A/N: Hey guys, I'd like to thank you all so much for sticking with this story (and me)! I do apologize for the hiatus, but my beta never did come back to me :'(. Well, I hope you guys are still okay with the last few chapters being unedited... I think you should at least be able to put up with it! It's not THAT bad... I think. Anyways, it's time for a rare disclaimer to start it off.

Disclaimer: I will own Twilight when sparkly purple hedgehogs jump over rainbow waffle-cake mountains. (- As you can see, I'm in a happy mood.)

Chapter 22- Epilogue: Something Special

I stifled a giggle as the vision of Edward taking a clueless Bella to the prom floated up in my mind. I wondered what her reaction would be. Angry? Embarrassed? Oh, this was going to be fun.

After doing my own hair, I dragged Bella into the bathroom and made her sit down. She didn't want to cooperate, but knowing that I could forcefully make her stay probably dashed her hopes of escape.

"Bella, this can be hard, or this can be easy," I warned her when she refused to wear the dresses I had picked out for her.

Groaning, she relented.

The looks of pure horror on her face were absolutely priceless. I made a mental note to show them to Edward— they were hilarious. A few absolutely human moments that might be gone forever, depending on whether or not Edward chose to change her.

"Alice, I am not wearing that!" She finally spoke up, glaring at the shoe on her foot. She could only wear one shoe because the other was still securely encased in plaster.

Surprised, I studied the shoe in question. "What's so bad about it?"

The shoe was spectacular— it made her legs look long and elegant.

Bella rolled her eyes. "The heel, Alice, the heel."

As if I hadn't noticed. The stiletto heel was held on only by satin ribbons, but it looked nice on her. Besides, Edward would catch her if she tripped. "I know. Bear with me, Bella," I said.

I finally decided on a deep blue French dress, frilly and off the shoulders. I knew the way Edward felt about Bella in blue. She would thank me in time.

"Put it on," I commanded.

She groaned as she slipped it on. "Alice…"

"Bella, I don't have any human memories. Don't ruin my fun," I told her, annoyed. She sighed. If she was starting to feel sorry for me, then my words had done the trick.

So she sat without fidgeting while I played hair dresser and cosmetician.

An image of Bella crying in the car with Edward suddenly popped up. She had probably just figured out she was on the way to the prom. Brushing the makeup I'd just applied to Bella's face off, I started to apply some waterproof makeup.

Bella was silent as I styled her hair into some elaborate curls. She was pondering something.

"What?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

"What's this all about?" she asked me for the fourth time.

"You'll find out soon," I answered, sighing.

"Just tell me," she whined.

"No," I refused to give in. Edward would be seriously ticked off when he found out I'd told her about how vampires were made. He would kill me if I gave in now.

"This is hopeless," she muttered under her breath.

"Yes, it is," I trilled.

Bella rolled her eyes as she stood up, looking at herself in the reflection.

"You look great," I told her.

After a few minutes, Edward arrived. He talked with Bella for a while and left me alone to change into my dress. Bella still had no clue as to where they were going.

Laughing quietly to myself, I studied my dress. It was a black satin dress with geometric cutouts that would bare large triangles of my skin. Black was a great color for us to wear— the contrast against our pale skin was beautiful.

Slipping the dress on, I hopped into stilettos and bounced out the door, into Jasper's arms.

The dance was in the gym, like always. It was the only room in town big enough for a dance, after all. The balloon arches and twisted garlands of pastel crepe paper festooned the walls. There was something wrong. The decorations needed something like a disco ball and confetti.

I giggled as another scene played in my mind and Jasper stared at me. It was a vision of Edward carrying Bella outdoors, onto the bench beneath the shadow of the madrone trees.


"Not anything to be worried about. Let's dance," I said, taking his arm.

Soon enough, we were whirling to the music beside another couple. Rosalie and Emmett.

Everyone was giving us space to dance, so when Edward and Bella entered the gym, I found that the first people Bella laid eyes on were Jasper and I.

I met Bella's eyes on a turn, and I gave her a smile of encouragement. She would be fine.

Then I was overcome with a strange feeling— a slightly blurry vision fading into nothing. I couldn't make anything out of it. What was going to happen?

Then I realized with horror, all my visions were like that. Edward! I cried out in my mind, hoping that he would hear.

Jasper felt my panic and held me closer.

Soon enough, someone walked in through the doors. It was Jacob Black, the object of Edward's hatred. He was in a long-sleeved white shirt and tie, his hair swept back in a ponytail. He was crossing the floor to Edward and Bella.

After saying something to Edward, he put his hands on Bella's waist and she put her hands on his shoulder. Edward looked at Bella intently before walking away and leaning against the wall.

Suddenly, I saw an image, not as blurred as the previous few. Edward was still whisking Bella around outside. I sighed in relief. It would be fine.

"It's nothing," I told Jasper happily.

"I thought so," he smiled as he tenderly pressed his lips to my forehead.

In that moment, Jasper confirmed what I had thought of before. I knew that I would be happy forever with him, and that he would always be there for me.

I love you, Jasper.

A/N: Awwww! I can tell you that I'd planned for those to wrap it up since I started this story. Again, thanks for all of your support! My next story probably won't be a Twilight fanfic (I've had enough of that). I think I'll delve into the anime/manga world... THANK YOU ALL! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! "Complete" tag, here I come!