Author has written 10 stories for Inuyasha, Danny Phantom, Labyrinth, Tales of Symphonia, Twilight, S.A, Lord of the Rings, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Harry Potter, and Morganville Vampires. Hey peoples. I know I haven't been writing a lot lately, but am currently in college and will be taking over 20 units this semester. Also, I am working on writing my own original story. A novel if you will. And that will be taking first priority over fanfictions. Do not worry though, I haven't forgotten about this place, I just haven't had time or much inspiration to write much more than one-shots . . . and even those haven't come to me lately. . . I won't stop writing, I know I'll never get better if I do, but any stories or updates will be much MUCH slower. I refuse to allow anyone to discourage me from writing. So yeah. That's all I got to say. Have a good life. - Story News: I'm a WHAT?! - (Discontinued) Notes: Basically, I don't like the story that I have and if I have time or if my inspiration plagues me with thoughts of this story, I will write a better version . . . but don't hold your breath. Phantom Castle -(Hiatus. Will be re-worked.) Notes: Chapters 11 and 13 have been edited to keep a plot and help make character development. I am not a Sue! LOTR Self-Insert - (Hiatus. Unfortunately will likely be discontinued.) Notes: Basically me wanting to write a LOTR fanfic and wanting to prove to myself that I'm not a Sue-ish person. I'm scared. The Labyrinth Rebeaten - (On Hiatus. Will likely be discontinued.) Notes: ... Fanfic of a TOS Fanfic (Discontinued. Sorry.) Notes: Basically what the title says. I'm doing this for an author who I find is very funny and I enjoy her works. While reading one of her stories, I saw her ask for fanfictions of her work so . . . this was born . . . besides, I kinda wanted to bug her characters anyways . . . I'm Surrounded By Vampires (Working on Chapter 4/Hiatus) Notes: This is a Twilight/Morganville Vampires crossover. My two favorite Vamp series. I'm doing this for my own entertainment really. Chapter 4 is coming along slowly, but bear with me here, it is coming along . . . just not as quickly as some of you seem to be hoping for and due to a flamer I don't have much inspiration for this anymore . . . T-T Early Morning - (Finally up and Finished!!) Notes: The summary really explains everything, but this is a one-shot. Pairings are Hikari/Kei and it is for my friend animefreak1457. :) Love at First Fight - (Hiatus.) Notes: A Guardians of Ga'Hoole story I posted to feed my own curiousity. Will be 3 to 5 chapters long. I WILL finish this. You're Still You - (One shot, up and finished.) Notes: A Harry Potter one-shot. The summary really says it all. My first Harry Potter story. This is all. Favorite Pairings: (just cause I want to entertain you guys somehow) Danny Phantom: Sam/Danny - Duh. Tucker/Valerie - It's CUTE!! And I don't exactly like the whole Tucker/Jazz pairing. Though, it sometimes can't be helped in certain stories, I suppose . . . sigh Kwan/Star - Okay, not a major pairing, but I still think it's kinda cute. Kwan's not so bad, and neither is Star . . . they just . . . follow the cool crowd . . . that's all. LOTR: Arwen/Aragorn: Freaking Canon people! And it's quite the love story going on behind the scenes. (smiley) Sam/Rosie: More Canon! Le gasp! But cute still. I'm sure she's what motivates Sam to try and get back home safely. (smile) InuYasha: Kagome/InuYasha - Duh. That's what I'm basing my I'm a WHAT?! story on. Miroku/Sango - Once again, Duh. Rin/Kohaku - Skee!! So cute!! Sessy/Rin - When she grows up people! Which is why this comes after the Rin/Kohaku pairing Kagura/Sessy - . . . which would have never worked out because (SPOILER ALERT!!) she dies before the end of the manga T-T Kagome/Sessy - Gah! I've been converted . . . but it can work if it's written correctly. Harry Potter: Harry/Ginny - Yet again, Duh. The series is over, this is who he ends up with. That's it. Hermione/Ron - I was so rooting for this pairing from . . . the third book onwards. (smiley) Lilly/James - I know they're dead, but still!! Lupin/Tonks - Took me by surprise, but I love it. (grin) Scorpius/Rosie - Second gen. You won't get it if you haven't finished the seventh book. I just think it would be cute . . . and . . . interesting (evil chuckle) Twilight: Alice/Jasper - Duh. Easily my favorite couple, not to mention characters of the entire series. Rosalie/Emmet - Duh. Carlisle/Esme - And Duh. Special A: Hikari/Kei - I just love the chemestry (evil chuckle) Akira/Tadashi - Ah . . . tough young love . . . and poor Tadashi . . . (evil grin) Yahiro/Megumi - So CUTE!! Sakura/Jun - I really liked the development of this pairing . . . and now it's official! (grins) Ryuu/Finn - I would still love it even if Finn were a guy like . . . oh wait . . . spoilers for those who haven't gotten that far . . (zips lips) Morganville Vampires: Shane/Claire - So CUUUUTEEEE!! And Shane's so HOOOOOOOTTTTT!! Michael/Eve - Eve is NOT a fang-banger!! This is true love peoples!! And Michael is AWSOME! Amelie/Sam - It's adorable. Even if Amelie is the ice queen. -.- 1/2 Prince: Prince/Feng Lan/Gui - Kyaa!! Gui's such a romantic! He can't live without Prince!! Prince/Feng Lan/Wicked - I like this couple too . . . I think that if Feng Lan can't make up her mind between the two guys, then she should just have one in the game and one in real life. (smiley) Yulian/Wolf-nii - It's IN the story! Don't touch this pairing!! . . . . That's all I can think of for right now. Thanks for your patience! |