Reviews for Sunspots
lunarbeast15 chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
Omg, I really loved this. And I really like the twist you did with Matt not being able to talk, that made it seem...more real or authentic.
And even with Matt not speaking Mike still understood him.
Please do another one of these, I REALLY need my Tina fix, LoL. I think her story will be really interesting.
Update soon! :D
Angela chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
I just adore this verse :) combining the two fandoms is one of the greatest moves ever made, and I can't wait till Tina comes in with her story.

Is there a chance that these 'abandoned' characters will show up in Solar Winds? I hope so, since a majority of the glee club has been gathered, along with all the warblers.

Keep writing! This is one of my all time favorite verses.
GoodGollyOlly chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
I definitely live mike the exiled airbender. And goodness gracious, somebody remembers Matt! If only Glee had kept him. The bromance could have been epic lol. But I love that you're doing this for the other characters not featured in Solar Winds (I just read chapter 70 and was blown the fuck away). You're an amazing author. Keep on rockin'
Horsegirl526 chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
I love Mike, the Exiled Airbender! He just seems so sweet and caring! And Princess was adorable! I hope Mike will meet Tina on his travels, because who doesn't love Tike? This was great and I hope there are more to come :)

Your reader, Sara
Impy chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
I am in love with this verse, and your Mike is such a sweetiepie that I just can't. Seriously. This is gorgeous.
inkbender chapter 1 . 4/27/2012
Awesome one-shot concerning the dancin' Asian... love it! I would have especially loved it if Mike and Tina had appeared instead of Rachel and Jesse in Solar Winds... but then again, Rachel plays a better role as the thespian who crushed on Blaine and bonds with Finn, and I can't imagine a jealous Mike trying to steal Tina away from Kurt's group. Siiiiigh. It's just that the Asians are so underrepresented in the current Glee show. In the latest Whitney episode, Tina got her very own close-up facial shot during Blaine's strange back-in-black singing solo! Good for you Tina.

You mentioned Tina as being associated with Artie and Mercedes, and being left behind in the Earth Kingdom. Is Tina also an earthbender in that case? She seems much more like an airbender... but then again, airbenders in Solar Winds are split into peacekeepers and crazy Gaga followers. And now Mike's temple: airbending stranglers? How much has airbending changed?

I'm also lol'ing at Matt's muteness here, seeing as he spoke maybe three lines in the first season. Way to effectively write communication between the two though - even though only one side audibly speaks, it still reads like a two-way conversation.
Did chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
I knew Mike would wind up being an airbender. :D For a while, I was convinced that the cloaked airbender was Mike. Nice to see that my guess wasn't too far off the mark.

I'm glad you decided to show us what's going on with the characters that didn't end up in Solar Winds. I know you can't possibly cram every single character and their backstory into your universe without it becoming unbearably cluttered, but it's still just so interesting to see you continue to flesh out the world and show us how the characters fit into it.

I love what you've done with Mike, too. I always enjoy it when the fandom explores the horrific ways that bending can potentially be abused - ways that are a bit too gruesome to be addressed in the Avatar series proper. I think this story stayed true to Mike's personality and his conflict with his father without coming across as too predictable/similar to his storyline in Glee.
Perfectly-Imperfect-447 chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
This story is definately going to to become one of my favorote. I love how you bring semi-cannon events and make them your own. If you continue with this Mike Chang chapter it could ne great. It also reminded me of the Zuko plotline. Gosh you're such a great author, I can't wait until the next chapter!
Threepwillow chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
ECSTATIC to see you do something with Mike in this verse. I love this so much, he's adorable aaahhhhh
NoLongerDoesThisAccountLiveOn chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
Ugh. Solar Winds is my favorite story of ALL TIME and you' stuff for it..,and Mike...I CAN'T. I AM SO EXCITED, AAAHH.
Saerphe chapter 1 . 4/5/2012
Too lazy to log in, so... Anonymous review time!

OMYGAWD MIKE CHANG'S AN AIRBENDER. This makes me disproportionately happy. It just works so well with his character, and I just love what you've done with him here. It's just... awesomesauce. 3

Can't wait for the next installment, here and in Solar Winds. :D