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Author has written 55 stories for Tales of Symphonia, Legend of Zelda, Valdemar universe, David Eddings, Green Rider, Okami, Avatar: Last Airbender, Bleach, D.Gray-Man, Pandora Hearts, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fairy Tales, Fate/stay night, Kekkaishi, My Little Pony, CANAAN/カナン, and Flip Flappers/フリップフラッパーズ. HI, I guess you came upon my profile because you read one of my stories and decided you would like to know more about the strange person who wrote something like that, or I reviewed one of yours and we started an interesting discussion. Or just read my pen-name and thought you'd like to know why I chose it (or maybe you wanted it for yourself?). Either way, you're very much welcome to look around. Hope you enjoy the stay! =) In case you wonder, there is reason behind my pen-name. 'Religion0' means that I have no religion, hence the '0', though I myself mean I could have a religion if I could find one convincing enough, hence the 'religion'; most seems too craving of me, too stupid, or outright smarty-pansy-like. I do believe there is some sort of deity, I just haven't heard of any way of worship that made any sense to me. I don't care about religion, as long as I'm not getting hit by a dead fish because of it. And no else has ever used it on the websites I've wanted an account on... Avatar: A picture I took of my little puppy, Havana the Havanese. On Reviews and Favourites: From me: When I review something, that means it's worthwhile. If it's a critical review, that means I see potential (usually it sums down to "get a beta, pay more attention while reading"), and if not... Well, you can probably guess (hint: You were right the first time). I don't like to favourite without a review, and if I do that, feel free to slug me over the head so I can promptly go do your work justice by writing a page's worth of thoughtful analysis. For me: A favourite, in and of itself, tell me that you liked the story, and that makes me happy and flattered. But I'm here to get better technically! I'd love to know what I did that was just right! What part of the story made you say "You know what, this is worth faving!", was there any part you didn't like or you thought I could do better? As I said above, if it's worth faving, it's worth reviewing. If it's even worth really reading, it's worth reviewing. I can do better, those who read my work deserve me to get better, so if you think I can do something better, tell me! I'll love it. Or I might reserve the right to disagree with you for stylistic purposes, but then we can debate style. In a nice and orderly fashion of course, without the intent of changing the other's opinion. I aim to reply to every review I receive, sometimes it might take a (long) while because I'm mulling it over or life happens. I write because I love to write (and read!), and I want to do it right because I love it. I have often read a really good story of one category by an author, only to see that that's the only one for that category they've written (I doubt anyone thinks that much of me, but it's just so annoying), so here I will write how many of each category I have written* Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1. (1 one-shot.) Bleach: 8. (7 one-shots, 1 two-shot.) D. Gray-Man: 3. (3 one-shots.) Fairy Tales: 1. (one-shot, Danish.) Fate/Stay Night(/Zero): 2 (1 one-shot, 1 one-shot collection.) Fullmetal Alchemist: 3. (2 one-shots, 1 one-shot collection.) Green Rider: 2. (2 one-shot collections.) Kekkaishi: 1 (one-shot.) Legend of Zelda: 9. (4 one-shot collections, 5 one-shots.) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: 2 (2 one-shots.) Okami: 3. (2 one-shots, 1 one-shot collection.) Pandora Hearts: 7. (6 one-shots, 1 one-shot collection.) Tales of Symphonia: 4. (1 one-shot collections, 2 one-shots, 1 story.) Valdemar Universe: 2. (1 one-shot, 1 one-shot collection.) CANAAN: 1. (one-shot) *Numbers may be inaccurate by one or two stories, as it's a lot to count through and my numbers muddle at the count of 32. I write in bursts, so chances are if you see something from me in one category, it won't be long before I upload something else along the same lines. Or update the same collection. I aim to reply to every review I receive, sometimes it might take a (long) while because I'm mulling it over or life happens. |
freakyanimegal (41) Ingie (3) | Kekirie (0) Lil-Samuu (172) | Lyralocke (75) Symphonia-Gals (2) |