Author has written 34 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Fate/stay night, and Pokémon.
: A V A T A R :
Terra and Aqua from the Kingdom Hearts series.
That moment when Aqua sacrifices herself for Terra, I believe...
If I had to choose a KH pairing to be canon, it would be this one hands down.
Damn my inner fangirl; it won't leave me alone. LOL
» Monica – Female – June 18
» DeviantArt – LiveJournal – MyAnimeList – Tumblr – YouTube – Candieness (FanFiction Joint Account with my buddy, Scribbleness!)
_Random Thoughts for the Moment_
Lots of things to do and write! Sorry, guys!
Writing Style:
I draw inspiration from things like manga/anime, fanart, fanfiction, and music. I consider them all forms of art because they speak to me. ;D I'm a casual writer, but I take pride and passion in the things I write regardless. For the stories themselves: I write both canon and AUs. I also prefer writing in third-person than first-person because it's easier for me. Curse words do show up in my stories, but I avoid writing the hard swears and I don't write cusses like my life depends on it. Overall, my stories are lighthearted fluff and/or romance (because I'm hopeless like that), but I can write darker pieces depending on my mood and which character I'm writing on. I love in-characterizations, so I try to be as legit as possible. However, I do have strengths in certain character traits over others and I apologize if I'm off in characterizations. When it comes to writing chapters/one-shots, I write between 2K-5K words. Sometimes I write over 5K words, but that's usually for multichapter stories unless I feel a one-shot needs to be that lengthy.
Things About Me Concerning Fanfiction:
• I like certain pairings, but pairing wars are stupid.
• I'm okay with cursing as long as it's reasonable, but please don't drop hard swears for everything.
• OOC-ness in stories is okay, but only to an extent.
• I avoid reading fanfics with OCs unless they're minor and/or in few.
• Small typos here and there are forgivable. Too much bugs me though. Even I get irked by my typos when I reread my stories. :(
• I am very against character/pairing hate and/or bashing. Make a note because this point is important.
Thank You/Gifts Corner:
To be honest, I'm surprised I've even been graced with these! Here, I would like to thank the people who've done something that was inspired or based on my stories (whichever one that may be). Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to do them; I'm honored you guys were even thinking about it! If you have time, you should check them out too; fanfic or art-wise! :)
• Art by Cloud-Sareneth for Virtuoso Come Prima: DeviantArt
• The Russian translation of Polar Reflections by jotting (they got my permission and credited/linked back to me): Russian KH Fansite
• Gift!fic by Terra ForceXIII: Stories
• Art by PromiseInTheRain for Dew Drops in the Morning: DeviantArt
: W R I T T E N . F A N D O M S :
_Final Fantasy Series_
.: Canon/Psuedo-Canon Pairings
.: Squall Leonhart (FF8), Cloud Strife (FF7), Zack Fair (FF7), Laguna Loire (FF8), Cid Raines (FF13), Lightning (FF13), others...
.: Squall/Rinoa (OTP), Cid/Lightning/Caius (OT3), others...
_Kingdom Hearts_
.: Disney-Canon/Pseudo-Canon/Fanon/(some) Crack Pairings
.: Terra, Saïx, Aqua, Larxene, Riku, others...
.: Terra/Aqua (OTP), Axel/Larxene/Saïx and Terra/Aqua/Xemnas (OT3), Axel/Saïx and Xehanort/Eraqus (BrOTP), others...
.: Canon/Pseudo-Canon/Fanon/Cross-Gen Pairings -- Games and Pokémon Special mostly
.: Volkner, Flint, Morty, Jasmine, Whitney, Karen, others...
.: Volkner/Jasmine (OTP), Whitney/Morty/Sabrina, Volkner/Jasmine/Flint, and Grimsley/Karen/Sidney (OT3), Volkner/Flint (BrOTP), lots more...
Number of stories written:
...3 Dissidia: Final Fantasy
...1 Fate/Stay Night
...7 Final Fantasy VIII
...17 Kingdom Hearts
...5 Pokémon
OTP = One True Pairing
OT3 = One True Threesome (did someone call for sexy time? -shot-)
BrOTP = One True Bromance (seriously xD)
.: Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy what you find! R&R's are much appreciated! :.