![]() Author has written 12 stories for Tales of Symphonia, Kingdom Hearts, and Yu Yu Hakusho. Hello everyone!!! I have recently been able to publish my first book! Take a look and follow me if you like it!! Book Title: P.O.W.E.R.S. -Road to Psion- Amazon - https:///P-W-R-S-Road-Psion/dp/1689262605/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=powersroadtopsi1570488409sr=8-1 *if the link doesn't show up: go to amazon and type in Road to Psion in the search bar and its the book called P.O.W.E.R.S. Road to Psion by T.C. Pulley Follow me on social media!! Twitter: @pulley_tc Facebook: @tcpulley GoodReads: T.C. Pulley (-- I am writing a blog on this) Instagram: tc_pulley To everyone who has read the TOS "A Title of Significance" story of mine, I reread it and edited most of the grammar issues. I didn't change much of the story, but I would suggest another read through. Thank you all for the beautiful reviews on it. Name: Call me, Hiei-Riku-RubedoFAN Been on since: April 13, 2007 (Friday the 13th. My very lucky day. Sucks to be anyone else who has bad luck.) Favorite Color: RED! (Read my stories and you'll easily see that.) GACKT IS AMAZING! I LOVE HIS MUSIC! ESPECIALLY THE SONG Returner - Yami No Shuuen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9Kq-hKHhyg NEWS:I'm back...and restarting some old ideas and throwing in some new ones...Watch out Fanfiction! Song Lyrics That Match Me Really Well: Different (Egypt Central): That's the price I paid for being different and I walk this road alone. That's the price I paid for being different and I can call this life my own. Over and Under (Egypt Central): I'm over me being under you. I'm breaking free. I'm breaking through. I've overcome all I'm underneath. I can finally stand. I can finally breathe. Leap of Faith (Egypt Central): I need a friend to depend on. I need so much more. Another reason to live my life is knocking on my door. I need to know if I can go all the way down and back again. I need to know if I can take another leap of faith today. Let It Out (Hoobastank): I'm not afraid to let it out. I'm gonna show you how I feel. I'm not afraid to let it out. Who cares if you don't like it. Love Me or Hate Me (Lady Sovereign): Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question. If you love me than thank you. If you hate me than Fuck You. Favorite Music: I have the ability to choose from more than a thousand cds of what to listen to and some are old and some are new. I'm pretty open to all music and know a lot of different languages and styles...so yeah...I know a hell of a lot more than most people at my current age. My Personality: Demonic. Latest Movies I've Seen And My Fav Quote From Them: Startdust, Captain Shakespeare: Have you ever tried getting blood stains out of a silk shirt? Nightmare! National Treasure 2, Riley: And here come my tax dollars at work to arrest me. HellBoy, HellBoy: Oh how big can it be? (huge ass tenticle comes up, wraps around him, and rips him out of the hall) Stay Alive, Swink: Not fair bitch! I'm not dead yet! Second Hand Lions, Hub: Twice I've held your life in my hands, and twice I have given it back to you; the next time, your life is mine. Miss Congeniality, Grace : So where am I gonna put my gun? (reply) No place I wanna know about. Silent Hill, Rose: Mother is God in the eyes of a child. New Comic Obsession found on Youtube: Last Will and Temperment with the Pheonix Wright Characters. FREAKING HILARIOUS! NO MATTER HOW MUCH I WATCH IT I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING. I only have one thing to say to everyone. BOOT TO THE HEAD! Fav part: And to my pet cat mittens I leave my entire, vast-boot to the head! (hear a cat getting kicked and his meowing angrilly as it flies through air) I am an individual. You will NEVER see me falling into the latest trend because everyone else is doing it. I will not follow mindlessly and become exactly like everyone else. Like the saying goes, "We are all born originals but so many of us die as copies." If you agree that being an original is a great thing copy and paste this into your profile and add your name to the list. Hiei-Riku-RubedoFAN ANIME-my anti-drug. Because when you're addicted to anime you can't afford drugs. Rule #1 for Anime: Women hit harder than villains. Rule #2 for Anime: You can cuss someone out to the darkest depths of hell and actually get rewarded for it. Rule #3 for Anime: The homework always gets done even when you haven't touched it for weeks. Rule #4 for Anime: Girls with sweet dispositions and innocent faces are the MOST dangerous fighters you can find. STAY CLEAR! Rule #5 for Anime: Even the stupidest person in the class will graduate with flying colors even though they showed NO sign of improvement. Rule #6 for Anime: Every anime-yes EVERY anime-has its slut. Learn to deal with it. Rule #7 for Anime: Never underestimate the people who look like complete idiots. It turns out they are the ones who kick ass/have really good hearts/can always be depended on/safe your life and many other things you'll want as you go through your life. Rule #8 for Anime: You can save a person's life ONCE-and only ONCE- and they'll stick to your side talking about a "debt to be repaid" when you know full well they're staying there because they consider you a friend and you WILL give into those eyes!! You know it!! Rule #9 for Anime: You can be the biggest