Merry Christmas! n.n Hope you all have a great day! God Bless! :D

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Of Christmas In This Chance

"…You don't think it was too much, do you?" Lloyd frowned deeply, looking up toward the stairs, his head propped up on his hand.

"Nah, it was nothing he didn't need," Zelos shrugged, slouching in a chair with his feet propped up on the small table.

"Zelos, get your feet off there!" Sheena scoffed. "You didn't even tell us what happened with you!"

"What?" he scoffed. "I just got back, he's probably having a moment to think about all of this stuff, it's not like this can kill him. Wasn't my idea to begin with…"

"Okay, so who was Christmas Past?" Lloyd frowned. "I mean, I didn't see anyone leave anywhere…"

As he said this his exsphere gleamed just a bit, but no one took any notice. Lloyd sighed a bit more and then looked back at the stairs, biting his lip. After a moment he got up, unable to stay seated any longer.

"I'm going to see if he's okay-" he began.

"Leave him," Yuan cut in, glaring a bit, "It's his lesson to learn, Lloyd, you can't do this for him."


The sound of a door opening drew their attention, all eyes shooting to the stairs. Slowly the sounds of feet meeting creaking wooden steps came to their eyes, and the purple-clad man descended into their midst. They all merely watched him as he came onto the first floor, his eyes somewhat misty as he looked at them.

"…D-" Lloyd began.

"That was a senseless thing to do, Lloyd," Kratos spat icily, marching up to his son.

"S- Senseless-? What'd I-?"

"Using the Eternal Sword for something like this, it was downright childish," the man spat, crossing his arms, "The most powerful object in the universe is not yours to fool with at your whims."

"B- But-" Lloyd stammered, put off at his father's glare.

"Oh hell, don't you dare-!" Zelos began.

He cut off quite abruptly, seeing as his- along with everyone else's- mouths dropped. Kratos had pulled Lloyd near into a tight hug, the brown-haired boy's eyes going wide in shock. The man held his son close, burying his face into his hair as he brought one hand to feather through the brown locks.

"D- D-?!" Lloyd stammered, his mouth agape.

"I'm so sorry, Lloyden…" Kratos choked softly, so only Lloyd could hear, "I'm so sorry…"

"I…you…?" he blinked, in shock.

Kratos pushed him back, holding him at arm's length. Lloyd could only continue to stare at him as Kratos looked him up and down, soaking his appearance, his presence, every little detail of the most precious person in his existence.

"Dad? Are you okay…?" Lloyd trailed, frowning a bit. "I- It didn't make you go nuts, did it-?"

"No," Kratos shook his head, "No, not at all, Lloyd… I am…a lot better than I have been in a very long time."

The man looked at his son one more time before a smile, as warm as the first rays of spring, flourished onto his face. Lloyd gaped at the man, as did everyone, as the angel smiled and then gave a light chuckle, placing his hand on Lloyd's head only to fondle with his hair.

"Thank you, Lloyden," he smiled gently, his eyes gleaming with warmth, "You….never cease to amaze me."

"…" he could only stare back, blinking once or twice.

"Okay, who spiked my eggnog?" Yuan asked, holding up his glass.

"No one, secondly, that's whiskey," Raine sighed.

"Oh…right," he said, eying the glass before shrugging and taking another swig, "It's still pretty messed up."

"I suppose it is unlike me, hm?" Kratos sighed, his smile gone, looking at his friend. "I apologize, my friend."

Yuan spat the liquor all over the floor, damn near drenching Regal, who flinched and scooted away.

"Woah, your what?" he shook his head, staring at the man. "You…you haven't call me that in-"

"Centuries, I am aware," he closed his eyes, "Forgive me, Yuan, but I have something more important to do as of now."

He turned to Lloyd, who was still unable to register a real reaction. Kratos frowned as he locked eyes with him, the warm gleam in his eyes vanished without a trace.

"I'd like to speak with you, Lloyden," he said.

"Huh-? I- Y- Yeah!" he nodded rapidly. "S- Sure! Be right back guys!"

Kratos turned and headed back upstairs without another word, Lloyd dashing off after him. Of course, this left the remainder of his companions speculating, but they were not of the concern of either Aurion at the moment. Once upstairs, Lloyd closed the door, nervously looking at his father. Before he spoke, Kratos did so in his stead.

