick (44)
85. Aesopian (95)
86. Jujitsu (63)
87. Canonical (82)
88. Attenuate (65)
89. Jactation (30)
90. Haw (68)
91. Rubric (17)
92. Aureate (91)
93. Overslaugh (96)
94. Hoary (89)
95. Imago (31)
96. Wassail (49)
97. Willowwacks (100)
98. Bacchanalia (109)
99. Agog (33)
100. Entelechy (93)
101. Gerrymander (19)
102. Sabbatical (64)
103. Ambrosial (25)
104. Nervure (97)
105. Inculcate (106)
106. Postprandial (110)
107. Xenogenic (62)
108. Stonewall (71)
109. Catawampus (66)