dick/bitch in the entire world and if you're the main character or have some relation-good or bad- to the main character you're most likely to have way more trustworthy friends than the packs of jocks, preps, and any other group you're not a part of. Rule #10 for Anime: You can have the worst past in the entire world and be able to handle it WAY better than anyone else who has minor problems. Because of this most of them will come to you for help. Go figure. People NEED to have a basic knowledge of Self-Defense. By far my favorite method is SING shown in the movie Miss Congeniality and it actually works. Next time someone attacks from behind just remember the beautiful four letter word. Yes, it does work if you do it right. SING (The Four Sensitive Areas of the Body) Solar-plexus Instep Nose Groin 1. The Japanese eat very little fatand suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fatand suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 3. The Chinese drink very little red wineand suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 4. The Italians drink a lot of red wineand suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 5. The Germans drink a lot of beers, eat lots of sausages and fatsand suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. CONCLUSION Eat and drink what you likeSpeaking English is apparently what kills you Favorite Anime/Manga: YU-YU HAKUSHO!! Wolf's Rain Inuyasha .Hack//Sign (LOVE IT! ALWAYS WILL!) Naruto, Princess Ai Tenchi Muyo (all of the series with the Girls Ryoko, Sasami, Washu, Mihoshi, Kione, and Ieka) Rurouni Kenshin Ghost In Shell Trinity Blood Bleach Blood plus Code Lyoko Escaflowne Full Metal Alchemist Trigun Fruits Basket Gravitation Gundam (certain ones only) MAR Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Spirited Away Princess Mononoke Kiki's Flying Delivery Service (...ok so I don't know when to grow up. Screw off people who laugh at me!) OutLaw Star (pissed they took it off air!) One Piece Sailor Moon Scryed I know there are many more that I'm forgetting to list...Well now you have the basics for me. I HAVE A CHALLENGE FOR ALL WHO READ THIS! BELOW THIS IS A PROBLEM THAT I DARE ALL TO TRY. IT'S LONG BUT I THINK THAT YOU'LL FULLY REALIZE HOW MUCH PAIN KAKASHI WENT THROUGH WHEN ITACHI THREW HIM INTO THE NIGHTMARE REALM! HERE IT GOES AND PAY CLOSE ATTENTION! YOU'LL MISS THE WHOLE POINT OTHERWISE! FOR ANYONE WHO CAN PM ME THE CORRECT ANSWER I WILL GRANT THEM A GIFTFIC! LOOK SHARP AND PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAPS FOR HERE IS YOUR PROBLEM! A) Kakashi was pinned defenseless to a board by Itachi when he was sent to the Nightmare Realm. At one point Kakashi's mind was divided into 2,000 Kakashi forms. There are two Itachi's per Kakashi and each individual one is stabbing him at a rate of 50 stabs per minute. Kakashi goes through this tourment for a grand total of 3 days. How many Itachi's are there in all and how many times is Kakashi stabbed within that three day time? B) If each Itachi inflicted an equal amount of stabs each how many stabs did each of them inflict? C) Once you've finished those two questions its time for the last part. Answer the question of have you ever been stabbed? If so then rate the pain on a scale of one to ten. (If not then guess on how much it would hurt to be stabbed with a knife.) Once you have your rating multiply that by 100. Once you've got that answer multiply it by the answer of times Kakashi was stabbed. Now look at your answer. Is there anyway in hell that you'd be willing to put yourself in that situation? (I sure as hell wouldn't unless it was to save a friend or family memeber. Some people won't even give that much.) I've had quite a few PMs with the answer to this question and I've decided that I'll reveal the answer to it VERY soon with the names of the people who answered it correctly!! You still have a chance to PM with the answer if you want before its revealed and this little game comes to a close!! So send me those PMs soon cause I just might update the answer with the next update I put on a story and you NEVER know when those are coming! Thanks to all who have already participated and I haven't forgotten you!! I'm just waiting to see who else wants to try!! I'm into THEATRE ART, so I MUST be a homosexual. I'm a VIRGIN, so I MUST be a prude. I'm BI, so I MUST think every girl I see is hot. I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly or crazy. I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a Goth. I'm YOUNG, so I MUST be naive. I'm SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash. I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch. I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST ave a problem with self control. I'm WICCAN, so I MUST be a devil-worshipping baby killer. I'm A GOOD LIAR, so I MUST be an actor/actress. I'm a BLACK BELT, so I MUST always want to kick somone's ass. I'm a FEMALE BLACK BELT, so I MUST be a lesbian. I LIKE TO BE MYSELF, so I MUST be cocky and arrogant. I'm FRENCH, so I MUST be a homosexual. I'm BOHEMIAN, so I MUST be a lazy drug addict. I LOVE ANIMALS, so I MUST be a vegetarian. I'm a TREEHUGGER, so I MUST be ona drug addicted hippir. I'm INTO JIMI HENDRIX, so I MUST be on drugs. I'm a MUSICIAN, so I MUST not be doing anything in my life. I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS. I'm ASIAN, so I