Author: Pixie-Rings

Fandom: Harry Potter

Pairing: Remus/Sirius

Genre: smutty introspection

Rating: NC-17


Word count: 492

Warning: er… smut?

Summary: Breathing laboured, like he'd run a mile. Body on fire, it really isn't a euphemism.


Breathing laboured, like he's run a mile. Body on fire, it really isn't a euphemism. Oh, he should be proud of himself, he maintained enough mental faculties to use the word euphemism. Then his focus is centred back to more important matters than vocabulary usage. Sirius's mouth on his body, teasing moans and sighs from him. He's making him act like a slut, always eager for more. Whoever knew sex could be so addictive?

Sirius's tongue is hot on his skin. Burning hot, flaming even, a firebrand marking him as his. Sucking on a hard nipple, drawing a keen from him. These noises are so undignified; honestly, Remus should be ashamed of himself… But he doesn't want to shut up. He likes to cry out, to gasp. He likes to let Sirius know what he's doing makes him go crazy with pleasure. He likes to let himself go.

He's still amazed by the sensations after all the times they've done it. The way his body tightens and relaxes and flexes and twists. The way his knowledge of the world narrows to Sirius, and the only ting he can hear is Sirius, and his gasps and groans. The only thing he can feel is Sirius, and his slick, hot skin sliding against his, his cock deep inside him, sending pleasure through him like tidal waves. The only thing he can see is that rapturous expression on Sirius's face, lust-glazed grey eyes seeing Remus, the flush of exertion and his swollen lips, hair falling around his face. The only thing he can taste and smell is sex, and not just sex, but their sex. Sirius's smell mingled with his own, overpowering and heady and enough to get drunk on.

He's also amazed by how easy it comes once it's been done the first time. When the first, embarrassed undressings and fumblings are over, fingers know where to go, and so do cocks and tongues and mouths… Honestly, it's instinctive, and usually Remus hates instinctive, because it reminds him of moonlight and pain and voracious hunger and things he doesn't want to be reminded of, but this is wonderful, liberating instinct. He could understand why people want to do this. It's dirty and tiring and a nuisance really but it feels oh too good to pass up and Remus doesn't like passing good things up because he's done that far too often.

And it just feels special. He knows he could have sex with anyone - ok, any boy, not girls, girls are definitely not sexy – but it wouldn't feel like this. This, he realises halfway through Sirius declaring his love over and over and over again as he pounds into him, isn't just sex. Anyone can do just sex. This is lovemaking. He and Sirius make love. They glow afterwards, James says, in a disgusted tone. Remus believes him now, because sex with Sirius is too perfect for it to be anything but lovemaking.