Nara looked out her bedroom window; the sun had just barely risen over the mountains in Genkai's land. It was hard to believe that so much time had passed since their big trip to demon world. Nara tried to remember how long ago it was, but she couldn't, all she knew was today was the day she would be graduating. Everyone was excited about the big graduation, Nara looked over at her desk chair where her navy cap and gowned lay across. She smiled picturing Hiei in one of those caps with his spiky hair. To everyone's surprise Hiei had managed to not get expelled from pissing the teachers off on a daily biases, most of that was thanks to Hotaru who had managed to get him to stay in school with Nara. A soft knock at the door broke Nara from her thoughts.

"Come in," Nara said, getting out of bed and running a brush through her hair. Kurama came in through the door, his emerald eyes gleaming with joy. Nara looked at him suspiciously; he had been unusually cheerful for a while now. She knew he was happy about her graduating, but there was something else there. Kurama walked over to her and kissed her plopping down on her bed after words.

"You know it's illegal to be that cheerful this early in the morning," Nara said putting her brush down and spinning in her seat to look at him.

"Are you ready for graduation?" he asked completely ignoring her statement.

"Almost, I already know what I'm gonna wear under my gown, all I have to do is my hair and make-up and then we can go."

Kurama nodded and left the room to give Nara some privacy. She watched him go wondering what he could possibly up to. Putting aside her thoughts she continued to get ready for her big day. Her hair was down for once, straighter than usual. She put on a bit of eyeliner and eye shadow and some lip gloss making her look more mature. Under her gown she wore a nice light blue summer dress that barely went past her knees, with open toed shoes to match. Once she was finished she grabbed her cap and gowned and went down the stairs where everyone sat waiting. Hotaru was sitting in a chair, her long black and red hair was pulled back and slightly curled, her face also bore signs of make-up, and she wore a red dress, also with matching open toed shoes. Hiei sat next to her wearing a nice black suite, his hair sticking up as usual. Nara stared in amazement, wondering how Hotaru had managed to get Hiei into a suite. She laughed at the thought and so did Hotaru, while Hiei glared at the both of them.

"Ready to go?" Yusuke asked Keiko standing at his side, camera in hand.

"Yea let's go," Nara said heading for the door, but Keiko stopped her.

"Wait, I want to get some pictures first."Nara sighed, she should have expected this. On Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Keiko's graduation she was even worse, breaking into tears before they even left. She had insisted on taking as many pictures as possible then too.

"Fine," she said waiting for Keiko to give orders to everyone. The first picture she set on the timer and the whole group of people squished together to get in. Everyone got in, Kurama, Nara, Yusuke, Keiko, Kuwabara, Yukina, Hotaru, Hiei, Koenma, Genkai, Emiko, and Botan. Next it was just those graduating, and then one of them with their cap and gowns on. Then it all the graduates had an individual shot, one with their gowns on and one without. After that Keiko made every person take an individual picture with the graduates. Nara smiled seeing Hiei pose with Yukina for the picture, it would turn out to be a great picture, even without Yukina knowing the truth.

"Come on we need to go," Kurama said looking down at his watch. Keiko sighed and put away her camera.

"Ok let's go then," she said heading for the door. The walked down the never ending stairs to where the cars sat waiting for them. The riding arrangement was simple; Yusuke, Keiko, Kurama, and Nara would be going in Kurama's red mustang. Yukina, Kuwabara, Genkai, Koenma, and Botan would be going in Genkai's silver civic. While Hiei and Hotaru said that they would just run there.

The graduation was being held outside, and the weather couldn't be more perfect for it. When they arrived Hiei and Hotaru were already there in their cap and gowns. Nara said good-bye to the others and went over to join them and the other graduates. The others found a seat near Yusuke's mom and Kurama's mom.

"Thanks for coming mother," Kurama whispered sitting down, "I'm sure Nara will be thrilled to see you here."

"Well I wanted to come," Shiori said beaming at her son, "she's such a sweet girl you two are great together."

Yusuke sat in his seat and watched as the graduates made their way down the aisle, looking like an ocean in their navy blue gowns.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Yusuke heard a voice ask him. Yusuke looked confused for a moment, he was on the other side of the aisle, there was no chair to sit in. Looking over he saw a pale looking Hideki in a wheel chair, one of his servant pushing the chair next to Yusuke.

"Hey," Yusuke said quietly, "is it alright for you to be here?" Hideki smiled.

"I wouldn't miss my daughter's graduation, no matter how much poison is in my system. Besides I've been taking that medicine."

Hideki had been taking some medicine that his healers had recently found. It wouldn't cure him, but it would give him some strength back and give him a few more years. He had told them about it when Nara went to visit him during her spring break. This news had made Nara extremely happy, because it gave her more time with the father she never really got to know.

"Well what if someone sees you?" Yusuke asked. His cerulean eyes were human enough, and his hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and he wore a suite, but there was something that just didn't look human.

"I dress in human clothing and I've hidden my hands in these gloves so my claws won't show. My demon markings I can make disappear, what did I miss?" Yusuke said nothing and looked next to him at his mother.

"What about her?" he said motioning to Atsuko. Hideki's eyes went wide and softened when he saw her.

"She hasn't changed a bit."

"What if she recognizes you?"

