Author has written 55 stories for Young Avengers, Avengers, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Naruto, X-Men, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Supernatural, Assassin's Creed, Rise of the Guardians, and Dragon Age. Hello, awesome people! I think a bit of a PSA is in order. The reason this account had been pretty much very, very dead for a while is because I am experiencing difficulties in posting. Due to Microsoft hating me and not allowing me to use Word Starter anymore, I have had to download OpenOffice in order to keep writing. The problem with that is that does not recognise OpenOffice documents, even those saved in .docx format, and therefore I can't post a single fic or new chapter. Also, I don't really like the changes to the publishing options, which make searching for anything frustrating and ridiculously time-consuming. Sad, I know. HOWEVER! All is not lost, my dearies. I have been updating using my Archive of Our Own account, which can be found here: http:///users/pixie_rings/pseuds/pixie_rings I'm still updating To a Steadfast Heart, if slowly, I guarantee a new chapter of Join the Dance soon and other nice things like that. I've also posted some new fic that will probably never be found here. So head over there to read my stuff instead. Also, if you feel like it, I can get you Ao3 invites. You don't want to stay here, sucks. Believe me, Ao3 is so much better. Pixie out! RANDOM LINKS http:///users/pixie_rings/pseuds/pixie_rings - my Archive of Our Own. http:/// - my DeviantART page - my Twitter |
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