Author has written 4 stories for Twilight.
Note to everybody:
I'm sorry I have been MIA from my fanfiction family for nearly a year, I'm going to catch up on every storys I missed and update my own, I promise. And I am back in action!
...V...Put this
...A...On your
...E...That crazy
...S...Obsession over vampires!
This is a Bunny.
Copy and paste this bunny into your profile to help them gain world DOM-IE-NATION!
Hi! people this chicks name is Candi and she a twilighter. And I just so happen to be her best friend lovely music. So here is some stuff bout this chicka!
name:Hinata, but people call her Candi,Nata,Nata-Chan,Psycho-Chic,Spider-Girl(don't ask)and so on...
Likes:twilight saga, naruto, harry potter, the mortal instruments trilogy, reading, and all that kinda stuff,
She also likes to read ALOT,and she reviews every chapter of the fanfic she's reading.I asked why and she said its because she knows how happy it makes authors to see that they have alot of reviews for a fanfic.
Dislikes: any one who acts like they are 'all that and a bag of chips'(in other words stuck up people who think they know it all)
quotes:yall gonna make me lose my mind!
you got to do what you got to do.
fav quotes:"If you love something, set it free.
If it was meant to be,
it will come back to you."
'Its hard to tell your mind to stop loving
someone if your heart still does.'
'did you fall again Bella,"
''No Emmett I just punched a werewolf in the face.' Bella and Emmett--the twilight saga
'the heart burns for what the heart wants,
and what the heart wants the heart shall get.'Shakespeare's
'the ones you love MOST
are the ones you hurt the WORST'
'to love is to destroy,' Valentine--the mortal instruments trilogy
'Well almost extinct, is not extinct enough'Alec--the mortal instruments trilogy
'Pain is to suffer. And to suffer is to suffer' Shakespeare's
That was my friend ,lovely music...
i hope you like my stories!!
THE PRIME AXIOM: In any field of scientific endeavor, anything that
can go wrong, will.
1. If the possibility exists of several things going wrong, the one that
will go wrong is the one that will do the most damage.
2. Everything will go wrong at one time.
3.1 That time is always when you least expect it.
4. If nothing can go wrong, something will.
5. Nothing is as easy as it looks.
6. Everything takes longer than you think.
7. Left to themselves, things always go from bad to worse.
8. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
9. Given the most inappropriate time for something to go wrong, that's
when it will occur.
10. Mother Nature is a bitch.
11. The universe is not indifferent to intelligence, it is actively
hostile to it.
12. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked
13. If in any problem you find yourself doing an immense amount of work,
the answer can be obtained by simple inspection.
14. Never make anything simple and efficient when a way can be found to
make it complex and wonderful.
15. If it doesn't fit, use a bigger hammer.
16. In an instrument or device characterized by a number of plus-or-minus
errors, the total error will be the sum of all the errors adding in
the same direction.
17. In any given calculation, the fault will never be placed if more than
one person is involved.
18.1 In any given discovery, the credit will never be properly placed
if more than one person is involved.
19. All warranty and guarantee clauses become invalid upon payment of the
final invoice.
20. Murphy's Law: "If there are two or more ways to do something, and one
of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it."
!!!!!SHOUT OUS!!!!!
I PASSED BIOLOGY WITH a A! May the spirit of Bella and Edward be with all of you taking or working with biology.
I got done reading Stephanie Meyer's own 'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner', it was really good. and I recommend it to anyone who loves the Twilight Saga.
I also just got done with 'The Looking Glass Wars' by Frank Beddor.its like a 'Alice and Wonderland' book but its a is really guys should read them; 'Wings', 'Spells', and 'Illusions' by Aprilynne Pike and 'The Mortal Instruments' by Cassandra Clare.
They are really good books, guys. You should read them. STEPHENIE MEYER likes them. She even wrote awesome reviews for them .so plz read them.guys
visit my friends lovely music...,SonnyPotterPokemon101...,brown-haired-book-girls...,leahclearwater007...,stormdog11..., and SnoopyGirl3399 they have really good stories.they are in my favorites
I'm beta'ing SnoopyGirl3399's stories. So please check them out.
