Hiei's (Attempt at) Revenge
Pissed off to learn of how the one he loves is being treated, Hiei goes on a mission to finally tell how he feels! But can Hiei tell the one he loves in time before he's swamped by rampant Mary Sues, horny authoresses, comrades that are out-of-character, and even more Mary Sues? Warning: General Stupidity of Sues, OOCs, authors, and this author.
Glancing around the almost deserted fortress, Hiei realized that he could only sense three forms on the premises other than his own. All three very strong, and ansty. Especially the one up on one of the higher floors. Pursing his lips, he looked up, and around, keeping his eyes open for those two others. The third youki didn't seem to be moving much at all - it felt like it was pacing a room.
He took a few hesitant steps toward the front doors - he could feel the other two fast approaching to meet him there. Hiei stopped momentarily, but they kept coming. When he reached the doors, he shoved them both open at the same time.
Shigure and Kirin were the ones waiting behind the door. Kirin spoke first, and Hiei saw a glint in his eyes - for the rest of his face was covered by that infernal mask, "What are you doing here, Hiei?"
"I live here," he said confidently, watching Kirin and Shigure spread out slowly to surround him - their actions were predatory-like, and he saw red for a second in his sudden anger.
They were behaving as if this were their turf, and that the body he knew to be upstairs belonged to them. He liked Kirin well enough, and Shigure wasn't that bad, but they were in his way. If they wanted a fight, they'd get it.
"You won't be living soon," Shigure claimed, and then flashed his blade at Hiei.
Scowling, the Jaganshi charged at him with his uncanny speed, stepping up onto his circle-shaped blade, and then unsheathed his katana to slice a red line up his cheek. He landed on the other side of the youkai who snarled, and applied pressure to his face to stop the bleeding. Hiei spun to meet with Kirin's sudden attack, and slid his katana deeply into the other youkai's shoulder. He only grimaced before punching him in the face, causing him to fall back upon losing grip of his katana's hilt.
"What's wrong with you two?" Hiei finally shouted, but they kept advancing on him. Kirin had pulled out the katana, and tossed it behind himself where Hiei would be unable to reach.
Kirin said, "Do you really think that you deserve her? What makes you think that a little runt like you could be of any use?"
"I'm not here to prove anything, I'm not here to whine, bitch, and moan about what I do and don't deserve. I love her, and if you don't get out of my way to tell her, I'll massacre you!"
Shigure and Kirin burst out laughing, and suddenly Hiei felt a little light-headed when Shigure spoke, "Oh, okay. Go right on up."
At Hiei's blank and confused look, Kirin explained, "Those authors don't know enough about us to be able to change our actions much ... Nice to know that you've stopped being a coward about it."
"He's going to need to have more than courage to face that thing now though," Shigure said to him.
"Wait, why? What's going on? Where is everybody, and why are you two still here?"
"You should go see for yourself," Shigure said. "I think that you'll understand once you see her. Prepare yourself for the worst."
The worst is me being an invalid for a week or so. If she's upset though ... no one's ever left when she was in a bad mood before though. What's going on? Hiei took a glance back at them before collecting his katana to sheathe it, and ascended to the upper floors.
The worst wasn't what he had been expecting. This time, he feared death.
The very second that she had laid her eyes on him, she had raised her hand, and blasted youki at him. His left shoulder was currently a mess, and his left arm was a bloody mess - both useless.
He had never actually thought that he should fear for his life when he was around her, but ... this wasn't her! This was some startlingly similar appearing clone. Helplessly, he watched as the woman charged at him, and he barely dodged to the side.
Her lip curled back almost viciously, and smashed him down into the floor before crushing her foot down on his chest to pin him there.
Hiei thought bitterly, They made a monster, and now they've got her. She's been angry before. She's gotten mad at me before, but never has she outright attacked me for this long! You were getting better at controlling yourself, and now look at what they've done to you! Sweet darling. My love ... I stay with you, live with you in the hopes that - I selfishly hope that you will heal because of me. Because of the time spent with me.
"Where were you?"
They turned us all around, turned us upside down, and mutilated your insides now. Before, you were so beautiful to me - that secret smile prepared for me when I walked into the door. That beautiful smile when I gave you a simple gift - a 'Happy Birthday.' I love you, but you're not you anymore.
"Out ..." he exhaled painfully.
"Loitering around, I bet. Pissing me off for leaving me!"
"I ... was looking for ... you ..."
"Feh! Likely excuse."
Monsters ... they are things that inspire fear, and abject disgust. I certainly fear you right now, but there is no disgust in my heart - only pity for the real monsters that have treated you this way. Your father ... these damned stories ... So are you a monster? Can monsters really be created? Everyone is capable of change, and you have been changing ... All for me, you have been changing; letting me into your heart bit-by-wonderful-extraordinary-bit.