MUST love math. I'm BLACK, so I MUST be on welfare. I'm PUNK, so I MUST cut my wrists. I'm RICH, so I MUST be a concieted snob. I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist. I'm IRISH, so I MUST be an alcoholic. I'm BLOND, so I MUST be a stupid ditz. I'm a CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be a whore. I'm a JEW, so I MUST be greedy. STOP STEREOTYPES! IF YOU HATE STEREOTYPES AND WANT THEM TO STOP, COPY THIS LIST INTO YOUR PROFILE AND BOLD THE ONES YOU ARE! Over and Under - Egypt Central I know you'll be there to see the tables turning. Wake up tomorrow and watch the bridges burning. I can see, I can see it in your eyes. I can feel, I can feel it in my mind. I don't care, I don't care if you realize. What you see, what you see in my eyes. I'm over me being under you. I'm breaking free. I'm breaking through. I've overcome all I'm underneath. I can finally stand. I can finally breathe. Remember when we first had the thought of living. A perfect picture, but I did all the giving. Gave up my passions to try and make you happy. The joke is over and I'll do all the laughing. I can see, I can see it in your eyes. I can feel, I can feel it my mind. I don't care, I don't care if you realize. What you see, what you see in my mind. I'm over me being under you. I'm breaking free. I'm breaking through. I've overcome all I'm underneath. I can finally stand. I can finally breathe. I can see, I can see it in your eyes. I can feel, I can feel it my mind. I don't care, I don't care if you realize. What you see, what you see in my mind. I'm over me being under you. I'm breaking free. I'm breaking through. I've overcome all I'm underneath. I can finally stand. I can finally breathe. I'm over me being under you. I'm breaking free. I'm breaking through. I've overcome all I'm underneath. I can finally stand. I can finally breathe. Quotes I made: Me: It only takes one person to start a panic. Me: If you can't take care of someone the fun way then do it the legal way. It makes a little more work on your part, but with a little push you can make their life a living hell. All and all, you win as long as they hate you. (I was pissed when I said this and now no one lets me live it down.) Me: (Watching World's Dumbest Drivers) WTF? WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU GET A KRISPY CREME DOUGNUT TRUCK TO RUN FROM THE COPS?? THEY'RE GONNA KICK YOUR ASS AND THEN JACK THE TRUCK! HAHAHAHAHA!! Me: I'm sorry. Did you say something? I was daydreaming about Hiei...I mean...you didn't hear that. Me: If I pretend to listen and care about what you're saying can I go back to daydreaming about Hiei? Me: I was not even half listening. Don't repeat it because this time I will walk away. Me: (After carving a Hiei face out of a Halloween pumpkin) It's a little rough now, but with a little more practice Hiei will destroy ALL pumpkins in his way! Quotes By Hiei: (yes he gets his own section because I love him so much. lol) Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Here's a one way ticket straight to hell you bastard! Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): You're the same as when we first met. A pain who speaks the truth. Zeru (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Are you too frightened to take notice of any more of my supposed flaws? Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Actually, I'm bored. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): There is no one who does not carry scars on their heart. If there was someone like that, he would be a shallow soul. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): I may be a small target, but this is sad. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Who cares what he is as long as he's dead!! ME: DAMN! SCARY AS HELL!! Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Its seems you haven't lost your Spirit Energy. You just needed a kick in the ass. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Hahaha! Yomi doesn't know what hit him! Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Cryptic aren't we? Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): You do realize he'll be kicking back? Kurama (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Hiei, I can't accept this. I value our friendship and all we've been through. But I'm not interested in you that way. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): (Sweatdrop) You fool! I'm not giving my stone to you! Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Kill us now if you're going to. Just spare us your voice. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): You're starting to make me miss Kuwabara! Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Your next assignment from the Underworld. Consider yourself served. I'm off. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): I hate humans, but I despise tourists even more. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): I was worried about the trees. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Sorry. A thirty-foot killing machine wanted a word with us. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): I think they stole my idea. We'll have to make them pay very dearly for that. (Moral of the story. Don't steal his ideas or you die.) Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): You're a team player. A save the day superhero. I hate people like you. