Reviews for The Downed Dragon
Sarpndo chapter 1 . 11/13/2012
WAAH! This is so sad. But, this is a great crossover. I didn't think anybody else in the world even knew what this series was. :) (Temeraire) Love it! :)
Anmynous chapter 1 . 9/16/2012
...I'm not sure if I should commend or reprimand you for that last line taking something touching and turning it funny.
Warrior Chickenz chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
Wow... Amazing. I love the story.

The way you wrote this was fantastic. I cried at the end.
Anon chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
I have been a patron of ffn for years, and I have never reviewed anything until this! I have followed your stories for a while, so when I saw the Temeraire/Hetalia crossover I kind of spazzed out.
They are pretty much my two favorite series at the moment. 3

This is such a beautiful story. As the other reviewers said, the way America progresses is really interesting and well done. I love the concept of having the dragons, for once, being outlived, and how that might affect their relationships.
Excellent oneshot, and excellent choice of series!
Free of Mundane Thoughts chapter 1 . 7/17/2012
Aww, that was cuuute... I do like the crossover, though I only know Hetalia. I'm assuming the dragons came from the other one. ; But the aging thing was nicely explained, and the first-dragon connection really touching. Aww... They're just really too sweet. How adorable. :3

Thanks for writing! I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything to say over the constant 'awwing' in my head. ;
Sweet Jelly Hearts chapter 1 . 7/17/2012
That was wonderful! I don't normally read crossovers, as most of the time I haven't read/watched the thing that's being crossed over. However, even though I've never read Temeraire, this story made complete sense to me. You wrote it so that even a person who is not familiar with the fandom could understand it, and for that, I salute you.

Very good job overall. I loved the way you described America's growing up. I never thought that perhaps he looked more Native-American before he was colonized.

Keep up the good work on writing awesome stories like this!

ps: I'm tempted to draw a fan-art for this... I'll PM you with the link if I do :)