Edwardsbff1: Who took my man journal?!

Who_let_the_dogs_out: Man journal? Really, Seth? Really?

Edwardsbff1: Hey! Man journals are very… manly.

Shewolf#1: Sure. Just as manly as a chick flick.

Claires4ever: Or a dress.

Edwardsbff1: Psh. Says the guy who plays Pretty Princess complete with make-up and tiara.

Claires4ever: Shut up.

Edwardsbff1: Anyways, did any of you take it?

Shewolf#1: Nope. Check Paul and Jared though. They've seemed suspicious lately.

Edwardsbff1: But they've been down in Las Vegas with Rebecca and Kim for the past week.

Who_let_the_dogs_out: Crap!

Edwardsbff1: What?

Who_let_the_dogs_out: Oh, I just lost a game of solitaire. Impulse reaction. Continue.

Edwardsbff1: So you're sure that none of you took it?

4everClaires: Yep. Absolutely positive.

Edwardsbff1: So sure you'd pinky promise? Remember, pinky promises mean everything.

4everClaires: Yep. Pinky promise I did not steal your "man journal". *cough* diary *cough*

Edwardsbff1: Leah?

Shewolf#1: I can't believe you guys do pinky promises. It's such a girl thing. But yes I pinky promise that I didn't steal your diary.

Edwardsbff1: Embry?

Who_let_the_dogs_out: I… I…. I can't do it. We stole it.

Shewolf#1: What the hell, Embry?!?!

Who_let_the_dogs_out: You cannot lie with a pinky promise! They mean everything. Everything!!!


Who_let_the_dogs_out: Shame on you.

Leah and Quil are in TROUBLE! Pinky promises really do mean everything. You cannot break a pinky promise. My friends and I live by this. Breaking pinky promises, even virtual ones, is just not allowed. So there.

And speaking of friends, I got the silent treatment yesterday for my use of "Mista Sista." So I am now publicly saying that I got it from in the hallway with jeans. Actually I get a lot of my ideas from her. She's the funniest one in our group of friends. (MATH GANG!!!!)

OMG!!! I just realized that I been doing this story for a year! A whole year! WOOT WOOT!