"Don't get my hopes up;" Hideki said with a smile, "she was drunk that night too… I'm still surprised she remembered to give Nara that locket."

Their conversation was cut short when the guest speaker started their speech. The graduation wasn't too long, not as long as Yusuke had remembered it was at his. When the diplomas were being handed out everyone in the group started cheering as loud as they could when Hiei, Hotaru, and Nara went up to get their diplomas. Nara looked back at her family and friends and her smile grew bigger when she saw Hideki cheering her on her graduation day.

The after party was amazing, people graduating each other and talking about what they were going to do now that they've graduated. Nara ran over to the others and hugged Hideki in his chair, Atsuko looking at them strangely.

"How did you get here?" she asked amazed.

"Koenma thought I should be here for your graduation day," Hideki said smiling up at her. People looked over as Nara's group laughed at Hideki's update of what had been going on in demon world since they left.

"Hey Nara," one of her classmates said walking over to the group, "who is he?" the girl asked looking at Hideki.

"Umm…" Nara said unsure what to say. Her mother wasn't that far away, and seemed to be almost sober today.

"I'm her father," Hideki said holding out his hand to shake the girls.

"Wow Nara I didn't know you had found your father! You have his eyes," the girl said excitedly.

"Yea I just found him recently too, good thing to."


"I don't have much time left," Hideki said sadly.

"Oh," was all the girl said before leaving feeling uncomfortable.

"Now what if mom heard you?" Nara hissed angrily.

"She wouldn't remember, it's one of my talents," Hideki said smugly. Nara rolled her eyes and went back to enjoying the after party.

When the party was over Shiori and Atsuko left and the gang returned home, Hideki joining them. They all sat around trying to decide how to celebrate the graduates.

"I know," Botan said brightly, "let's go out for dinner!"

"Yes that's and excellent idea Botan!" Hotaru said happily. Nara narrowed her eyes at the two, something about that conversation seemed like it had been rehearsed. They all agreed to go out for dinner, even Hiei. Now Nara was really suspicious, there was no way Hiei would just agree to go out with them for anything usually Hotaru had to persuade him.

The restaurant they went to was fancy, making Nara feel a little underdressed, she had just worn the same dress she had worn to graduation. Keiko told her she looked fine heading for the entrance, her camera in hand. Hideki rolled by her a small smile on his face.

"You freeze," she said to her father, who stopped and turned his chair to face her.

"Yes?" he asked innocently.

"You know what's going on here don't you?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Hideki said heading for the restaurant himself.

They were seated quickly and began their meal, Nara keeping her eyes peeled for anything suspicious. Kurama couldn't help but smile watching her confused face trying to figure out what had everyone acting so strangely, even Hiei and Kuwabara were being somewhat civil to each other. Finally desert came and Nara noticed that everyone was looking a little tense, all eyes on her and Kurama. Then Kurama moved to look at Nara, his eyes locking on hers.

"Nara," He began slowly almost as if he was nervous, "you are the love of my life, and I didn't know how to live until I met you. You are my other half, and without you I cannot be whole. The thought of spending my life without you by my side for the rest eternity is unbearable. Today you graduated from high school and are starting a new life, a new chapter," Kurama said while smoothly getting out of his chair and getting down on one knee.

"Oh my god," Nara said quietly realizing what was happening.

"I want to be in that next chapter, and any other chapters you may have in your life. Will you allow me to become whole by marrying me?"

Kurama finished his proposal and looked up at Nara, who a tears in her eyes. Everyone in the restaurant had fallen deadly quiet waiting for Nara to give her answer.

"All my life I spent wishing to be saved, that my knight would come save me. You are my night Kurama and my story cannot end without you in it. Yes I will marry you!!" she said as Kurama smiled sliding a small but beautiful diamond ring onto Nara's finger, the promise ring Kurama had given her carefully stowed in the box the other ring had come from. Everyone in the restaurant clapped and Nara tackled Kurama to the ground, kissing him until they were both breathless.

"Hey, hey," Yusuke said loudly, "let's try to keep this PG; you are in public here people."

Nara laughed and got up off the floor resuming her seat, Kurama following suite. Hideki smiled happy for his daughter and prayed that he would live long enough to at least see his daughter on her wedding day. Nara looked over at Kurama; her smile seemed to be for ever attacked to her face.

"Fiancé," she said to herself, it had a nice ring to it.

The rest of the conversation was mostly about the wedding, Botan and Keiko got very excited wanting a wedding of their own. Hotaru looked over at Nara and smiled, Nara smiled back her head still spinning.

"I'm getting married," she whispered to herself.

"Yes you are," Kurama said hearing her words and kissing her hair, Nara smiled at him excited about their future together.

A few years ago she would have never thought this to be possible, back when she didn't feel or want to feel anything. But that was before she was saved, before she made her friends who had been with her ever since. Now she was a soon to be clan leader, a fiancé, a friend. None of this would have been possible without any of them.

'Thank you guys,' Nara thought to herself, 'thank you for helping me find my voice.'

The End

A/N: sniff its over, well this one is hehe. I will be making a sequel!! So don't cry because like Nara graduating, this story is over but a new one is just about to begin! So read review and keep your eyes peeled for the continuation of Help Me Find My Voice, Next Generation! Hope to see you there!