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Don't worry Keiko. He likes you well enough! (Slices her forehead with the sword) ME: Daaaaaaaaaaang! Beast! Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Tell me, how does it feel to be living in a constant haze of stupidity? Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): I think these demons are technically classified as weak and ugly. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): I should've slit your throat when I had the chance. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): This wind coming in feels like home. It's comforting and it soothes me. It tastes like freshly spilled blood on the rotting flesh of decaying corpses. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Kurama, don't make me cut out your precious voice box. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): What? Now I'm not even allowed to kill the bad humans? Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): I know as much of games as I do of hugs and puppies, and care for them even less. Wake me for the end of the world. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Any buffoon can make a shield. How do we know your other claim is real as well? Kaito (Yu-Yu Hakusho): There's only one way to find out. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Well, no three letter word can control my fate. Hot! (Soul is ripped from body) Wow...I think his pride got his goat. lolz. Hiei (Yu-Yu Hakusho) : You do them one favor and they think you’re their best friend, this is why I could care less if their entire species was swallowed up. Quotes By Me and My Friends: Me: I hate bright colors. My Friend: I love Yellow and Orange Me: I only like Yellow and Orange when they're mixed with Red. My Friend: ...wait a second... Me: Yes, Fire. hehehehehehehehe. Me: Yeah and I would look from Hiei to Jin and say, "Ok then..." My Friend: Yeah. But its more like, "Red-head-Irish-dude-with-the-horn say what?" (say this as fast as you can without messing anything up.) Me: HAHAHAHA! My Friend: You won't let me burp, you won't let me dance. What can I do?! (Cheerio-panda45 laughing in the background) Me: You can play videogames with us and be happy about it! My Friend: But I am happy, see (insert high pitched maniacal laughter here) Me and Cheerio-panda45: WTF?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Quotes Of Wisdom: My mom: Things happen for a reason and it tests you as a person. Be strong and cope with it the right way. You'll grow as a person. "We are all born originals but so many of us die as copies." (I don't know who said this but I officially name them a hero. I agree with them all the way.) "War doesn't determine who's right, war determines who's left." (unknown) Robin Williams (Night at the Museum): If it can be dreamed, it can be done. James Dean: Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. Genis (Tales of Symphonia): Everyone should be able to live freely, no matter who they are. Mithos (Tales of Symphonia): Everyone hurts when they are rejected. Random Saying: When your life flashes before your eyes, make sure you have a lot to watch. (Unknown): I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. (Unknown): Sometimes you don't realize how much you care for someone until they stop caring for you. Possessed (Story Written By Mez1000 READ IT!): People will unite with you against a common enemy. But as soon as you need them, they're gone. But I remain. (Translation: Friends are more fickle than foes) (It's a good thing that all should be aware of. I've learned this the hard way.) Quotes From Characters: Azori (Raven-Shade): My aplogies. I had forgotten. But am I at least free to abuse Gaelen as I like? May I subject her to the fondling and embracing of characteristic of a sutherling custom? May I slober over her then? Galador (Raven-Shade): Oh, most assuredly you may, Azori. Particularly when she has a weapon in her hand. Galador (Raven-Shade): We did accomplish one thing at least. That is the most arousal I have seen in him since he came. At least he was not in a stupor when he threw the pot at my head. Fima (Raven-Shade): Who shall be declared leader of our Company? Are there any volunteers? Galador (Raven-Shade): I would follow anyone except Azori. Azori (Raven-Shade): And I would follow anyone except Galador. Estle (Raven-Shade): As if either of you would be suitable. Fima (Raven-Shade): Fine, now I've been parboiled. Jin (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Yeah well, you lost to Kurama and Kurama lost to a dead guy. How's that for being lame? Jin (Yu-Yu Hakusho): I thought I was the crazy one Urameshi, but you take the prize for that! What the hell? You don't go make bombs go boom in your face! Genkai (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Best of luck. I hope you don't die. Genkai (Yu-YU Hakusho): Don't make me slap you upside the head! Just shoot the damn thing! Yusuke (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Fortune's tappin at my elbow. Genkai (Yu-YU Hakusho): That was me telling you not to be stupid. Yusuke (Yu-Yu Hakusho): I'll bet even his third eye is glaring at me! Yusuke (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Not as embarrassing as standing on a phone-book to fight! Yusuke (Yu-Yu Hakusho): When in doubt, blow up a mountain. Yusuke (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Why don't you show this young wipper-snapper how it was done in the olden days. Genkai (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Gladly you patronizing jackass. Yusuke (Yu-Yu Hakusho): Damn Hiei. Is this how you say hello to people now? Koto (Yu-Yu Hakusho): They've burned their skin, shortened their breath, and somehow lost their shirts. Overall I call this a successful fight! Axel (Kingdom Hearts 2): Got it Memorized? Axel (Kingdom Hearts): Cry me a river, build me a bridge, get over it, and I'll set it on fire half way across! Riku (Kingdom Hearts 2): 'Cause I'm not a total sap like you. Riku (Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories) : I chose the middle path. Jr./Rubedo (Xenosaga): Sayonara Baby! Jr. /Rubedo (Xenosaga): Dammit! Try thinkin' about what's below you when you fight! Prue (Charmed): What are you doing here? Pheobe (Charmed): We're here to rescue you from the tall, dark, naked man. Piros The Third (.Hack//G.U. Volume Two): I don't care if it's a Lucky Animal or an Unlucky Animal or a fish wearing a dress! Alkaid (.Hack//G.U. Volume Two): You're pretty good, for a low-life cheating bastard, that is. Grace (Saving Grace) : Ah-hah, we're so screwed. Brian (Family Guy) : You look like Charlie Brown Stewie (Family Guy) : Bite me Snoopy. Carrie (Suite Life of Zack and Cody) : Remember, a girl can do anything a boy can do and we can do it in High-heels. Bella (Twilight) : Stupid, shiny Volvo owner. Alice (New Moon): I think she's having hysterics. Maybe you should slap her. Edward (Breaking Dawn) : You're awefully small to be so hugely irritating. Bella (Breaking Dawn) : Did you know that "I told you so" has a brother, Jacob? His name is "Shut the hell up." Lord Beckett (Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End): You're mad. Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End): That's a good thing, cuz if I wasn't this would probably never work. Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End): And that gentlemen was without a single drop of rum. Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia): You're pretty weird Kratos (Tales of Symphonia): Maybe I am. Kratos (Tales of Symphonia) : ... (SILENCE RULES) Zelos (Tales of Symphonia): Oh...hey, Lloyd? If you abandon me here, I swear, I'll come back to haunt you. Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia): ...I just had a sudden violent urge to abandon you. (This is something I would do.) Fon Master Ion (Tales of the Abyss): Yes she must have been scared. She screamed, "I'll kill you, you bastards!" as she fell. Jade (Tales of the Abyss): Oh I assure you. I'm crying on the inside. Wracked with guilt. Jade (Tales of the Abyss): Oh no. I've been frail since birth. (fake coughing) Jade (Tales of the Abyss): Having this many suicidal people around really gets on my nerves. Anise (Tales of the Abyss) : Does anyone else think I should rip daddy's little girl a new hole? Luke (Tales of the Abyss): You're weak! Guy (Tales of the Abyss): You're a hack! Jade (Tales of the Abyss): You're wack. ME: What the hell? Princess Mononoke: So you say you're under a curse? So what? So's the whole damn world. Jack McCoy's Boss (Law and Order): What do a sperm and a lawyer have in common? (Jack shrugs) One in a million chance of becoming Human. (I was dying! It was so funny the way he said it!) V (V for Vendetta): "Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virvient vermin van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V." Tifa (Final Fantasy Advent Children): Dilly Dally, Shilly Shally (I love to get my friends mad at me when I say this! LOL) Cameron (House) : Sex could kill you. Do you know what the human body goes through when you have sex? Pupils dilate. Arteries constrict. Core temperature rises. Heart races. Blood pressure skyrockets. Respiration becomes rapid and shallow. The brain fires electrical impulses from nowhere to nowhere. Secretions spit out of every gland. And your muscles tense and spasm like you're lifting three times your body weight. It's violent, it's ugly, and it's messy. And if god hadn't made it incredibly fun the human race would have died out eons ago. Quotes Of Hilarity: A Funny Shirt I Saw: Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies. Random Women Rule Saying : Children have colds, and Men have the Flu. Women just get on with it. Random Women Rule Saying : Men are proof Women can take a joke. A Wannabe Magician (who wouldn't leave me alone): So do you want the coins to appear in your hand individually, one at a time, or a singularly? Me: Ummmm...aren't they the same thing? Wannabe Magician: Just chose one please. Me: Ok, ok, ok. Individually. (What kind of freaking difference does it make?!) Mythbusters, Adam: I reject your reality and substitute my own. Kratos: Well god, you’re never going to believe this, I was using magic to mentally torture a guy who has doing something with his wife in public, if you know what I mean, when some idiot who didn’t know how to drive crashed his car, flew out of his windshield, and hit me knocking my head clear off my shoulders.