Author has written 2 stories for Ranma, Urusei Yatsura, and Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple.
Hello, you found the profile of Zeneger.
I can only hope that the readers will enjoy my creations as much as I enjoy(ed) writing them.
"Respect others as much as they do you. Otherwords: Kick their ass!"
My fanfics:
The Invader And The Emperor -
(Ranma 1/2 /Lum crossover) To those who liked this fic it is sad to say but I kind of ran into a dead end with it. Not sure when or even if I will ever continue with this. What I can say is that I might start from the begining. Focusing more on Lum and Ranma that what I did previously.
Historyes Strongest Disciple Ranma? (Ranma 1/2 / Historyes Strongest Disciple Kenichi) -
The most read fanfic. Still far from finishing it. Gotta fasten the pace since the story bogged down after I lost a few files and had to rewrite them. Hopefully it won't be abandoned.
Work in progress:
Legend of the Crescent Moon(Ranma 1,5 / Inuyasha/ Sailor Moon)
Still workin on the frame work. It's not easy.
Pairing you won't see from me:
ANY kind of YAOI or YURI(unless it's cannon like Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune for example
Cannon pairings(Unless I feel it's jutified, so no Ranma/Akane pairing)
This list could go on for a while but I guess you get my point.
Favorite Characters:
Ranma 1/2:
Ranma - No word can describe how much potential he has. Probably one of the few characters in anime that can work in almost any other universe without too much problem.
Herb - A pretty good opponent with a good motivation, probably the best in the whole seriessad. Kind of sad that that he never returned.
Happosai - The anoying, perverted, selfish grandmaster. What's not to like about him?:D
Ukyo - Probably the most normal girl Ranma will ever meet.
Nabiki - She had a lot of potential to be a great character but just like everyone else she got two dimensional. Let's give her some much needed love.
Goku - He's a hero who puts his goal before anything. Who can't understand this won't like him.
Vegeta - Cocky, cruel and probably one of the two characters who try to get things done. It's kind of sad that he never gets to be the hero since that spot is reserved for Goku and sometimes Gohan.
Sesshoumaru - Probably the only character in the WHOLE series that acts like one should in the year 1600. Rumiko failed big time with that
Inuyasha - He's cool but he gets emotional too many times for my taste. Not to mention all the time wasted on his relationships. Also his sword is more of an army knife.
Hyper Police:
Sakura - Pure awsomefox.
Urusei Yatsura:
Benten - She is a hot biker girl from SPACE... what's not to like?
Lum - A little too much temper but still lovable.
Sakaki - No words... he is just lovable.:D
Shigure - Funny swordswoman with an awsome mouse.
Hermit - I'm sad he doesn't get enough screen time.