![]() Author has written 7 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, and Doctor Who. Wow finally I got around to writing this. Stories that we have completed are 1 Yep one in progress too (No I don't have a split personality./ Oh yes yeah you do./ Silence./ Nope) By the way that other person I'm writing with is K she's the one who's trying to make me sound like a nut case over there./ :P Party pooper./ Whatever. K. would also be ice-wind-fire-master just so ya know, she's kind of been being on hiatus for awhile but I think she'll be back eventually... I hope. I do believe that I will leave that at that. Anything else my alter ego ?/ Not really./ Okay then lols. I am planning on a new story this one should be good I've been rereading it a * ton to make sure I don't miss any mistakes Death101- Fox Version I'm going to give a shout out to you on here for being kind of inspiration for this story in a way I'm just trying not to mess it up. I will try to keep the updates on Saturday or Sunday but if I get the urge to get it out by Friday well I guess that's good for everyone right. /Except your fingers./ Meh they need to get stronger anyway. I won't say you have to review anything, but I would appreciate feedback so I can gauge how people are reacting to my stories. That said Life comes up and sometimes I can't get things out on time and sometimes something happens that sets me back. That said I know where this story is headed just sit back and enjoy the ride. Idle Chance Basically on the most simple level it is a self insert work. However that's just a drop in the bucket, my insert will be mostly a minor role unless I get a sudden idea that is too good for me to not use. That said she's not really strong but she's lucky like you wouldn't believe and unlucky in certain ways as well. A paradoxical character who might just make you question what you think it means to be normal. That or just give you a really bad headache if you try to figure her out. She is loosely based on me. With the exception that she's in this story and that her personality is maybe less chaotic than me. I'm kind of all over the place with my thoughts they branch off like a tree does if that makes sense. This will probably have a lot of fighting in it and I tend to get very descriptive, that'd be from what little training I had back in middle school and my visualization working over time on something I can actually imagine. I don't visualize as much except for fighting inside of my head. I'm not much of a romantic love at first sight type and that will probably show in this, but I can do gradual relationship forming as such it is much more of my style. I'm still debating on the Hiei/OC I honestly just want them to be friends but that said if something grows and I see the potential spark there I'll give it a try. If I think it sounds stupid I won't put it in there. The entire group will play a part in some way it's mostly about them anyway my character is still budding yet. I wrote a synopsis a few months back and I finally decided, "Hey this might be enjoyed by others to read it," and like that the story was brought out of my computer's depths of many abandoned works that were just too stupid to write, or that I had no idea where they were going. This story though has taken on a life of it's own I'm just really the tool in it's blooming time and care has gone into this. Sometimes it might seem like I ramble on forgive me for that please. I know where I'm headed with this however I've got alternate endings running through my head that are quite good too. Like a tree this story has many branches I can only hope that I can lead you to the leaf that is the ending and beginning successfully. No that's not a biblical thing there fyi it's a reference to things being connected IE that opposites are merely just two different ends of one thing. I have a writing style where I tend to use contractions and vernacular as it's common in a living language for slow changes to the meanings of words and the creation of new words make the language alive. Thus the term dead language exists for non-changing languages. My name was purposefully misspelled as a form of expression that could seem weird but is in fact along the lines of how I think about things. Whoever said you can't write something and make mistakes on purpose doesn't understand that words have no meaning unless you put it there. If you don't value the word no matter the spelling then it doesn't matter. Basically I'm going to leave with this idea in mind. If someone tells you something is right just because it's how it's always been done then you're just following blindly, but once you choose to say this is me and I will write, speak, and be how I wish within capable understanding. IE where it can be understood but is different from the norm. You get no where following the back of the head in front of you. Once these things are unlocked within yourself then you can truly succeed. Fare you well Wow long haitus... but basically I had a child so that takes quite a bit of time and energy out of a person you know? Any case it occurs to me that I've been letting my stories collect dust so here's what I'm thinking of doing to get back into the swing of my creativity. I'm going to start making collections of shorts with what ifs that cross my mind. I'll warn you now it's not going to be something for the faint of heart to read; as in, lots of gore, language, and some serious real life type shizzzzzzzz. Got a problem with it let me know I might make a couple lighter fics if I feel like it. Right now I'm going to go over my older works and edit the *#%* out of them. Maybe it'll be less crappy who knows. By the way I blame my crappy writing on ineffective public school teachers, seriously I had to find out about the monomyth or the hero's journey from an internet video. Needless to say I am utterly irritated with this development as it tells me my education thus far has been utterly meaningless and that it's all watered down so much that fanfiction which isn't really considered good in the first place is like reading crap. Oh and college don't get me started on how pointless my English classes have been. The real shame is these teachers are just doing the minimum required of them to get their paycheck. I mean really looking back I feel cheated and disgusted with the utter waste of my time. I really wish I'd given these slackers a scrap piece of my mind. Enough of my b* though I'm back suckers and this time I'm going to really give you people something to think about. Also yes I might branch out into different anime/mangas. Who knows I might even go so far as to delve into other fictitious works. Give my stories a chance and maybe I can make them more likable, better, or whatever. Here's the deal my life has gotten insane and kept up being insane. Between caring for a toddler, keeping things livable, and school I have next to no energy to do things for myself or even to do things I need to do. I've been fighting off some kind of stomach bug for five days and need to finish writing my seven page research paper that is due Dec 5. come to think of it if I want to do anything I practically drag myself to even get started then I grind myself through it until either I get it done or it falls on its face. I'm still around but the way things are going that might not be the case for much longer if I stress myself to death. Anyway here's a story idea that I had, but knowing me I'll screw it up somehow. Okay so I just had an idea what if I was just straight dropped into the realm of Yu Yu Hakusho, but funnily enough I would wind up plopping into the one town I would absolutely not want to be dropped into. Kurama's town of residence, just the one character I did not want to encounter in my life ever if I could help it; and I was about to have to ask him for help getting home. Just my wonderful luck. So how's that story idea? I kind of deviated from the original plot a bit, but it seemed to make more sense from a realistic stand point. Yes the character is inspired by me, but there are some differences us. Like I wear glasses she doesn't, she likes to work out and I don't, and the biggest difference is she's got a back story that makes my life look easy by comparison. Not sure if it should become a romance or not, but if I see something maybe trying to come to life I'll poke it with a stick that'll help right? Well we're up to chapter five and I must say it's kind of been awhile. I just wasn't really sure about that last chapter you know? Next chapter should be up sooner than the last one heh heh. My muse ran away for a long time. I finally got 'er back and I hope she sticks around because honestly I would really like to finish a long story for a change. News update. Chapter Eight is done, but too short to release without putting out Ch. Nine. If it takes me too long on nine though, you'll get a mini chapter while I work on it. In other news I have my entire story outline worked up, it's just hammering out the details and that takes me so much time. The ending is still in the air, but I have a feeling what it's going to be. In the planning stages of another story, but it will be shorter hopefully. Thinking about making an original story on fiction press at a later point, but don't quote me on it. 6/30/15 Ch. 13 is in the works and almost done. I'm in the editing phase of it. Ch 14 is more concept than drafted at this point. Ch 15, is a phantom of the story at this point... In lighter news I'm currently pregnant and working full time so my energy and efforts are understandably elsewhere. However while I'm on Maternity Leave if I'm not too tired from the wee one I might be able to get a few more chapters out. Honestly I'm taking this year off from college so that'll give me more time to this hobby. Once my eldest is in school I'll have more time to improve my writing skills, which I find lacking something that eludes me in name. |