- FanFic Story 'Tales of Symphonia in "Who's Line Is It Anyway"' by SoraKeyblade Master of The Key! Read this fic! It'll make you die of laughter! Stories I'm Working On. Tales of Symphonia- In Progress- Vessel For Two- IN CURRENT REVAMP - An enemy that Lloyd and company had thought vanished has risen and another fight for Salvation has come up. Can a halfelf with a cold heart help them? What will they think when they realize, she knew Kratos AND Anna? Who is she and how can she help them? Kingdom Hearts- Complete- Uncertainty- ONE-SHOT- (Post Game Two)- Do they even know how much it hurts...to lose everything and gain almost nothing? ONE SHOT Riku thinks back on the past few years and wonders if any of it was really worth almost losing himself. Dark, cold memories mix with the lights of familiar faces. Kingdom Hearts- In Progress- What Should Have Happened!- ON HOLD- Possible scenes that could've happened in any of the three games without completely screwing up the story lines but could've spiced up the games. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS HERE! What scenes do you think should've happened in any of the games? Have Fun! (If you have ideas please send them to me via PM because I don't have this fic planned out! I just make it up as I go.) Yu-Yu Hakusho- In Progress- When You're Obsessed- ON HOLD- Do you know if you have an unhealthy obsession with Yu-Yu Hakusho? Well, that answer for me is yes and I'm here to help you all decide if you do to. Just read what I have written here and if most of them fit with you,WELCOME TO THE CLUB OF CRAZY PEOPLE! Yu-Yu Hakusho- Complete- To Kill- Two Chapters Posted- “Feh! Fine! Follow me if you have a death wish!” Hiei wasn’t usually one to put up with pathetic demons who thought they could challenge him and that's exactly what twenty five bounty hunter demons are going to find out...the bloody, very painful way. TWO-SHOT Yu- Yu Hakusho- In Progress- Misguided Blood, War of the Mazoku- ON HOLD- Raizen had a son and daughter and together they formed the perfect Yin and Yang. Now those two forces are clashing and everything Yusuke and company ever knew is falling apart. Can they stop it and stay alive? How far will this torment go? Yu-Yu Hakusho- Complete- Kurama's Bad Day- ONE-SHOT- Everyone, no matter how nice or kind they are, has that unbearably bad day. What happenes when it's a certain red haired kitsune's turn? Poor, poor, Kurama. Yu-Yu Hakusho- Complete- Returner - Yami No Shuuen - ONE-SHOT - Keiko must create a video for her Pop-culture class over a popular artist's song and she drags all of her friends into this, whether they want to be in it or not. GACKT's song Returner - Yami No Shuuen. OC used as well. Yu-Yu Hakusho- In Progress- Here We GO!- Forty-Eight Chapters Posted- Learn or Die. Wonderful choices no? Being thrown into a new world isn't disorienting enough but we also have to throw in psychotic demons who love to watch pain and blood. Time to go make friends and enemies and try not to die. Knowing my luck I'm screwed. Self insert. Tales of Symphonia- In Progress- Melting the Heart of Ice- Two Chapters Posted- Challenge Fic from Freakyanimegal456. Centered around Chala. Tales of Symphonia - Complete- A Title Of Significance- ONE-SHOT- Kratos has been called many things. A Mercenary, a Friend, a Teacher, an Angel, and even a Traitor. What is the significance of such titles unless they come from someone one truly cares for? ONE-SHOT Tales of Symphonia- Complete- In Her Dreams- ONE-SHOT- Even though she finished the journey with his help, Colette feels that she doesn't fully understand Lloyd's mind. His gloomy demeanor has worried her and she only wishes she could understand him. With all her heart she just wishes he could trust her with everything. Pre Title Of Significance ONE-SHOT Stop the Pairing Wars! By copying and pasting this in your profile, you vow to respect other pairings and the people whom like them. You shalt not insult them, explain why they can't be together, or say that they would rather be with someone else. You shalt have your opions but shalt not insult pairings. You shalt avoid them if you hate them. You shalt keep an open mind about stories even if you despise the pairing. You shalt paste this in your profile. SUPPORT THE BUNNY! This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination. Stop Flamers Now! No more shall we tolerate flamers that flame for stupid reasons such as for pairings, who wrote the story, how they wrote the story,and just because they can! Copy and paste this into your profile if you want to join the organization called "Stop Flamers Now!" I WILL NEVER FLAME ANYONE FOR ANY KIND OF REASON! Who's working anyway? The population of this country is 300 million.160 million are retired.That leaves 140 million to do the work.There are 85 million in school.Which leaves 55 million to do the work.Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government.Leaving 15 million to do the work.2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing OsamaBin-Laden.Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work.Take from that total the 10.8 million people who work for state and citygovernments.And that leaves 1.4 million to do the any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.Leaving 1,212,000 to do the , there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.That leaves just two people to do the and me.And there you are,Sitting on your butt,At your computer,reading jokes. (The point Cheerio-Panda45 has made. Sigh) If you can read this message, you are blessed, because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all:I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you can read that please put it in your profile. Ladies and gentlemen, hobbos and tramps, bug-eyed mosquitos and bow-legged ants, I'm about to tell you a story I've never heard before, So pull up a chair and sit on the floor, Admission is free, so pay at the door, One fine day, in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight, Back-to-back, they faced each other, Drew thier swords and shot each other, A deaf policeman heard the noise and saved the lives of the two dead boys, If you don't believe my lies are true, Ask the blind man, he saw it too! I got this from Mez1000's profile. I couldn't help but like it and therefore you see it here! Ha! I love things like this! If you believe that Self inserts deserve a fair and equal chance at being treated as nicely as other stories do, then copy and paste this onto your profile. This is a big thing for me! Even if a story is a self-insert and even if a reader has ever read a bad one they should not bring those prejudices and stereotypes into other people's stories. One should always give an equal chance to themselves and the author to read the story before they automatically think that it is NOT worth reading! Ninety-five percent of teenagers are concerned about being popular. If you are one of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list: Queen S of Randomness 016, Queen B of Randomness 016, AnimieKittyCaffe, The Gypsy Pirate Queen, That Bloody Demon, The Astrology Nerd, Shadow929, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Yavie Aelienel, Hyperactively Bored, Spymaster E, Shanny-Boo, Gem W, Brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, Bara-Minomoto, Em Quagmire, Buffy The Mary-Sue Slayer, Random Little Writer, Larxene II, Dragons Ark, freakyanimegal456, Hiei-Riku-RubedoFAN 92 percent of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch said it wasn't cool to breathe anymore. Repost this if you are one of the 8 who would be laughing your ass off. (OMG. LMAO. Come on People! THINK! That's what your brain is for! Quit letting it gather dust you bakas!) If you have ever been hit in the face with a ball and started laughing maniacally, copy and paste this into your profile. (I'm used to pain by now.) If you think Preps travel in packs, copy and paste this into a profile. If you've ever misspelled your own name, paste this on your profile. If you've ever had to look at your own penname to write it in an email paste this in your profile. If you've ever had to ask your best friend your OWN Phone/Cell Number to tell another Friend paste this in your profile. If you have ever forgotten your name while introducing yourself, copy this to your profile. If you always had, completely does and will forever hate/have deadly fear for spiders copy and paste this into your profile. Ninety-eight percent of teenagers do or have tried smoking pot. If you're part of the two percent who hasn't, copy this, and paste it in your profile. Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, than weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile! If you move your hands and/or wrists to get a point across to someone (even if you're writting/typing it. Not just talking to someone) copy and paste this into your profile. My best friend is insane, if you agree or if you have and insane friend copy this into your profile. If you understand things that some adults older than you do not and ignore you until you SHOW them what you know and you surprise them paste this in your profile. This constantly gets on my nerves. Adults are always telling me that I have a better understanding than most people my age but as soon as I try to add something they say I'm not old enough to get it. I then prove them wrong and they learn to SHUT THEIR TRAPS! If you know someone who should get run over by a bus, copy this into your profile. (There are not enough buses in the world!) If you have ever pushed a door that said pull or vice versa, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever fallen up a flight of stairs, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, (actually I have) Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Tsuyu Mikazuki (I do all the time!), WeaselChick, Celyna ( i fall up the steps to school every time i go up them... sadly...) EverD, (When I did it, my friends said I defied physics. I don't know why though...), Jenova Remnant (afterwards, my friends called the event the floor hug), DestinyGamer, Dawnstarshine (It made me cry), Hiei-Riku-RubedoFAN (Everyone was surprised that I didn’t fall unconscious from slamming my head against the wall) If you know a video game/book/movie/anime/manga character or weapon that need(s) to exist, copy and paste this into your profile. Lets see Hiei, Riku, Rubedo, Kratos, Haseo, Tsukasa, Sora (.hack//sign), Erik (The Phantom Of The Opera), and WAAAAAY MORE! If someone has ever told you that you need a life and you told them "I have a life. it's anime/ video games/ manga/ internet/ or fanfiction, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever had a mad laughing fit for absolutely no reason, copy and paste this into your profile. (I think Albedo might've had something to do with it.We're good friends.) If you read fics of shippings/pairings you don't support/hate, copy and paste this into your profile. If you laugh secretly at some people or keep on