Chapter 22

Epilogue: Part One

Esme's POV

I smiled at my daughter who was standing in front of the long mirror in the hotel room. Her dark brown hair was curled and flowing down her back while her diamond veil was placed nicely on top of her head. The white dress she wore made my eyes fill with tears and my heart fill with joy. My beautiful daughter, who was once a child and now all grown up, is getting married to my son.

"Hey Mom." Bella whispered as she turned around once she spotted me standing in the doorway. I smiled and walked over to her.

"You look beautiful." I whispered as I kissed her on the cheek.

"So do you." She responds. "How are the boys?" I smiled and shake my head.

"Well, Edward is freaking out. Jacob, Emmett and Jasper have already started drinking and your father is taking another nap." I explained as Bella giggled before letting out a long sigh. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I'm just nervous. I'm scared that getting married is going to change Edward and I." She explained as she sat down on the bed nervously.

"Don't you worry about that. You two are meant to be together." I said. "Aren't you happy to know that you will be spending the rest of your lives together?" She smiled and nodded at me.

"Some people would hate to be tied down to one person forever, but I love knowing that Edward and I will be together forever." She said as there was a knock on the door. I stood up and pulled it open to find Rosalie, Alice and Angela standing there. They smiled and walked in with their dresses on.

"This is so exciting." Alice squealed in delight. I laughed and rubbed my daughters back whose face was lit up like a fire engine. "Everything is done downstairs, the boys are ready and the band is ready to play."

"Do you need some time alone? You only have a couple more minutes of being a free girl." Angela said with a huge smile on her face. Bella laughed and shook her head.

"No, it's fine you guys." She said. "Alice, thank you so much for organising the wedding. Rose, Angela, thank you for taking me to the spa when I was getting too stressed out and thank you mom who kept me sane throughout the past couple of months. I don't know what I would have done without you guys." Alice awed and then pulled us all into a group hug.

"Alright, let's get going." Rosalie said. I smiled and picked up the trail of my daughter's wedding dress. We walked downstairs and jumped into the white Rolls Royce Phantom that was parked outside of the hotel. It felt like we were driving forever when we suddenly pulled up at the entrance to the gardens where Edward and Bella would be getting married. We helped her out and made sure that she was presentable. There were more than six hundred people attending this wedding. So many people cared and loved my children. I took a deep breath and tried to stop the tears from falling. Bella turned to look at me before smiling.

"Don't cry, mom." Bella said as she wrapped me in a hug.

"I can't help it. My babies getting married." I whimpered. "You both are all grown up." Bella smiled and kissed my cheek. I took one last glance at her before walking up the front to my seat. Thankfully, I had wiped away the tears before I came out or I would have looked like a blubbering mess.

Only a few minutes after I had sat down, the music started playing. I smiled and stood up along with everyone else. I watched happily as Alice, Rosalie and Angela walked down the aisle with Jasper, Emmett and Ben by their sides. It won't be long until they are the ones getting married as well. Just as they had made it to the front I saw my daughter and my husband step out.

And before I knew it, I was crying all over again.

Edward's POV

I had been nervous the entire day. I was scared that Bella would suddenly realise that I wasn't good enough for her. She was such as special person and deserved the best in life. I vowed that I would give that to her.

Dad came into the hotel room a couple of hours before we were meant to leave to give me the talk about how I should treat Bella as a husband. But I stopped him as soon as he started talking and told him my intentions. He happily smiled and gave me a hug.

Time seemed to fly and before I could ever contemplate everything, I was standing in front of the alter waiting for my beloved fiancé. As soon as the music started, I turned around and looked for the beautiful woman that I would be spending the rest of my life with.

My smile grew as I watched Bella and dad walk down the aisle. She looked even more beautiful that she naturally is. As she made it to the front podium, dad kissed her cheek and helped her step up. She smiled at me gripped onto my hand tightly.

"You didn't trip." I mumbled to her as the minister greeted the guests. She blushed and bumped me with her hip. I chuckled and looked at the minister. Everything was to surreal that I didn't even have time to take everything in before I was being told to kiss the bride. Which I happily did.

Bella's POV

I am officially Mrs Isabella Marie Cullen. I hadn't stopped smiling since Edward kissed me at the alter. Everyone was cheering for us happily and was eager for us to have our first dance as a married couple together. But I'm pretty sure Emmett was just excited to get back to the reception so he could eat and drink. It seems as though he had never truly grown up.

"Man alive." Edward said as we slid into the car. "That had to be the most scariest moment in my entire life." I laughed as he wiped his sweaty hands on his pants.

"Tell me about it." I sighed. "I'm pretty sure I peed a little when I saw everyone staring." Edward chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. I leant into his chest and closed my eyes. I had no idea how draining your own wedding could be. And it had just started.

"Tired already, love?" Edward whispered. I nodded as he kissed the top of my head. "It should be a good fifteen minutes before we get to the reception. Alice wants us to circle the block a couple of times while she gets everyone into their seats." I nodded and fell asleep.

"Wakey, wakey, my lovely wife." Edward whispered as he kissed my ear. I groaned and shook my head. He chuckled before caressing my cheek. "You have to get up or I will have to carry you into the reception." I lifted my head and let out a yawn.

"I bet Emmett's already into the alcohol." I said as Edward helped me out of the car. Edward laughed and agreed.

"Love, he was already into the alcohol at ten o'clock this morning." Edward explained. I groaned knowing that in half an hour he was going to be break dancing on the dance floor like a maniac.

"I can already tell how this is going to end." I said as we walked in hand in hand. The guests erupted into cheers as we walked in. We made our way straight to the dance floor where I was being forced to slow dance. You would not believe how many times I had begged Alice to skip this part of the wedding process. But she wouldn't have it. I spent six hours a week at a dance studio for an entire month being taught how to slow dance for one small bit in the wedding that would take less that forty seconds to complete.

"Don't worry, I've got you." Edward whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I held on for dear life and prayed that this would be over soon. And it was. The music stopped and suddenly became up beat. I let out a sigh of relief and could not have gotten off the dance floor quick enough. We sat down at our table and watched everyone dance. Family members and friends from all over the country came and congratulated us.

"Alrighty, it's time to cut the cake." Alice said happily into the microphone. I looked over to the magnificent cake, which was standing next to Emmett who looked like he wanted to gobble the entire thing up. I smiled and walked over with Edward. I placed my hand on the knife while Edward placed his hand on top and together we cut the cake. Everything seemed like a fairytale today and could not last long enough. Edward placed a kiss on the side of my lip before grabbing a handful of cake. It all went in slow motion and I luckily had time to grab a handful myself before my face was smothered in red velvet cake. I shoved my hand in Edward's face and managed to put it everywhere. We both laughed at each other while trying to ignore the fact that Alice was inspecting my dress for any cake stains.

"Bella, this is a very expensive dress." She shrieked. I rolled my eyes and patted her head as she continued to twist and turn me around. I laughed with the rest of my family about Alice's ways before happily enjoying a meal. We laughed, danced, smiled and shared memories all night.

I was honestly sad that our wedding day was going to be over in a couple more hours, but happy that Edward and I would be together for the rest of our lives.

~*~ Author's Notes ~*~

Hey guys! I know that I haven't updated in a few months so I thought that I should take some time to write another chapter. I wanted to let you guys know that this will be the second to last chapter and that the final epilogue will be out in the next week or two.

Please remember to review and let me know what you think.

Thanks, love emily007.