AllisonteamEdward is the a awesome friend/ writer. Her stories are really good.
Me and RunEdwardRun have agreed we are both too crazy for our own good.
'read my country, my home' by luv-edward cullen-forever
plz read 'Full Moon', 'Haunted', and 'Light' by stormdog11
Plz read 'The Good, The Bad, and The Misunderstood','20 x The Trouble','Future Freak Out!', and 'Disgusting' by SonnyPotterPokemon101
Plz read 'Mars' by Wisdomlistens and plz read 'Moonlight' by Olgakk
These are all good stories...
Upcoming Stories
Ok. I'm thinking of posting another story to go along side 'The Pixie of the Dark', 'The Sister I Forgot I Knew', and 'Mission: Volturi' my polls up, and PM me if you have any suggestions or any contest I could join.
Never Make Esme Mad-Twilight-What would happen if the Cullen's played truth or dare? Carisle and Esme got tired of it and sent them to boot camp
Super Nova-Twilight-6 and a half years post -Breaking Dawn. 3 days before Renesmea's wedding/birthday. What happens when the Volturi come and a secret is remembered?
Extreme Camp-Twilight-Emmett, Bella, and Jasper are siblings. Edward, Alice and Rosalie are siblings. What happens when they all go to a extreme camp for the summer? How will a game of poker change everything? AH. AU. Canon Pairings
The Super Secret Ninja Club-The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner-What If Diego didn't show Riley what they could do? What if Bree and Diego went back and got Fred and 'got the heck out of dodge'?(This book is a part of Twilight but if I put it under that category I will get alot of people asking who these people are).
This is a couple of pictures from my fanfic 'TSIFIK'(the sister i forgot i knew) http:///users/CandiThePixi/albums/bbce7439272247dbb9c5551854a2dabd
That is Rachel, Cody, Jasper, Vanessa(Renesmea), Alice, and the Wilson Estate.
These are some pictures from Mission Volturi http:///users/CandiThePixi/albums/e06e18183d574640988faba488456233
That is the room they woke up in; basic layout of everybodies bedroom; Alice, Bella, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie,and Royce King(Your going to hear about him enough through Rosalie's POV)
These are the dresses from Chapter 7 of Mission Volturi
Alice-- http:///mission_volturi_chapter_dinner-alice/set?id=53873819
Rosalie-- http:///mission_volturi_chapter_dinner_rosalie/set?id=53874423
-Twilight Oath
I promise to remember Bella
Each time I carelessly fall down
And I promise to remember Edward
Whenever I'm out of town
I promise to obey traffic laws
For Charlies sake of course
And I promise to remember Jacob
When my heart fills with remorse
I promise to remember Carlisle
When ever I am in the Emergency Room
And I promise to remember Emmett
Every time there's a huge boom
I promise to to remember Rose
Whenever I see someone that holds pure beauty
And I promise to remember Alice
When I'm at a mall and a cute outfit spots me
I promise to remember Nessie
When I see that beautiful curly hair
And I promise to remember Esme
When someone tells me they care
I promise to remember Jasper
Whenever my emotions are unfurled
And I promise to remember the Volturi
When someone speaks of dominating the world
Yes I promise to love Twilight
Wherever I may go
So that all may see my obsession
Because I know what the Twilighters know
'Where would we be if we couldn't dream?'
If you've reread TWILIGHT over four times...
copy and paste this onto your profile.
If you read people's profiles looking for things to copy and paste...
copy and paste this into your profile.
If you or your best friend is insane,...
copy this into your profile.
If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions,...
copy this into your profile.
If you and your best friend have a physic connection that when you call each other its always at the same time so it always says line busy,...
copy this to your profile.
If you truly believe, there is an Edward Cullen somewhere for you (Doesn't mean his name has to be Edward Cullen),...
copy this into your profile
If you love Jacob Black and/or Edward Cullen...
copy this into your profile.
All the good guys are taken: they're either married, gay, or fictional characters. (So sadly true!)
.••) .•) .•).•) .•)
(.• (.•(.•(.•(.•(.• Pass the ribbon around if you know someone that has survived, died, or is living with cancer
So that's all for now.