comparing them with characters because they resemble some characters, copy and paste this into your profile. Geeks are cool. Geeks are smart. Geeks will one day rule the universe. If you're a Geek and proud of it, copy this into your profile. If you've ever gone to a movie and swore you must've helped write the script for it, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever had one of those days where you pissed the first person you talked to off, had the second in giggles, and had the third think you were high, copy and paste this in your profile. If you've ever busted a move/ burst into song, copy and paste this into your profile. I'm becoming my mother. At the slightest trigger word I break out into song. Scary thing is sometimes the triggers words cause me to break out into song from a different language. My friends hate me for it but I go singing anyway until I am literally tackled. NEVER SING OUTSIDE WHEN THEY HAVE GRASS TO SLAM YOU INTO! If you ever watch Naruto to see Sasuke get his rear end beat by Itachi paste this on your profile. If you hug cute toys when no one's looking, paste this to your profile. (I love my wolfie...MINE!) If you spend more than ten minutes thinking up 'paste this to your profile' quotes, paste this to your profile. If your mom laughs at you when you can't beat a boss in a game, copy and paste this to your profile. She's evil. Then I laugh at her when she can't do anything on her own games. She's with the times thank god unlike some of my other friends' parents. If you've ever gotten a B and was mad at yourself paste this on your profile. (BAD SELF! BAD!) If your mom likes shooting games that involve blood and headshots about as much as you do paste this on your profile.(She's so nice but when you face her in a video game prepare to get your head pumbled into the pavement.) If lots of people in your family get a kick out of explosions, copy and paste this to your profile. If YOU get a kick out of explosions, copy and paste this to your profile. If you consider your mom more important to you than just a mom paste this on your profile. If you've ever tried to put your hair behind your ears and ended up poking yourself in the eye, copy this into your profile. If you've ever saw how crazy Albedo from Xenosaga is and had a huge war with yourself about whether Rubedo was better or Albedo was better paste this in your profile. (Still can't chose either!) If you've ever walked around out anywhere and started talking to yourself thus recieving strange looks from people paste this in your profile. It's pretty bad when you're talking to yourself and you turn around to see people staring at you. If you've played a game for more than twenty-four hours straight only stopping to eat, go to the bathroom, and drink (NO SLEEP) and didn't realize it until your mom came in the next day to bring it to your attention, paste this on your profile. (I blame Kingdom Hearts!) If you've ever sat in your room on Christmas Eve and watch your mom put the presents under the tree that were from 'Santa' paste this on your profile. If you've ever bought a game because it had a freakin' awesome looking character paste this on your profile. eliforp ruoy otno siht etsap dna ypoc siht daer ot hguone trams era uoy fi If you've ever read/watch/ect a book/manga/anime/movie/ect. so it would shut your friends up and then ended up liking it so much you got more into it than your friends and they wished they never told you about it paste this into your profile. If you have ever been so obsessed with something that now everyone is scared of you because of its effects copy this into your profile If you don't know when to shut up, paste this in your profile. If you've copied and pasted something twice without realizing it and had to go back and delete it later, copy and paste this into your profile. If you and your mom had a name calling fight much like the one seen in HOOK between Rufeo and Peter Pan, copy and paste this into your profile. We we in public and out of no where we began calling each other names. It was entertaining in itself and then seeing people staring at us as our game got even more childish was fantastic. If you want viewers of your profile to scroll endlessly down your copy and pastes, copy and paste this into your profile... If you love rain, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have added the names Kratos, Zelos, Genis, Presea, Martel, Yuan, Raine, Mithos, ect. (any character of any anime/game/ect.) to your word dictionary because you were getting sick of seeing that stupid red squiggly line all over the place while writing fanfiction, copy and paste this into your profile. If you’ve seen that someone has copied a “paste this into your profile”-line from you, copy and paste this into your profile and add your name so that others can see who the author copied it from. Penamesolen.freakyanimegal456. Hiei-Riku-RubedoFAN If you are one of the few teens who don't have or want to have a myspace/facebook, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have nothing else to do but sit at the compy and write copy and paste its, copy and paste this into your profile. If you like/love copying and pasting stuff into your profile, copy and paste this into your profile. Well that's the end of this profile! Lol! Have fun reading my stories or not. It's all good peoples! Have fun with whatever you do! |