Just the Facts, Ma'am

By bronzehairedgirl

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the authors. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

A/N: After realizing my list of facts was almost a page long I decided to put this in a chapter of its own rather than listing them in the author's note in every chapter. I wanted it to be clear what things are known and what things I made up.

Emmett "facts" we know from Stephenie:

Facts are in bold.

Things we can imply from the facts are in italics.

1. Emmett's last name was McCarty.

2. Emmett was the youngest of a huge Scotch-Irish-American brood.

3. Emmett was from Gatlinburg, TN.

4. The bear attack happened in 1935 when Emmett was 20 years old. The bear that mauled him must have been a black bear because there are no grizzly bears in the Appalachian Mountains.

5. Emmett was born in 1915.

6. Since Emmett thought his change was the fires of Hell and he figured he had earned that end,we know that Emmett must have had some colorful experiences as a human. (But he couldn't have done anything too bad -- he's Emmett!)

7. He loves any kind of competition or challenge.

8. He likes to gamble with Jasper.

9. We know that Emmett has a 4.0 like the other Cullens, so he's smart.He may not have been overly educated as a human, but he was not and is not stupid.

10. He was mauled by the bear and Rosalie saved him. He reminded her of her friend's baby, the baby she would never have, and she couldn't let him die.

11. He thought Rosalie was an angel and fell madly in love with her. He will do anything for Rosalie.

12. He loves his family and will do whatever it takes to protect them. He considers Bella a part of the family. He's a great brother.

13. He's straightforward and says exactly what he thinks. He doesn't edit.

Everything else is from the fantasy world inside my Emmett-obsessive brain. It's a lovely place to be! ;D