Reviews for Our Hero
EAD13 chapter 1 . 1/12/2016
Perfect. 3
SunBinamra chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
This was beautiful. And thank you for pointing out that Kuwabara is not weak, he's just surrounded by impossibly strong demons. Well done!
Dino-Rogue chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
Oh my gosh... You are so right! The rarely seen perspective, the never heard point of view, but incidentally, the most important one; because it's got to be the realest, truest one of them all... dare I say, even when compared to Yusuke's: His almost-lifelong buds, best friends... His family. Aww, these three guys! I don't know how you did it, but you hit every mark. From the characters' thoughts and feelings, to their very backstories! All of 'em! From the three fellas, to Kuwabara himself... ah, I see we fans weren't the only one who noticed where his story was kinda starting to head... even they saw it! Surprising? Yes, but perhaps not really. After all, they knew... know him better, probably best. And because of that, we can absolutely be certain that they will be there for him, helping and caring and welcoming and comforting, all the ways he had always been there for them.

Superb piece, splendid job!
KitsuneOnna84 chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
Oh, this is just *perfect*. I've always been a Kuwabara fan, and this really rings true for him. Sure, I love the other characters, too, but Kuwabara...he's special. It's like you said. He's really a good man. In that simple, honest, very *human* way.

...Now, I almost want a sequel showing the boys learning just *what* Kuwabara's been up to that's affecting him so strongly. These three were barely ever characters in canon, but you made me like them. Very nicely done.
Kunohichi8 chapter 1 . 6/3/2014
myself the dreamer chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
This is beautiful. I actually cried a bit. Well done this deserves so much more recognition
Saya chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
Glad that you put this up again; I really like the back stories of each of Kuwabara's Gang! Is it okay if I work on their stories as well as the first meeting of Kuwabara using this as a base idea?
Baoh joestar chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
Good short story.
Ink Outside the Lines chapter 1 . 7/11/2013
This. This story is so wonderful! I absolutely love Kuwabara, and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing this view of him, from his friends eyes. It's an angle I haven't seen anyone else use before, and I think you handled it expertly.

There is just so much I love about this and the different sections, I don't even know where to start. But I think what stood out the most to me is when you contrasted Kuwabara's relationship with his friends to his relationship with Yusuke and Co. because it is such an incredible difference, and it puts Kuwabara in totally different roles. I loved it (I know, I'm getting repetitive).

Best of luck in your other writings!

She-Elf4 chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
This is a really cool fic. I, too, am a bit at a loss for words. I like how you mention Kuwabara losing spirit.
Angelada chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
Wow... I... I'm sorry, you had me at a loss for words. It was wonderful, I never felt closer to Kuwabara than I feel now, really. I can't properly state how brilliante I found your work. Know that I admire and apreciate your writing, and thank you for sharing it with the world.
harusameiro chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
You know, it's really weird how you try out all these unusual verb tenses to change the mood of the piece and it actually works. Most authors can't pull that off.
To be honest, I wasn't originally going to read more than the first section. I've never paid attention to Kuwabara's gang, so I wasn't about to read about each individual friend (whose names I had already forgotten by the time I got to their sections). But something made me keep reading, and before I knew it, your writing had sucked me in. All of these were such great stories, the kind that makes you feel a bit tender-hearted and warm at the end. I would have liked this even if I didn't know anything about Kuwabara or Yu Yu Hakusho.

My favorite part, hands down, was when Kuwabara dragged his friend back to the convenience store he'd robbed and used his connections to turn that into a job.

You really, really have a way with words. I'm so glad I'm following you, and so glad you're reposting your stories (although I can't remember if you ever posted this one before, or if it's a new one, haha).
Axya chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
I have to confess that when I started reading I knew it was posted before. The author's note was simply too familiar, but your pen name didn't ring a bell, so I went to your profile and read what you wrote there and saw that it wasn't someone trying to plagiarize a great fic. Thank God for that! I used to love this fic back there, will keep on loving it forever. Thank you for re-sharing the fic, it's always a pleasure to read good stories with Kazuma in focus.
DeyaniraT chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
This is hands down one of the best Kuwabara fanfics I have ever read, many people seem to categorize him as an idiot or weakling and that's something I really hate. that's why I loved that you pointed out how great he really is, you did an exceptional job!