Author has written 36 stories for Ronin Warriors, Gundam Wing/AC, Lord of the Rings, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Prince of Tennis, Final Fantasy VIII, Supernatural, and Sailor Moon.
Most of my stories are Lord of the Rings (all focusing on Legolas and/or Estel/Aragorn), but I also write for a variety of other fandoms. Some have shounen-ai/slash, but most don't. It's easier to write fics that don't have romance in them, although those do seem to be the popular ones, lol. I am planning on straying from LotR, though, and taking a dip into some other fandoms. Hopefully I won't drown...
Be sure to check out my favorite authors (fandoms vary). They're there because they have too many good stories to favorite all of them. :D
Fair Warning: If my story's genre says Tragedy there is more than likely a main character death, so don't even chance it if you're not okay with that.
Ignore practically all of my author's notes from earlier stories. Most of them are extremely pointless while I ramble on and on. One day I'll edit my stories and take them out, but until then...
You can't help who you fall in love with
Just as you can't help who your children are.
Sites (Same username)
LiveJournal - Update info, info about new/current fics, and previews for upcoming fics.
deviantART - Some of my art, traditional as well as photographs.
I can't believe it. Seven years. Seven years. I just... Well... I'm barely still around. (Even been two years since updating my profile!) I still truly do hope to post another story. It is a goal of mine. Still. An important goal. I really would love to finish a story and feel confident enough about it to post it (mostly even finish at this point). It's been said many times before, but hopefully by the end of this year. Regardless of the fact that there's more going on in my life. I miss writing and posting.