In spite of himself, Hiei smiled up at her, "Need to ... tell you ... something ..."
"The hell is it?"
"I love you."
She lifted the foot from his chest to kick him in the face. Hiei rolled, and hit the wall hard, cracking it so that pieces of plaster and dust fell onto him. The one he loved said, "You're lying. Stop joking around."
My beautiful, beautiful monster ... If you are a monster, then you are my monster. No one can have a say in how I truly feel.
His tongue played with a loose tooth in his jaw before he sat up, and leaned against the wall heavily, "If you're saying that ... must mean you're upset ... that I might be lying ... I'm not though ... I love you so much."
Something flickered behind her eyes before she shook it away, "Stop it! You're lying!"
You ... you know! You're fighting it like Yukina is! You're fighting too! Taking a deep breath to fill in pained lungs, he said, "I'm not lying!"
"You are!" She swung at his face, but Hiei didn't let it connect with his cheek, grabbing her wrist, and using the momentum to yank her into his embrace. He was almost about to wrap his other arm around her, however, he was still unable to move it. Thus it laid there beside him, half-dead, as he attempted to quell her struggling body. "Stop it! Let me go!"
"Can't let go. Got you in my heart," he said strongly. "You're in me so deeply that if you were to leave me, you'd take a chunk of my heart and soul with you. I'd simply die without you." Shortly, she began to slowly cease fighting his arm, "Do you hear that? Understand me? I love you. I love you truly, really, I love you so much. Love you forever, and always, and after that." He coughed hard, tasting blood in his mouth, "Love you, Mukuro."
Her fiery blonde hair began to blur, and when she turned her head, all he could see of her face was a big blue eye staring straight at him, and he was unsure as to whether there was still hate in it.
And he blacked out.
The Koorime woke up without any probing, turned his head, and then smiled softly.
He was back in his chambers with the lights turned low for him to sleep, and beside him was his sleeping monster.
Shifting his left arm - and finding it to be healed, and well - Hiei rolled to his side, and pulled Mukuro closer. He relished in her soft, warm body against his own, sighing, and breathing into her hair. His right hand fingered a few strands of the orange lochs, and noted silently that it was getting long.
"Mukuro," he murmured lowly - under his breath. "Damn, I've missed saying that ... Mukuro ..."
"Mmn?" The warlord stirred, and her vibrant blue eyes opened. She gasped, and sat up, "Hiei!"
Lip corners curled up lazily in a smirk, "Good morning, sunshine."
"S - Stupid," she stuttered, and rolled out of his bed. Sitting on the edge of his bed, she didn't look at him - she only hunched her shoulders defensively, "Don't act as if something happened during the night."
"Why not? Something did happen yesterday."
Irritable, Mukuro snapped at him, "And what would that be?"
"Actually," he stretched, "mm ... Actually, it didn't really just happen yesterday. I did it the day before, and the day before that, and so on for a very long time now."
"Yeah, and?" Her voice was quieter at that point - hushed. She seemed to have her head tilted in the slightest way, and she did it in such a way that it was so she could listen to Hiei without having to look at him.
The words were easy to summon, "I love you."
Shoulders and voice quaking, she whispered, "Damn it, Hiei ... damn it ..." Her head dropped into her hands.
"... Mukuro, I love you," that time, he was unsure. Hiei had not been expecting such a reaction.
"Fine," her voice cracked, and she began to pull off her shirt.
Hiei's eyes widened, and he grabbed her arms to stop her, "What are you doing?"
"I thought this is what you wanted."
"No, I mean, yes, but ...no, not now ..." he laid his head on her shoulder from behind her. "We don't have to do anything right now ..."
Turning around, she found his chest to nuzzle, and he tenderly enfolded her frame into his arms. After a while, they laid down so that their bodies were leaning against each other.
While they slumbered, that which kept them from falling apart were their arms.
From FanFiction:
Kohaku Hoshi: Tekken can solve all of your problems.
RoninsOath: You should've read more of my fics before coming to this one! ... I kid. Thanks for the review!
Nee: Always. Thanks for the review.
Jasmemini: -eats pie, and nabs Vegeta- He's my kind of bishounen, okay? Thanks for the bishounen and pie! ... Oh, and the review. XP
From MediaMiner:
Okaasan-7: ... -pales- Uh ... that really was a typo of mine. XP That's always the kind of typo that I miss. -goes back to fix it- o.o;;; Did you catch any others that I missed? Anyway, thanks for the review!
InTheShadows: O.o; And it's taken you this long to review? ... - Thank you!
Yup, that's it ... and I hope someone's learned their lesson and whatnot. XP