"I have not been a very…good father, have I?" he frowned.

"W- What-? N- No! Not at all, Dad! You're not a bad-"

Kratos raised an eyebrow, which caused Lloyd to attempt to speak a moment more before closing his mouth, glancing away.

"I apologize, Lloyden," Kratos' face fell, "That I…am not the kind of father you deserve, however…I have…learned, something throughout this entire…event."

He closed his eyes, silent for a moment as Lloyd fidgeted a bit.

"…I have…been causing you pain, have I not?"

"Well…" the boy trailed, biting his lip.

"…Lloyd, I know that I am not the kind of person you deserve to be your father, I know that I am not worthy of forgiveness, however I want to…try, to be," he opened his eyes, looking at his son. "I…lost you once, Lloyden, and quite honestly…though you may think me selfish, I truly…do not want to lose you again."

His voice cracked somewhat on the last few words, his thoughts drifting back to what he had just seen. He took a deep breath and approached Lloyd again, frowning deeply.

As much as he hated to admit, Zelos had been right…he had this chance, for some reason, and…there was no point in not taking it. In the beginning, when he thought only he himself would suffer, he didn't think he should take it. Though now, now that he knew- or rather, finally acknowledged- that Lloyd was suffering, still, a s a result of his actions… Habits were not easy to break. This was true, and even m ore truthfully, Kratos did not expect to change much of who he was, despite that, he was willing to try to change in some ways… He had to change, at least in the ways that harmed his child. That and…it was true, was it not? He lived in the past, he clung to it, and…if he didn't loosen his grip on it, Lloyd would slip from his fingers instead…. He couldn't hold on to both of them, he realized that now…

Though behind all this 'logic', all these thoughts, he found himself realizing something, a hidden bubble of raw emotion caged behind the bars of his steeled 'logic'.

The small part of him that was still human, still a father made its case loud and clear.

He loved Lloyd, and couldn't bear to lose him, not ever again.

"Heh heh," Lloyd grinned.

"Hm?" Kratos frowned.

"Aw, Dad…I didn't want you to get all mushy on me…" he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as his face flushed, "I…I just wanted you to cheer up a bit, really, I'm…I'm sorry, I guess I overdid it-"

"Lloyden," Kratos interrupted.

"H- Huh? Yes?" Lloyd blinked.

Kratos smiled gently, slowly putting his hand on Lloyd's head again.

"…I love you, my son," he whispered.

Lloyd's jaw dropped somewhat, his eyes widening as he looked up at his father. Kratos feathered the teen's hair a bit and Lloyd slowly smiled as well, his eyes misting up.

"Aw, dang it, Dad!" he laughed. "What did I just say about mushy stuff!? I did over-do it!"

His laugh faltered as a sob caught in his throat… Then he hugged his father tightly, smiling widely to himself as the man's eyes widened somewhat, having not expected the same gift in return, though he did slowly wrap his arms around the boy once more. A smile of contentment, of peace graced his lips but a moment before it fell oncemore.

"Well, truthfully, I do plan on lecturing you on that later," he frowned, "but I'll let it go for now, after all…"

Lloyd drew back, raising an eyebrow as his father smirked slightly.

"It is Christmas."

The teen grinned widely.

So it was for that moment, for that day, everything was as it should be. A family, that had long ago been separated, then reunited, had began their first step toward a beautiful, loving relationship. Now of course, this was not the end of their trials, nor is it the end of the story, for a story no matter what length is merely a prologue to what will come after it. No matter the tribulation, the fact is it too shall pass, it too is a prologue, and once it is over, one's story begins. This must all keep in mind during their lives, and brought to light especially on the most holy of days. With that, a beginning begins, and love for family, for friends, for life begins to truly take its hold, and on no better day to do it then on the most loving of days… Yes, for that moment, for that day, everything was fine.

"So will you go caroling with us?" Lloyd asked as they headed downstairs.

"Don't push your luck."

Well, that was probably pretty cheesey…but that's how it came out n.n' Besides, it's Christmas, and dang nabit I'm treating myself and everyone to this fluff X3

Merry Christmas! n.n